trump: oblivious moron or psychotically narcissistic oblivious moron?

It looked to me like right after Nikki got done talking, China was responding. It is a sad commentary on American news media that what little coverage this got ended when the American was done talking.

It does not bode well.

Forecast: U.S. dollar could plunge 90 pct

Published: Nov. 19, 2007 at 2:16 PM
RHINEBECK, N.Y., Nov. 19 (UPI) -- A financial crisis will likely send the U.S. dollar into a free fall of as much as 90 percent and gold soaring to $2,000 an ounce, a trends researcher said.

"We are going to see economic times the likes of which no living person has seen," Trends Research Institute Director Gerald Celente said, forecasting a "Panic of 2008."

"The bigger they are, the harder they'll fall," he said in an interview with New York's Hudson Valley Business Journal.

Celente -- who forecast the subprime mortgage financial crisis and the dollar's decline a year ago and gold's current rise in May -- told the newspaper the subprime mortgage meltdown was just the first "small, high-risk segment of the market" to collapse.

the 4th one is to prove I predicted the 2008 crash while being ridiculed for it here by the right

It seems to exist, but although I live in the Hudson River valley, I've never seen the Hudson Valley Business Journal anyplace.
Seems I underestimated trump as being just a paper tiger blusterer. I just saw that we responded to NK's latest missile launch by firing shots at ... the Sea of Japan. Naughty water! Naughty!
Cable news is very excited over newly discovered photographic evidence by the History Channel that argues Amelia Earhart and her navigator were captured by the Japanese in the Marshall Islands. The evidence is compelling.
Back when Poland was part of the Soviet bloc, the Communist Party would bus people into Warsaw from the provinces to ensure there was a compliant crowd to welcome high-level visitors from Moscow. Now with President Donald Trump heading to Poland this week for a day-long state visit, the country's right-wing government is tapping the old playbook.
"Every deputy from PiS [the Law and Justice Party] is allowed to invite 50 people to Trump's Thursday appearance in Warsaw and the party will pay for the bus," Joachim Brudzinski, vice-marshal of the Polish parliament, said in a message to party members.
Re the Marshalls ... and Yaleturd.

I once brought up the notion put forth by many historians that WWII actually began in 1937 with Japan's invasion of China. Yaleturd giggled for months afterward about how I was so stupid I didn't know when and where WWII began.

Oh, I do agree with those historians, finding the invasion-of-Poland beginning to be a Eurocentric view of History.
Millie is even more egregious than Otedium the Coward, when it comes to flinging feeble insults from a hide-from bunker at people she is claiming to be ignoring.

It's a technical issue. Ignored users show up on the page in responses. There's no running to the bottom of the page to click show ignored users to see what the prompting post is.
And now I'm gonna bottle a batch of cherry wine. Turned out pretty good, unlike my last batch made from canned fruit cocktail.
It's a technical issue. Ignored users show up on the page in responses. There's no running to the bottom of the page to click show ignored users to see what the prompting post is.

That would partly explain why Millie tosses insults from behind the skirts of others. Partly, because Millie was doing that even before she went into hiding.
I caught Searching for Sugar Man the other night on The Movie Channel Extra. One of Sixto's daughters told of landing in Johannesburg the first time and walking around two limos not imagining that they were there waiting for them.

Oscar-winning documentary Searching for Sugar Man tells the almost unbelievable story of a Mexican-American songwriter whose two early Seventies albums bombed in America, but who wound up finding a huge audience in Apartheid-era South Africa. Sixto Rodriguez had no idea he was a legend there until a group of fans found him on the Internet and brought him to the country for a series of triumphant concerts. But while Searching for Sugar Man (soundtrack and DVD now available) is a fantastic film, it only grazes the surface of Rodriguez's life story.

So we're in deep shit with Trump. Just look at him walk right past Cadillac One.

Back when Poland was part of the Soviet bloc, the Communist Party would bus people into Warsaw from the provinces to ensure there was a compliant crowd to welcome high-level visitors from Moscow. Now with President Donald Trump heading to Poland this week for a day-long state visit, the country's right-wing government is tapping the old playbook.
"Every deputy from PiS [the Law and Justice Party] is allowed to invite 50 people to Trump's Thursday appearance in Warsaw and the party will pay for the bus," Joachim Brudzinski, vice-marshal of the Polish parliament, said in a message to party members.

That's an interesting spin on it.

The reality is Poland rejects the immigration insanity that's infected much of Western Europe. Also, after their experience with communist USSR, it would be counterintuitive of them to embrace socialism---particularly, as it's dictated from Brussels.

In that light, it makes total sense for them to welcome Trump.
Our group, to my mind is like a cyber coffee shop/tavern. A movable feast as it happens. We've been discussing current events since the Clinton impeachment fiasco.

We've gained a few and lost a few over this time and some folks join in briefly. Sometimes the thread moves fast with many conversations happening at once and sometime we'll all investigate and chime in with information drawn from around the world. Feel free to jump in. Asking questions can be good if you're truly interested in other's opinions, but be prepared for an argument if you state an opinion. About the only things I suggest avoiding is being boring, stupid or racist.

We got fed up with posts mostly like that elsewhere and are starting a new base here. Those jackasses said they were happy to see us go, but alas, some followed.

Welcome aboard... :)
That's an interesting spin on it.

The reality is Poland rejects the immigration insanity that's infected much of Western Europe. Also, after their experience with communist USSR, it would be counterintuitive of them to embrace socialism---particularly, as it's dictated from Brussels.

In that light, it makes total sense for them to welcome Trump.

Especially if you consider how poking a finger in the EU eye promotes a divided Europe that Putin wants ... and ignore your non sequitur, if obligatory, SOSHALIZM boogey man.

trump picked Poland because it was one of the few places in Europe where the government could promise him a hand-picked audience of cheerleader lackeys.
The ultimate question about this trip, of course, is whether trump can find the courage to end his policy of appeasement toward Putin and whether Putin can easily manipulate a needy old brat with a justifiably fragile ego.
Secondary question is whether the impulsive ignoramus can garner any more support for his North Korea bluster from allies he has insulted and who represent populations who are too-well educated and lacking a need for scapegoats to be suckered by the ham-fisted con man.
Especially if you consider how poking a finger in the EU eye promotes a divided Europe that Putin wants ... and ignore your non sequitur, if obligatory, SOSHALIZM boogey man.

trump picked Poland because it was one of the few places in Europe where the government could promise him a hand-picked audience of cheerleader lackeys.

The EU needed a poke in the eye.

Maybe you haven't noticed, but Europe was being divided before Trump came along. Immigration has been a contentious issue over there.