trump: oblivious moron or psychotically narcissistic oblivious moron?

The Angels are from L.A. Geographically half of Orange County is in the Los Angeles Basin. The local weather is segmented into microclimates L.A. and Orange County / Valleys / Mountains / High Desert / Inland Empire (low desert).

The "Los Angeles Angels" name originates from the first Los Angeles-based sports team, the Los Angeles Angels, who took the name "Angels" from the English translation of "Los Angeles", which means "The Angels" in Spanish. The team name started in 1892; in 1903, the team name continued in L.A. through the PCL, which is now a minor league affiliate of MiLB. The Angels franchise of today was established in MLB in 1961 after former owner Gene Autry bought the rights to continue the franchise name from Walter O'Malley, the former Los Angeles Dodgers owner who had acquired the franchise from Phil Wrigley, the owner of the Chicago Cubs at the time. As stated in the book Under the Halo: The Official History of Angels Baseball, "Autry agreed to buy the franchise name for $350,000, and continue the history of the previously popular Pacific Coast League team as his own expansion team in the MLB."[SUP][2][/SUP] After the Angels joined the Major Leagues, some players from the Angels' PCL team joined the Major League Angels in 1961.
An expansion franchise, the club continued in Los Angeles as the Los Angeles Angels, and played their home games at Los Angeles' Wrigley Field (not to be confused with Chicago's stadium of the same name), which had formerly been the home of the PCL Los Angeles Angels. The Angels were one of two expansion teams established as a result of the 1961 Major League Baseball expansion, along with the second incarnation of the Washington Senators (now Texas Rangers). The team then moved in 1962 to newly built Dodger Stadium, which the Angels referred to as Chavez Ravine, where they were tenants of the Los Angeles Dodgers through 1965.

Members of the Tongva, Juaneño, and Luiseño Native American groups long inhabited the area. After the 1769 expedition of Gaspar de Portolà, a Spanish expedition led by Junipero Serra named the area Valle de Santa Ana (Valley of Saint Anne). On November 1, 1776, Mission San Juan Capistrano became the area's first permanent European settlement. Among those who came with Portolá were José Manuel Nieto and José Antonio Yorba. Both these men were given land grants—Rancho Los Nietos and Rancho Santiago de Santa Ana, respectively. The Nieto heirs were granted land in 1834. The Nieto ranches were known as Rancho Los Alamitos, Rancho Las Bolsas, and Rancho Los Coyotes. Yorba heirs Bernardo Yorba and Teodosio Yorba were also granted Rancho Cañón de Santa Ana (Santa Ana Canyon Ranch) and Rancho Lomas de Santiago, respectively. Other ranchos in Orange County were granted by the Mexican government during the Mexican period in Alta California.[SUP][11][/SUP]
A severe drought in the 1860s devastated the prevailing industry, cattle ranching, and much land came into the possession of Richard O'Neill, Sr.,[SUP][12][/SUP] James Irvine and other land barons. In 1887, silver was discovered in the Santa Ana Mountains, attracting settlers via the Santa Fe and Southern Pacific Railroads.
This growth led the California legislature to divide Los Angeles County and create Orange County as a separate political entity on March 11, 1889. The county is said to have been named for the citrus fruit in an attempt to promote immigration by suggesting a semi-tropical paradise–a place where anything could grow.[SUP][13],_California[/SUP]

they are in Orange county

Orange county Is not LA county

I have lived in so cal nearly all my life

they used to call themselves the Anahiem angels

they recently ndecided to call themselves the LA angels

its right wing in Orange county

not as much as it used to be but is stil way more right
You quoted Celente. I did a search, third hit shows Celente on Rick Wiles pod cast/ show /whatever. I did another search on Rick Wiles. OMG, far far far far out wing nut.


look at the date

it was ten years ago

it was in 2007

I was worrried about the economy and was presenting evidence that the economy was headed fir bad times

the guy was pretty much correct

he did use it to sell gold to people

but he was correct
Do you think national borders are an artifact of bigotry or racism lol?

