trump: oblivious moron or psychotically narcissistic oblivious moron?

the Dbags lost to the Dogers

LA is so loved even the angels try to claim they are from LA

The Angels are from L.A. Geographically half of Orange County is in the Los Angeles Basin. The local weather is segmented into microclimates L.A. and Orange County / Valleys / Mountains / High Desert / Inland Empire (low desert).

The "Los Angeles Angels" name originates from the first Los Angeles-based sports team, the Los Angeles Angels, who took the name "Angels" from the English translation of "Los Angeles", which means "The Angels" in Spanish. The team name started in 1892; in 1903, the team name continued in L.A. through the PCL, which is now a minor league affiliate of MiLB. The Angels franchise of today was established in MLB in 1961 after former owner Gene Autry bought the rights to continue the franchise name from Walter O'Malley, the former Los Angeles Dodgers owner who had acquired the franchise from Phil Wrigley, the owner of the Chicago Cubs at the time. As stated in the book Under the Halo: The Official History of Angels Baseball, "Autry agreed to buy the franchise name for $350,000, and continue the history of the previously popular Pacific Coast League team as his own expansion team in the MLB."[SUP][2][/SUP] After the Angels joined the Major Leagues, some players from the Angels' PCL team joined the Major League Angels in 1961.
An expansion franchise, the club continued in Los Angeles as the Los Angeles Angels, and played their home games at Los Angeles' Wrigley Field (not to be confused with Chicago's stadium of the same name), which had formerly been the home of the PCL Los Angeles Angels. The Angels were one of two expansion teams established as a result of the 1961 Major League Baseball expansion, along with the second incarnation of the Washington Senators (now Texas Rangers). The team then moved in 1962 to newly built Dodger Stadium, which the Angels referred to as Chavez Ravine, where they were tenants of the Los Angeles Dodgers through 1965.

Members of the Tongva, Juaneño, and Luiseño Native American groups long inhabited the area. After the 1769 expedition of Gaspar de Portolà, a Spanish expedition led by Junipero Serra named the area Valle de Santa Ana (Valley of Saint Anne). On November 1, 1776, Mission San Juan Capistrano became the area's first permanent European settlement. Among those who came with Portolá were José Manuel Nieto and José Antonio Yorba. Both these men were given land grants—Rancho Los Nietos and Rancho Santiago de Santa Ana, respectively. The Nieto heirs were granted land in 1834. The Nieto ranches were known as Rancho Los Alamitos, Rancho Las Bolsas, and Rancho Los Coyotes. Yorba heirs Bernardo Yorba and Teodosio Yorba were also granted Rancho Cañón de Santa Ana (Santa Ana Canyon Ranch) and Rancho Lomas de Santiago, respectively. Other ranchos in Orange County were granted by the Mexican government during the Mexican period in Alta California.[SUP][11][/SUP]
A severe drought in the 1860s devastated the prevailing industry, cattle ranching, and much land came into the possession of Richard O'Neill, Sr.,[SUP][12][/SUP] James Irvine and other land barons. In 1887, silver was discovered in the Santa Ana Mountains, attracting settlers via the Santa Fe and Southern Pacific Railroads.
This growth led the California legislature to divide Los Angeles County and create Orange County as a separate political entity on March 11, 1889. The county is said to have been named for the citrus fruit in an attempt to promote immigration by suggesting a semi-tropical paradise–a place where anything could grow.[SUP][13],_California[/SUP]
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It does not bode well.

Forecast: U.S. dollar could plunge 90 pct

Published: Nov. 19, 2007 at 2:16 PM
RHINEBECK, N.Y., Nov. 19 (UPI) -- A financial crisis will likely send the U.S. dollar into a free fall of as much as 90 percent and gold soaring to $2,000 an ounce, a trends researcher said.

"We are going to see economic times the likes of which no living person has seen," Trends Research Institute Director Gerald Celente said, forecasting a "Panic of 2008."

"The bigger they are, the harder they'll fall," he said in an interview with New York's Hudson Valley Business Journal.

