trump: oblivious moron or psychotically narcissistic oblivious moron?

It does not bode well.

Forecast: U.S. dollar could plunge 90 pct

Published: Nov. 19, 2007 at 2:16 PM
RHINEBECK, N.Y., Nov. 19 (UPI) -- A financial crisis will likely send the U.S. dollar into a free fall of as much as 90 percent and gold soaring to $2,000 an ounce, a trends researcher said.

"We are going to see economic times the likes of which no living person has seen," Trends Research Institute Director Gerald Celente said, forecasting a "Panic of 2008."

"The bigger they are, the harder they'll fall," he said in an interview with New York's Hudson Valley Business Journal.

Celente -- who forecast the subprime mortgage financial crisis and the dollar's decline a year ago and gold's current rise in May -- told the newspaper the subprime mortgage meltdown was just the first "small, high-risk segment of the market" to collapse.

the 4th one is to prove I predicted the 2008 crash while being ridiculed for it here by the right
Things are getting dark

How in the hell will the Rs blame this on the Dems?

After what Los Angeles money manager Arnold Silver called "a brutal three days," the question is: What now for the market?

A Wall Street superstar this year who runs Balestra Capital Partners, Jim Melcher, says he's "worried about a recession. Not a normal one, but a very bad one. The worst since the 1930s. I expect we'll see clear signs of it in six months with a dramatic slowdown in the gross domestic product."

Balestra Capital, a $350 million New York hedge fund, was up 3% for the past three market sessions, when the Dow Jones Industrials, spearheaded by widespread declines in financial stocks and fears of more billion-dollar-plus asset write-downs, tumbled more than 677 points, or about 4.5%. The Nasdaq fared worse, skidding about 7%, triggered by across-the-board declines in those fast-stepping technology stocks.


the final one is more proof of the same
All it gets you is ridiculed and ignored. Haven't you noticed?

If I may ...

I saw the beginning of your dispute with evince. I even jumped in to chide her. Since then, I have seen her take a couple of your shots without hitting back. Seems to me you are, at a minimum, even. I say it's time to forget the feud and move on.
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hey Im forgiving

if you move onto the FACTS and dont lie

lie and divert from the topic at hand and I get pissed

No matter what party you claim

I will abandone the democratic party the minute the wealthy KILL then R party for real andn begin to nhave success buying the Dem party out

Im for facts and being decent to others

labels are pretty meaningless
My dogs need their morning back yard play session

the big boy

the little guy in the picture who is now 8 and 90lbs gets to berfing at me in his dog speak and lets me know its playtime

hes berfing

Ill be back

and we can talk the horrible election facts that the right is using to destroy democracy in America
Wasn't it just a week ago that trump repeated his boast that he had bent China to his will regarding North Korea? He was talking still about how China was trying to help him. Today the TWITter-in-Chief is bitching that China's trade with NK increased 40% in the last quarter. Even now, though, I bet the justifiably insecure weenie hasn't figured out that he got played, again. Oh well, he is still full of the paper-tiger bluster that makes his Deplorable base feel so vicariously macho.
Shame, really, after trump had invested a good twenty minutes learning all there is to know about North Korea from President Xi.
I'm in a fishing doldrum. Too hot for local fishing except really early or really late in the day or at night. Inconvenient. 4th of July means the mountains will be crowded and the fish likely traumatized to catatonia. Next week is looking monsoon-ish. Might go spend a night or two in the Williams area, anyway. Storms at 7000 feet can be awesome to look at. They don't usually last very long. Week after is better, but eastern elitist daughter is coming home for a week.

Looking to fish a lake where only single-barbless hooks are allowed. Tried that for first time on my last trip. Briefly hooked a couple of trout on a small barbless fly, but quickly lost them. The lake I'm thinking of visiting presents the opportunity to catch bigger fish. Maybe, I can do better with larger hooks on lures.
If I may ...

I saw the beginning of your dispute with evince. I even jumped in to chide her. Since then, I have seen her take a couple of your shots without hitting back. Seems to me you are, at a minimum, even. I saw it's time to forget the feud and move on.

Your opinion.
And you can freely engage as you wish. You also have a large screen. On a small screen long space using posts and repeated spam is a scrolling bother. I'd rather not iggy her but I may.

For 29 years, National Public Radio’s “Morning Edition” has celebrated the Fourth of July with a reading of the Declaration of Independence by hosts, reporters, newscasters and commentators.

This historically uncontroversial testament to the nation’s founding document proved uncontroversial-no-more in the year 2017.After NPR tweeted the accompanying text of the declaration line by line, Donald Trump backers (seemingly unaware of the source document) accused the media organization of playing partisan politics and attacking the president.

“So, NPR is calling for a revolution,” Twitter user @JustEsrafel wrote.

“Propaganda is that all you know?” another asked.

Some even taunted NPR over Trump’s budget proposal, which slashes endowments for the arts and humanities, insisting the media organization should lose federal funding for its subversive rhetoric.
Pure Bannon, and don't think he didn't mean it:

The reclusive mastermind behind President Trump’s nationalist ideology and combative tactics made his public debut Thursday, delivering a fiery rebuke of the media and declaring that the new administration is in an unending battle for “deconstruction of the administrative state.”​

Here's more on the man and where this is all heading:

“We are in an outright war against jihadists, Islam, Islamic fascism,” Bannon continued. He likewise condemned “the immense secularization of the West” and the increasing secularism among millennials.

