trump: oblivious moron or psychotically narcissistic oblivious moron?

As a picker Hendrix's style of play always fascinated me.

Most players use the tips of their fingers on the fret board [except when doing bar chords] but Hendrix used the ends of his fingers a lot yet managed to get a clean sound. Also I can watch a clip of Bonamasa or even Stevie Ray and get a good idea what their doing---not that I can do the same things lol, but what they do makes sense, technically.

Hendrix was out there. He was such a unique player in so many ways.
Ive noticed his fingrs are large. Looks like he is wrapping them around the neck at times
Ive noticed his fingrs are large. Looks like he is wrapping them around the neck at times

Yeah, he had big hands.

The thing with the thumb around the neck is pretty common though. You almost have to do that to mute the E and A strings if you're playing loud through an amp or it can sound pretty messy. Especially, if you lack good control like me lol.

Also, you can use your thumb to add a bass line to whatever you're playing.

What the hell is the thread topic here anyway lol.
Let us re-recap. You follow here a whine about "extraneous junk" with some extraneous junk about the Nuland tape
1.) I did not say the tape is phony. I said you cannot show it is legitimate. I did that as part of pointing out your sloppiness in debate.
2.) When I pointed out you neglected to mention the citations you used to represent the tapes as being legitimate themselves said they could not confirm legitimacy, you got pissy and have since resorted to stamping your feet and crying "Is so, is so, IS SO!"
3.) If the tape is real, it says nothing about the corruption of Putin's puppet regime in the Ukraine.
4.) I pointed out before that I did not say the US was motivated significantly to rescue the Ukrainians from such corruption. I pointed out the corruption to counter your characterization that the Ukrainian revolt against said corruption and foreign domination was really just a US coup.
5.) The US was frustrated over divisions within the EU at how to respond Putin imperialism. Pretending those divisions meant the US was going against the wishes of the EU is more of your casual dishonesty.
6.) What a divided EU wanted or didn't want was less important in my view than was what the Ukrainian people wanted.
7.) US/NATO "meddling" by contributing a million dollars in a Russian puppet state where the people resent the corruption and foreign domination by a Putin with indisputable imperial ambitions is to be expected. It is certainly morally more viable than is Putin's forceful domination and ensuing military invasion. I know. You explained how morality is irrelevant to a Deplorable Putin bot.
8.) Other examples of your casual regard for the truth include the way you crab-walked from claiming the Ukrainian leader threatened to kick the Russians out of their naval base to backing it up with a reference to him threatening to bar one ship to pointing to the renewal of the lease as proof the Ukrainians were going to kick the Russians out. You also crab-walked from "ONLY" warm-water port" to well it was really important.
9.) Even that sliminess amounts to an endorsement of the bush doctrine.
10.) In the end you alibi Russian military imperialism with the weak claims they were provoked by words and military aggression is okay, when it's in your anachronistic, Détente-ish sphere of influence.

I submit that all of those things put you above and beyond a simple trump-fluffer with a hollow concept of patriotism. I suspect what you said and your easy access to so much Putin propaganda means you are a Putin bot. I could be wrong. You could be just another blame-America-first trumpling.
10.) You whimper that I did not read your links. Would you care to explain then how I knew they did all claimed they could not confirm the legitimacy of your assertion?

You gotta be shitting me...
This gets a "groan" from Sayshit. But even more ironic coming from pinheads clamoring for intelligent debate yet hanging-on here only to ankle-bite and snipe-- Millie still advertises he has you on hide-from. What a bunch of airheaded twinks.
You'd think we hadn't explained why we're here.
You gotta be shitting me...
This gets a "groan" from Sayshit. But even more ironic coming from pinheads clamoring for intelligent debate yet hanging-on here only to ankle-bite and snipe-- Millie still advertises he has you on hide-from. What a bunch of airheaded twinks.
You'd think we hadn't explained why we're here.

You're here to be counseled by me.

The left is lost and wondering in the electoral wilderness. All the while, carping-up their Russia-phobia coupled with tinfoil hat notions of Trump pissing on Russian whores to the delight of Vladie Boy.