Celente -- who forecast the subprime mortgage financial crisis and the dollar's decline a year ago and gold's current rise in May -- told the newspaper the subprime mortgage meltdown was just the first "small, high-risk segment of the market" to collapse.

the 4th one is to prove I predicted the 2008 crash while being ridiculed for it here by the right
You quoted Celente. I did a search, third hit shows Celente on Rick Wiles pod cast/ show /whatever. I did another search on Rick Wiles. OMG, far far far far out wing nut.
not an Xian,but I was in an earlier part of my life.

Christ never said the state has to provide, he did say we of good conscience need to practice faith hope and charity


Christ preached personal ethics and had little or nothing to say about governmental ethics.
Now, there's a good laugh:
NPR Tweets Declaration Of Independence, Triggers Outrage

Continuing its 29-year tradition of broadcasting an annual reading of the Declaration of Independence on July 4, National Public Radio accompanied that broadcast with line-by-line tweets of the founding fathers’ statement Tuesday.

But some Twitter users interpreted the tweets as an attack on President Donald Trump, calling NPR “propaganda” and said the radio station was “calling for a revolution.”
ᴥ it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government,

— NPR (@NPR) July 4, 2017

there's nothing more american than getting pissed because you think the declaration of independence is shitting on the president

— Goth Ms. Frizzle (@spookperson)​

Several of the Twitter users who responded negatively to NPR’s posts deleted their accounts or deleted the tweets, with one user saying he made a “dumb comment,” but questioned whether most Americans would be able to identify the Declaration of Independent if it were read to them.​

Nah, my overall assessment of twitter-shit doesn't change at all.


I see, Moonie bested me on that story.

I've mentioned this several times in the past. I had six months to kill between High School graduation and starting school in Ann Arbor so I hitchhiked cross country to Beverly Hills. It didn't take long before my aunt invited me to find my own place but before I moved to my own place ($75 a month 1bd in Gardena) I hung with my cousin cruisin' Malibu, playing poker with his buddies and whatever. One thing was a BHHS senior year project he was doing which involved man-in-the-street interviews on Rodeo Drive. He read the first lines of the DoI and asked people to ID the words. More than a just a few people said 'The Communist Manifesto'. This was in 1970.

New Study Finds 85% Of Americans Don't Know All The Dance Moves To National Anthem

BOSTON—According to a survey published Wednesday by historians at Boston University, more than 85 percent of Americans are unfamiliar with the upbeat, traditional dance routine intended to accompany the singing of the national anthem.Once taught in the nation's elementary schools, showcased at the start of all sporting events, and included as part of the exam for new U.S. citizens, the patriotic kicks, dips, waves, and twirls from "The Star-Spangled Banner" have nearly vanished from the public consciousness over the past century, the study found.

"From a historical perspective, it came as quite a shock that nearly nine out of 10 Americans could not recall more than a single step of what was, for many years, an essential part of civic life," said Kenneth P. O'Neill, who co-authored the report. "Most people are familiar with the dance's iconic first move, placing one's right hand over one's heart. But when we asked them what comes next—placing the left hand over the right and pumping back and forth—people had no idea what we were talking about."
In the original choreography of Francis Scott Key, the lawyer and vivacious dancer who also penned "The Star-Spangled Banner," singers begin the second line of the song by holding a salute while marching in place. Then, when "Whose broad stripes" is sung, they jump into a slightly wider than shoulder-width stance, put a hand on their hip, and slowly point across the horizon, pantomiming Key's view the morning of Sept. 14, 1814, when he awoke to see the U.S. flag still waving over Fort McHenry after a British naval bombardment.

"Surprisingly, we found very few people who knew that once the song gets to 'O'er the ramparts we watched,' you're supposed to face the person on your right, fold your arms, plant your right foot, and kick around in a clockwise three-quarter circle," said O'Neill, gracefully demonstrating the move in a traditional red, white, and blue national-anthem cape. "This sequence puts you in the right position for 'And the rockets' red glare'!"
"That's when you shimmy like there's no tomorrow," he added.
Despite the fact that there has been an official choreography in place since 1916, when Woodrow Wilson ordered "The Star-Spangled Banner" be performed at all state functions, there have been several updates and revisions to suit the needs of the times.
It's just me on a different device. I got pissed fumbling for my password and found it easier to sign up anew.
But you can pretend I'm the Late Great Yaletard posting from my yacht. ... as if that asshole could find us anyway. Or you can PM me and I'll share my recipe for chicken saltimbocca or Narcissios new handle.



