trump: oblivious moron or psychotically narcissistic oblivious moron?

Secondary question is whether the impulsive ignoramus can garner any more support for his North Korea bluster from allies he has insulted and who represent populations who are too-well educated and lacking a need for scapegoats to be suckered by the ham-fisted con man.

Yes, some are too-well educated lol.

They've lost their common sense and it's reflected in their immigration policy. It's literally a kind of insanity.
The EU needed a poke in the eye.

Maybe you haven't noticed, but Europe was being divided before Trump came along. Immigration has been a contentious issue over there.

Europe has spent all of its history divided and it became correspondingly weak. Putin would like to nip any unification and strengthening in the bud, and his bitch trump is helping him out. And yes, immigration has been a contentious issue over there. Stoking fear and offering scapegoats has long been a right-wing strategy to promote this division. Except for the Brexit fiasco, however, those who have been more attacked by terrorism have shown much more courage and honor in standing by their principles of compassion, liberty, and justice than have the more sheltered and shameful hysterics who make up the Deplorable herd here.
Yes, some are too-well educated lol.

They've lost their common sense and it's reflected in their immigration policy. It's literally a kind of insanity.

It is appropriate that an inane, girly giggle has become the signature of one arguing against education in favor of a supposed "common sense." Rightard "common sense" is what has made the Deep South America's Third World. Nobody wants to click their ruby slippers together and return to the economic disaster in Kansas that Brownback promised would be a trickle-on paradise.

In fact, liberal trickle-up has always worked. Trickle-on has nothing but excuses for why it never has.
Europe has spent all of its history divided and it became correspondingly weak. Putin would like to nip any unification and strengthening in the bud, and his bitch trump is helping him out. And yes, immigration has been a contentious issue over there. Stoking fear and offering scapegoats has long been a right-wing strategy to promote this division. Except for the Brexit fiasco, however, those who have been more attacked by terrorism have shown much more courage and honor in standing by their principles of compassion, liberty, and justice than have the more sheltered and shameful hysterics who make up the Deplorable herd here.

Here's Bill Gates take on it. He's mildly educated lol:

Bill says open immigration policy can lead to disaster in European. Us Deplorables say 'ya think, Bill?' Lol

Is Gates a racist? Fear monger?

And while we're on the subject, Europe has much more to fear from masses of immigrants who don't share their cultural values than they do Russia or Putin.

Apparently, even the Poles realize it.

Tax and spend has given America its greatest economies. This happened with the American System implemented in the early 1800s (look it up, Deplorable). There was a lot of bitching about the cost and about state sovereignty, but it gave us the Erie Canal and other forms of infrastructure that became the foundation of great wealth. For most of the 1800s, though, we preferred a more simple-minded, laissez-faire approach to economics. This gave us occasionally booms, but they were always followed by spectacular busts. We also had outrageous disparity of income and wealth which contributed to those busts, because the poor could not buy what was being produced. That culminated after the 1920s, when trickle-on economics gave us the Great Rightard Depression. After that people had had enough of oligarchic capitalism and its governmental corruption. They turned to FDR who saved free enterprise from itself. We also took an educated approach to economics that led to the end of our previous cycles of major depressions every twenty years or so. We began to tax and spend and invest in America and its people again. We protected unions and saw the greatest growth in the middle class to that point. It took the taxing and spending for WWII on a level that made FDR look like Paul Ryan to finally end the Great Rightard Depression, after slow but steady progress against it previously. Immediately after the war, the austerity simps took over and cut spending. Naturally, we got a big recession. After that, we went back to taxing and spending big time. Top effective tax rate hit something like 66% (nominal rate of about 90%). We spent like crazy on a National Highway System. We invested in our people with things like the GI Bill. As a result, we got our best economy ever.
After that, though, the people who had lived through the Great Rightard Depression began to die off. Many of those who had benefitted from union protections and government spending on them retired. They succumbed to fear and selfishness and tried to pull the ladder up after themselves. Neo-paleo-conservatives rose up. They found a perfect voice in a not very bright and increasingly senile B-movie actor, noted mostly for being upstaged by a chimpanzee. He sold America on free-lunch economics and "welfare Cadillac" scapegoats, distracting the rubes with appeals to national chauvinism. He exploited their "common sense" convince people living under popular sovereignty that their government was the enemy. "We have met the enemy, and he is us!" Union strength was eroded. We cut back on investing in our people and our infrastructure. Ultimately, this culminated in the Great Rightard Recession. Unfortunately, Obama saved us from real pain, and so the concept of a free lunch and a scapegoat in every pot survives in the form of minority rule as represented by a flabby insecure old brat whom desperately frightened Deplorable sissies saw a strong man who could protect them and validate their bigotry. Common sense, doncha know.