Ignore your media overlords and listen to Darth---he will lead you to the light.
You're here to be counseled by me.

The left is lost and wondering in the electoral wilderness. All the while, carping-up their Russia-phobia coupled with tinfoil hat notions of Trump pissing on Russian whores to the delight of Vladie Boy.

Ignore your media overlords and listen to Darth---he will lead you to the light.

There is a shelf life on these posts.
Ive noticed his fingrs are large. Looks like he is wrapping them around the neck at times

He would use his thumb to hold down notes. Also using a right handed guitar and restringing helped tremendously to create his signature sound. For instance, the highest notes E and B instead of being the longest strings become the shortest.

Sent from my iPhone 25S with cherries on top
You're here to be counseled by me.

The left is lost and wondering in the electoral wilderness. All the while, carping-up their Russia-phobia coupled with tinfoil hat notions of Trump pissing on Russian whores to the delight of Vladie Boy.

Ignore your media overlords and listen to Darth---he will lead you to the light.

and wondering in the electoral wilderness

what is it with you cretins?
"They sort of have two different goals here...for Donald Trump, it's sort of keeping his head above water...."

Sort of...even with water wings the man will flounder.....

"And they'll probably also sidestep the issue of climate change"

Unfortunately the treading water metaphor can't easily be paired with a head-in-the-sand image

This is, I hope, a low point...a climate change denier heading the US, the world's second largest GHG emitter, and Putin's Russia not only unconcerned about the issue, but convinced that their own future geopolitical power depends crucially on their fossil fuel assets.......
He would use his thumb to hold down notes. Also using a right handed guitar and restringing helped tremendously to create his signature sound. For instance, the bass notes E and B instead of being the longest strings become the shortest.

Sent from my iPhone 25S with cherries on top
iknow what E and B strings are,not sure I follow this though....there will never be another Jimi who kissed the sky
iknow what E and B strings are,not sure I follow this though....there will never be another Jimi who kissed the sky
A large part of his sound was achieved by virtue of being left handed and using a right handed guitar.

Sent from my iPhone 25S with cherries on top
iknow what E and B strings are,not sure I follow this though....there will never be another Jimi who kissed the sky

Basically, because he was left handed, Hendrix played his guitar upside down.

A right handed player can make absolutely no sense out of what he is [was?] doing with his right hand. I don't even try lol.
Why, IF I may ask?

Our group, to my mind is like a cyber coffee shop/tavern. A movable feast as it happens. We've been discussing current events since the Clinton impeachment fiasco.

We've gained a few and lost a few over this time and some folks join in briefly. Sometimes the thread moves fast with many conversations happening at once and sometime we'll all investigate and chime in with information drawn from around the world. Feel free to jump in. Asking questions can be good if you're truly interested in other's opinions, but be prepared for an argument if you state an opinion. About the only things I suggest avoiding is being boring, stupid or racist.

We got fed up with posts mostly like that elsewhere and are starting a new base here. Those jackasses said they were happy to see us go, but alas, some followed.
Basically, because he was left handed, Hendrix played his guitar upside down.

A right handed player can make absolutely no sense out of what he is [was?] doing with his right hand. I don't even try lol.
I used to think that he left the strings alone and just played everything upside down. It was only latterly that I realised he restrung a right handed guitar so it was still EBGDAE from the bottom up.

Sent from my iPhone 25S with cherries on top
"They sort of have two different goals here...for Donald Trump, it's sort of keeping his head above water...."

Sort of...even with water wings the man will flounder.....

"And they'll probably also sidestep the issue of climate change"

Unfortunately the treading water metaphor can't easily be paired with a head-in-the-sand image

This is, I hope, a low point...a climate change denier heading the US, the world's second largest GHG emitter, and Putin's Russia not only unconcerned about the issue, but convinced that their own future geopolitical power depends crucially on their fossil fuel assets.......

It doesn't appear anything good can come of it except the possibility that Putin exercising strength and influence over the buffoon might weaken both of them from the backlash.