[FONT=&quot][FONT=&quot][FONT=&quot]President Trump is spending part of his Fourth of July holiday at his golf club in Virginia, making it his 36th day at a golf course as president.
It's also his 50th visit to a Trump-owned venue in 165 days. The president is known for spending his weekends at Trump properties, including his Mar-a-Lago luxury resort in West Palm Beach, Fla., and golf clubs in Virginia and New Jersey.
His visits to Trump properties prompt ethics concerns over the appearance of promoting his private enterprise, as well as directly bringing venues business.

The social season is over at Mar-a-Lago, prompting Trump to turn to his New Jersey club. He also visited the golf course during a weekend trip in May.
During the campaign, Trump said that Americans should vote for him because he would rarely leave Washington, and he often faulted President Obama for his own frequent trips to the links.


New Study Finds 85% Of Americans Don't Know All The Dance Moves To National Anthem

BOSTON—According to a survey published Wednesday by historians at Boston University, more than 85 percent of Americans are unfamiliar with the upbeat, traditional dance routine intended to accompany the singing of the national anthem.Once taught in the nation's elementary schools, showcased at the start of all sporting events, and included as part of the exam for new U.S. citizens, the patriotic kicks, dips, waves, and twirls from "The Star-Spangled Banner" have nearly vanished from the public consciousness over the past century, the study found.

"From a historical perspective, it came as quite a shock that nearly nine out of 10 Americans could not recall more than a single step of what was, for many years, an essential part of civic life," said Kenneth P. O'Neill, who co-authored the report. "Most people are familiar with the dance's iconic first move, placing one's right hand over one's heart. But when we asked them what comes next—placing the left hand over the right and pumping back and forth—people had no idea what we were talking about."
In the original choreography of Francis Scott Key, the lawyer and vivacious dancer who also penned "The Star-Spangled Banner," singers begin the second line of the song by holding a salute while marching in place. Then, when "Whose broad stripes" is sung, they jump into a slightly wider than shoulder-width stance, put a hand on their hip, and slowly point across the horizon, pantomiming Key's view the morning of Sept. 14, 1814, when he awoke to see the U.S. flag still waving over Fort McHenry after a British naval bombardment.

"Surprisingly, we found very few people who knew that once the song gets to 'O'er the ramparts we watched,' you're supposed to face the person on your right, fold your arms, plant your right foot, and kick around in a clockwise three-quarter circle," said O'Neill, gracefully demonstrating the move in a traditional red, white, and blue national-anthem cape. "This sequence puts you in the right position for 'And the rockets' red glare'!"
"That's when you shimmy like there's no tomorrow," he added.
Despite the fact that there has been an official choreography in place since 1916, when Woodrow Wilson ordered "The Star-Spangled Banner" be performed at all state functions, there have been several updates and revisions to suit the needs of the times.

Nikki Haley just finished some big time saber rattling at the UN. She threatened trade sanctions against China and fairly blatantly threatened unilateral military action unless the world agrees to an impending US resolution for heavier sanctions against NK and anyone who trades with them. There was, of course, the obligatory kow towing flattery to her own Dear Leader in the process.
It will be interesting to see if China can be intimidated and how much cooperation trump can get from allies he has been insulting. Also be interesting to find out who would be hurt more by a trade fight with China, them or us, figuring in that a dictatorship can take more pain for its people than can a wannabe dictatorship.

OMG, it's worse than can be imagined. Celente comes on in about half an hour into the audio. Shockingly awful. I wanted to listen to the audio on peeling an onion quick and that was going on. I had clicked on the Trunews page following up on Evince's claim to have predicted the 2008 crash by citing that fucking nutcase. I had to close a bunch of tabs until I found where that obnoxious noise was coming from.