Bannon stressed that “the people in this room, and the people in the Church” must “bind together and really form what I feel is an aspect of the Church militant, to really be able to not just stand with our beliefs but to fight for our beliefs against this new barbarity that’s starting that will literally eradicate everything that we’ve been bequeathed over the last 2,000 and 2,500 years.”

In his speech, Bannon articulated a view of the world as a constant conflict between the capitalist “Judeo-Christian West,” which is a benevolent force of “enlightenment,” and the malevolent forces of socialism, atheism, and Islam.

Trump’s chief strategist, who will now play a crucial role in crafting U.S. foreign policy and sit in on meetings of the National Security Council Principals Committee, has been described even by hard-line conservatives as an extremist.

Ultra-right-wing pundit Glenn Beck compared Bannon to the Nazi propagandist Joseph Goebbels, a close ally of Adolf Hitler, and said the Trump campaign was “grooming Brownshirts,” in reference to Nazi paramilitaries. According to Beck, Bannon is “quite possibly the most dangerous guy in all of American politics.”

Republican strategist John Weaver, who worked on Republican John Kasich’s 2016 presidential campaign, likewise warned that, with Bannon as Trump’s chief strategist, “The racist, fascist extreme right is represented footsteps from the Oval Office.” (The Ku Klux Klan and American Nazi Party praised Trump for appointing Bannon to his top positions.)

Bannon made these holy war remarks in a speech — which has previously been reported on by BuzzFeed — at the 2014 International Conference on Human Dignity, the third annual meeting organized by the Rome-based Christian organization Dignitatis Humanae Institute.​

If, of all people, Glenn Back compares him to a Nazi, and not just any Nazi but Dr. Evil Goebbels himself... well, we probably haven't seen anything like it in U.S. politics.

His opinions about Islam are offensive, but so are his claims to be representing Christians when he's shown no evidence of his following Jesus' way.
Now, there's a good laugh:

NPR Tweets Declaration Of Independence, Triggers Outrage

Continuing its 29-year tradition of broadcasting an annual reading of the Declaration of Independence on July 4, National Public Radio accompanied that broadcast with line-by-line tweets of the founding fathers’ statement Tuesday.

But some Twitter users interpreted the tweets as an attack on President Donald Trump, calling NPR “propaganda” and said the radio station was “calling for a revolution.”

ᴥ it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government,

— NPR (@NPR) July 4, 2017

there's nothing more american than getting pissed because you think the declaration of independence is shitting on the president

— Goth Ms. Frizzle (@spookperson)​

Several of the Twitter users who responded negatively to NPR’s posts deleted their accounts or deleted the tweets, with one user saying he made a “dumb comment,” but questioned whether most Americans would be able to identify the Declaration of Independent if it were read to them.​

Nah, my overall assessment of twitter-shit doesn't change at all.


I see, Moonie bested me on that story.

[FONT=&]For 29 years, National Public Radio’s “Morning Edition” has [/FONT]celebrated the Fourth of July[FONT=&] with a reading of the Declaration of Independence by hosts, reporters, newscasters and commentators.

[FONT=&]This historically uncontroversial testament to the nation’s founding document proved uncontroversial-no-more in the year 2017.[/FONT][FONT=&]After NPR tweeted the accompanying text of the declaration line by line, Donald Trump backers (seemingly unaware of the source document) accused the media organization of playing partisan politics and attacking the president.

[FONT=&]“So, NPR is calling for a revolution,” Twitter user @JustEsrafel wrote.

[FONT=&]“Propaganda is that all you know?” another asked.

Some even taunted NPR over Trump’s budget proposal, which slashes endowments for the arts and humanities, insisting the media organization should lose federal funding for its subversive rhetoric.[/FONT]

genetic gangue....
Our group, to my mind is like a cyber coffee shop/tavern. A movable feast as it happens. We've been discussing current events since the Clinton impeachment fiasco.

We've gained a few and lost a few over this time and some folks join in briefly. Sometimes the thread moves fast with many conversations happening at once and sometime we'll all investigate and chime in with information drawn from around the world. Feel free to jump in. Asking questions can be good if you're truly interested in other's opinions, but be prepared for an argument if you state an opinion. About the only things I suggest avoiding is being boring, stupid or racist.

We got fed up with posts mostly like that elsewhere and are starting a new base here. Those jackasses said they were happy to see us go, but alas, some followed.
Boring, stupid and racist is/was a constant. What changed is that one of the mods (at the last stop) is a fascist Nazi goon.
His opinions about Islam are offensive, but so are his claims to be representing Christians when he's shown no evidence of his following Jesus' way.

He does follow the way of Jesus every day. What would be more Christian than to leave those in need, in dire straits, sick, hungry, disabled, or otherwise down on their luck hang out to dry, as the "deconstruction of the adminstrative state" is sure to accomplish?

You're 'posed to say it's a "typo" but you didn't even see the problem. "lol" yourself.

That one has a perfect, admirable record: The more inane his comment, the more likely he reinforces it with a drooling giggle.
not an Xian,but I was in an earlier part of my life.

Christ never said the state has to provide, he did say we of good conscience need to practice faith hope and charity