And now we are enjoying riding the ancient Chinese curse: May you live in interesting times.
Here's Bill Gates take on it. He's mildly educated lol:

Bill says open immigration policy can lead to disaster in European. Us Deplorables say 'ya think, Bill?' Lol

Is Gates a racist? Fear monger?

And while we're on the subject, Europe has much more to fear from masses of immigrants who don't share their cultural values than they do Russia or Putin.

Apparently, even the Poles realize it.

First, we have to assume that the excerpts and truncated quotes from a site you never heard of but were fed by those who tell you what you think, which is parroting Breitbart which was translating from German, are actually representative of what Gates said.

In the unlikely event it is remotely accurate, we then have to rely on our "common sense" to be awestruck by the opinion of a computer genius and entrepreneurial pirate on matters of immigration and social policy.
First, we have to assume that the excerpts and truncated quotes from a site you never heard of but were fed by those who tell you what you think, which is parroting Breitbart which was translating from German, are actually representative of what Gates said.

In the unlikely event it is remotely accurate, we then have to rely on our "common sense" to be awestruck by the opinion of a computer genius and entrepreneurial pirate on matters of immigration and social policy.

Bloviating aside, what do you think of Europe's immigration policy?
Bloviating aside, what do you think of Europe's immigration policy?

I think their compassion and courage put Deplorable pussy-ness in neon.

That said, they do have a major problem. Unlike America, tribalism is often stronger in Europe. This has sometimes led to oppressive discrimination and isolation and ensuing anger by its victims. This has caused significant problems in Europe.

In America, this has been less of a problem. Muslim immigrants and other refugees had fewer obstacles here. They became economic assets, by and large. Now, however, trump is pandering to easily frightened sissies, validating their fear and bigotry. Now, we face the prospect of trumpist tribalism and white nationalism causing problems here. His anti-Muslim hysteria threatens to turn valuable intelligence assets into sullen opponents. His rhetoric inspires losers into turning to victimhood and martyrdom. In short, trumpism suffers from the short-sighted, simple-minded thinking that so defines the rest of modern conservatism.
I think their compassion and courage put Deplorable pussy-ness in neon.

That said, they do have a major problem. Unlike America, tribalism is often stronger in Europe. This has sometimes led to oppressive discrimination and isolation and ensuing anger by its victims. This has caused significant problems in Europe.

In America, this has been less of a problem. Muslim immigrants and other refugees had fewer obstacles here. They became economic assets, by and large. Now, however, trump is pandering to easily frightened sissies, validating their fear and bigotry. Now, we face the prospect of trumpist tribalism and white nationalism causing problems here. His anti-Muslim hysteria threatens to turn valuable intelligence assets into sullen opponents. His rhetoric inspires losers into turning to victimhood and martyrdom. In short, trumpism suffers from the short-sighted, simple-minded thinking that so defines the rest of modern conservatism.

I think they are a naive lot. And unless they come to their senses, Europe will cease to be Europe in a decade or so.
Here's Bill Gates take on it. He's mildly educated lol:

Bill says open immigration policy can lead to disaster in European. Us Deplorables say 'ya think, Bill?' Lol

Is Gates a racist? Fear monger?