I think borders are working well enough and that not even a silly wall would ease the Deplorable trembling or cease their efforts to turn their bigotry and xenophobia into them being victims of bully liberals and their vicious "race cards." Even the Valley Girl gigglers among them.
And yet, it was the much more mongrelized USA which became richer and stronger. And yes, clinging fearfully to isolationism is xenophobic. Hysterical squealings that exposure to others will rob people of their culture is Deplorable hysteria. Or, I am saying that to lull you into a sense of complacency prior to this year's secret winter offensive in the War on Christmas in order to implement Sharia law. Just to be on the safe side, you should probably avoid fluoridated water.
European culture takes a beating by the left ( all those white males of history)
It the product of Greece rationalism, and Roman advancements. Its superior to Sharia.
Not better then others worldwide like Chinese (etc) but worthy.

Remember the terrorist attack in Quebec City? Well, maybe not. Might not have made Rightard News. That was inspired by trump talk and the tribal fear you espouse. Would you like some links to other right-wing terrorists for further edification?
I mentioned Manchester in the context of Libya, in the context of Owl's post on the black migrants .

BTW, extrapolating statistically insignificant anecdotes into a justification for mass action is another thing favored by "common sense" but opposed by those educated elitists. It is called a "fallacy of composition" and is the foundation for bigotry that is also popular among the poorly educated.
anecdotals are just that. Maybe not up to statistical significance, but very illustrative of event.
I think borders are working well enough and that not even a silly wall would ease the Deplorable trembling or cease their efforts to turn their bigotry and xenophobia into them being victims of bully liberals and their vicious "race cards." Even the Valley Girl gigglers among them.

So, people were coming across our southern border Willy-nilly and it was 'working well enough'?

Should we structure our social safety net apparatus to encourage more people to ignore our immigration laws?
Do you use your hide-from bunker as protection when flinging feeble shots at them too, Millie?

both grind and billy are right leaning

they change their names all the time though

they think its cute

it helps them hide from what they said in the past
European culture takes a beating by the left ( all those white males of history)
but it the product of Greece rationalism,and Roman advancements. Its superior to Sharia.
Not better then others worldwide like Chinese (etc) but worthy.

Thanks for the "Aryan" historical revisionism. While Europe was wallowing in centuries isolation and ignorance, the Muslim world was in a Golden Age, doing more to preserve Greek and Roman culture than the Europeans themselves were. They added their own contributions like al-gebra, as well. Talk of "superior cultures" is the blather of the proudly ignorant, particularly those ignorant of history.

BTW, the "superior" Chinese culture? Closing its borders and turning inward was what led to it being weak enough to be an easy target for the Europeans when they awoke from their ignorant slumber.

anecdotals are just that. Maybe not up to statistical significance, but very illustrative of event.

Among those too poorly educated to grasp the concept of a fallacy of composition. It's okay. trump loves you.
These guys are incredibly naive, easy to be so when the problem is thousands of miles away. Bill Gates is spot on, most are not even refugees anyway but economic migrants from sub-Saharan Africa.
Libyan News & Interests

^ my thread in Off Topics. it covers the migrants and Libya itself
It's so bad now the Arab people smugglers trade migrants among themselves to use as payment.
The economic migrants far outnumber any war refugees

Operation Sophia now means just getting into a craft gets you rescued by an EU ship.
You don't have to make land .
Here's some more history. Know what brought Europe out of its weakness and abject ignorance?

That happened when Europe united and invaded the Muslims. That exposed the Europeans to a "superior culture," and led to the Renaissance. The Renaissance led to the Enlightenment, which was a rebellion against organized religion in favor of Science. That led to a couple of things, including the birth of America, founded on Enlightenment principles - so much for the "Christian nation" bullshit. The turn to science also led the Industrial Revolution which allowed a previously abjectly weak and ignorant Europe to conquer most of the rest of the world, including a once mighty China that had turned inward to protect its "culture" from outside contamination.
Thanks for the "Aryan" historical revisionism. While Europe was wallowing in centuries isolation and ignorance, the Muslim world was in a Golden Age, doing more to preserve Greek and Roman culture than the Europeans themselves were. They added their own contributions like al-gebra, as well. Talk of "superior cultures" is the blather of the proudly ignorant, particularly those ignorant of history.

BTW, the "superior" Chinese culture? Closing its borders and turning inward was what led to it being weak enough to be an easy target for the Europeans when they awoke from their ignorant slumber.
superior has many meaning. More powerful isn't always one of them. Sharia is too reliant on religion. I did not say Muslim culture was inferior. Sharia as a state law is.
Chinese philosophy and classic scroll (etc) painting rival anything anywhere.

Among those too poorly educated to grasp the concept of a fallacy of composition. It's okay. trump loves you
yawn/ more argumentum without purpose
Here's some more history. Know what brought Europe out of its weakness and abject ignorance?

That happened when Europe united and invaded the Muslims. That exposed the Europeans to a "superior culture," and led to the Renaissance. The Renaissance led to the Enlightenment, which was a rebellion against organized religion in favor of Science. That led to a couple of things, including the birth of America, founded on Enlightenment principles - so much for the "Christian nation" bullshit. The turn to science also led the Industrial Revolution which allowed a previously abjectly weak and ignorant Europe to conquer most of the rest of the world, including a once mighty China that had turned inward to protect its "culture" from outside contamination.


Not sure where you learned history lol.

Above is a brief list of Christian scientists who contributed to modern science---and by extension, the superiority of western culture.

Can you provide a similar list of Muslim contributors?
he did whip the money changers though huh
Jesus' teachings are more political than people think. It was a religion teaching to rebel against the old, Judaism, which was causing Rome problems and embrace the "turn the other cheek", "love your enemies" way of life.
I used to start off each year's class in World History class that I taught on the Navajo Reservation with the following:

"Have you ever wondered why North America is so rich but Latin America is so poor?" I'd give that a moment to sink in. Then, "Both of them have similar size and resources overall. What's the difference?" Another beat or two. "The only difference I can see is that North America is white and Latin America is brown. Looks to me like white people must be a better race." Several beats while I enjoyed watching that sink in on shocked brown faces. Then ...

"Or, it could be History. Could be that when the Europeans first got to Latin America, they found a lot of easy gold available. Spain, got rich and decided to protect that source of wealth by governing its colonies closely, allowing no independence, maintaining a stern status quo in a feudal culture. Latin America stagnated under an oligarchic system. In North America, however, there was little apparent wealth. Britain pretty much ignored its colonies for a long time. Different groups of people grew stronger on their own."

"The point is, kids, it was History and not race that made the different regions what they are. And, unless you learn History, someday you are going to be confronted by some white asshole spouting racial determinism bullshit, and you'll just have to take it, because you won't be any better educated than he is."

look at the date

it was ten years ago

it was in 2007

I was worrried about the economy and was presenting evidence that the economy was headed fir bad times

the guy was pretty much correct

he did use it to sell gold to people

but he was correct

Celente said 90% down. He got the direction right but over shot the mark by enough to make him wrong. Anyway, by accident (following up on your 10 year old link) I caught the last bit he did with Trunews a few months ago. Knocked my socks off, just ridiculously offensive right wing bullshit. Awful doesn't even begin to describe Celente.
I caught Searching for Sugar Man the other night on The Movie Channel Extra. One of Sixto's daughters told of landing in Johannesburg the first time and walking around two limos not imagining that they were there waiting for them.

Oscar-winning documentary Searching for Sugar Man tells the almost unbelievable story of a Mexican-American songwriter whose two early Seventies albums bombed in America, but who wound up finding a huge audience in Apartheid-era South Africa. Sixto Rodriguez had no idea he was a legend there until a group of fans found him on the Internet and brought him to the country for a series of triumphant concerts. But while Searching for Sugar Man (soundtrack and DVD now available) is a fantastic film, it only grazes the surface of Rodriguez's life story.

So we're in deep shit with Trump. Just look at him walk right past Cadillac One.

Incredible! Early stage dementia, disorientation?
Jesus' teachings are more political than people think. It was a religion teaching to rebel against the old, Judaism, which was causing Rome problems and embrace the "turn the other cheek", "love your enemies" way of life.

Jesus' teachings were never intended to be politicized. None of the early expositors tried. Paul flirted with it in Romans 12 or 13 but the simple reading of that text has to do with the individual Christian's relation with the government.

I've had to rebuke some of my fellow travelers for trying to do it. Jesus' moral teaching was tailored for persons, not governments.

In contrast, Islam is easily amenable to it. Sharia was intended by Mohammed [and other early Muslim jurists] to serve as a corpus of civil law.

Which is going to have adverse effects on culture. It's a big reason---perhaps THE reason, western culture is superior.