And while we're on the subject, Europe has much more to fear from masses of immigrants who don't share their cultural values than they do Russia or Putin.

Apparently, even the Poles realize it.

Is that so? "He's mildly educated lol:" Really.

Gates insinuates that taking in refugees creates more migratory pressures. That's patently wrong. If that were the case, we'd have ten of millions at Europe's borders. Blight, in conjunction with endless violence, creates migratory pressures.

Oh and, there's the eternal talk, never even remotely substantiated, about the "cultural values" Those People don't share. Again, is that so? What, really, do you know about them? And why are they so dangerous?

Gates is a dummy. He doesn't know whereof he speaks - it just dawned on me why you are so sympathetic to him.

Here's a bit of an education for your xenophobic bubblehead:

- What Gates suggests is, in effect, with respect to Italy, to let refugees drown in the Mediterranean. That's those "cultural values" at work, about which you so confidently pontificate without the first clue whereof you speak.

- If we look a little to the East, say, refugee camps in and around Syria, created by the other set of our "cultural values" resulting in the destruction of Iraq and Syria, that would be places of unspeakable blight and destitution. These are, as demonstrated earlier in and around Afghanistan - also a result of those darned "cultural values" - prime recruiting grounds for jihadists. We also know that those trained abroad, with no effective government oversight, and actual fighting experience, usually are far more dangerous than those who are in our midst, and have ever to be cautious not to be detected. So yeah, xenophobic bubblehead, taking in refugees actually reduces the dangers of jihadist attacks, even though your handlers tell you to hyperventilate about "they're invading our shores, they're coming after us!"

Quite naturally, you do as obliged "lol".
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Is that so? "He's mildly educated lol:" Really.

Gates insinuates that taking in refugees creates more migratory pressures. That's patently wrong. If that were the case, we'd have ten of millions at Europe's borders. Blight, in conjunction with endless violence, creates migratory pressures.

Oh and, there's the eternal talk, never even remotely substantiated, about the "cultural values" Those People don't share. Again, is that so? What, really, do you know about them? And why are they so dangerous?

Gates is a dummy. He doesn't know whereof he speaks - it just dawned on my why you are so sympathetic to him.

Here's a bit of an education for your xenophobic bubblehead:

- What Gates suggests is, in effect, with respect to Italy, to let refugees drown in the Mediterranean. That's those "cultural values" at work, about which you so confidently pontificate without the first clue whereof you speak.

- If we look a little to the East, say, refugee camps in and around Syria, created by the other set of our "cultural values" resulting in the destruction of Iraq and Syria, that would be places of unspeakable blight and destitution. These are, as demonstrated earlier in and around Afghanistan - also a result of those darned "cultural values" - prime recruiting grounds for jihadists. We also know that those trained abroad, with no effective government oversight and actual fighting experience, are far more dangerous than those who are in our midst, and have ever to be cautious not to be detected. So yeah, xenophobic bubblehead, taking in refugees actually reduces the dangers of jihadist attacks, even though your handlers tell you to hyperventilate about "they're invading our shores, they're coming after us!"

Quite naturally, you do as obliged "lol".

Is Wiki spreading nationalist propaganda by labeling it the 'European migrant crisis'?

You psuedo-intellectual goof balls are in denial.

Is Wiki spreading nationalist propaganda by labeling it the 'European migrant crisis'?

You psuedo-intellectual goof balls are in denial.

Because if calling something a "crisis" doesn't validate xenophobia, tribalism, and a neglect for those who suffer at least partly from our actions, then what is the use of common sense?

Every day we see more and more why trump loves the poorly educated.
Europeans are rightly proud of their culture/ and want to keep it. Is that xenophobia>dunno. I'm not European.

Remember the Manchester concert bombng? The guy who did it, along with his familiy were radicalized and trained in Libya.
This is where all the Sub Sahara migrants travel through to get to the Mediterranean coast and across to Lampedusa island that is a pass thru to Europe


A general view shows a burnt building at the Temporary Permanance Centre (CPT), refugee camp, on the italian island of Lampedusa on Oct. 6. AFP photo

Is Wiki spreading nationalist propaganda by labeling it the 'European migrant crisis'?

You psuedo-intellectual goof balls are in denial.

Remember the "ebola crisis"? Sure you do, you all in Rightardia had your boots full with piss every day over your panicky fear that ebola is going to eat you. Day in, day out, for weeks, if not months, you screeched for a travel ban, for they are going to invade you and bring their ebola with them. Ebola, ebola, ebola... Your handlers had you by the throat every, didn't they?

Luckily, and wisely, President Obama said, "No way." And, what happened?

Your boots still stink, and your xenophobia still stinks, but that's about it.
Europeans are rightly proud of their culture/ and want to keep it. Is that xenophobia>dunno. I'm not European.

Remember the Manchester concert bombng? The guy who did it, along with his familiy were radicalized and trained in Libya.
This is where all the Sub Sahara migrants travel through to get to the Mediterranean coast and across to Lampedusa island that is a pass thru to Europe


A general view shows a burnt building at the Temporary Permanance Centre (CPT), refugee camp, on the italian island of Lampedusa on Oct. 6. AFP photo
These guys are incredibly naive, easy to be so when the problem is thousands of miles away. Bill Gates is spot on, most are not even refugees anyway but economic migrants from sub-Saharan Africa.

Sent from my iPhone 25S with cherries on top
Europeans are rightly proud of their culture/ and want to keep it. Is that xenophobia>dunno. I'm not European.

And yet, it was the much more mongrelized USA which became richer and stronger. And yes, clinging fearfully to isolationism is xenophobic. Hysterical squealings that exposure to others will rob people of their culture is Deplorable hysteria. Or, I am saying that to lull you into a sense of complacency prior to this year's secret winter offensive in the War on Christmas in order to implement Sharia law. Just to be on the safe side, you should probably avoid fluoridated water.

Remember the Manchester concert bombng? The guy who did it, along with his familiy were radicalized and trained in Libya.
This is where all the Sub Sahara migrants travel through to get to the Mediterranean coast and across to Lampedusa island that is a pass thru to Europe

Remember the terrorist attack in Quebec City? Well, maybe not. Might not have made Rightard News. That was inspired by trump talk and the tribal fear you espouse. Would you like some links to other right-wing terrorists for further edification?

BTW, extrapolating statistically insignificant anecdotes into a justification for mass action is another thing favored by "common sense" but opposed by those educated elitists. It is called a "fallacy of composition" and is the foundation for bigotry that is also popular among the poorly educated.
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These guys are incredibly naive, easy to be so when the problem is thousands of miles away. Bill Gates is spot on, most are not even refugees anyway but economic migrants from sub-Saharan Africa.

Sent from my iPhone 25S with cherries on top

A Millie wimp who flings weak insults from a hide-from bunker and behind the skirts of others at those he claims to be ignoring is a proponent of fear and hysteria? Shocking.
And yet, it was the much more mongrelized USA which became richer and stronger. And yes, clinging fearfully to isolationism is xenophobic. Hysterical squealings that exposure to others will rob people of their culture is Deplorable hysteria. Or, I am saying that to lull you into a sense of complacency prior to this year's secret winter offensive in the War on Christmas in order to implement Sharia law. Just to be on the safe side, you should probably avoid fluoridated water.

Remember the terrorist attack in Quebec City? Well, maybe not. Might not have made Rightard News. That was inspired by trump talk and the tribal fear you espouse. Would you like some links to other right-wing terrorists for further edification?

BTW, extrapolating statistically insignificant anecdotes into a justification for mass action is another thing favored by "common sense" but opposed by those educated elitists. It is called a "fallacy of composition" and is the foundation for bigotry that is also popular among the poorly educated.

Do you think national borders are an artifact of bigotry or racism lol?