trump: oblivious moron or psychotically narcissistic oblivious moron?

I gave you multiple sources -still you won't agree it's legit. It's hair splitting on your part if true to no ends.

And everyone of your sources said they could not confirm the tape is legit. Leaving that out is Coultering a citation. Pointing out somebody is Coultering their citations is a legitimate thing to do in a debate.
You don't debate -you argue minutia without purpose..are you my ex-wife?

You snivel empty snottiness. like this:
"a Tavvyish nothing to say retort. argumentum without a purpose
brown cows don't give brown milk. what regime are you frothing about?
non sequtur on your part"

The above was used to dismiss my point that Ukrainians were fighting against the corruption of Putin's puppet and against foreign domination generally, to dismiss you getting caught Coultering your citations, and to pretend ignorance of what I was referring to with Putin's puppet regime in the Ukraine.

I don't know or care about your marital problems. I will point out, though, that ChlamydiaBear is lonely and desperate. Hell, he spends most of his time sucking up to phony rightard patriots by gushing how wonderful America is. He is even willing to help you blame America, though, if it might get him a pat on the head.

what "divisions? when?about what? must you post without clear references?
EU divided about what, as opposed to what????

Try to focus. You were talking about the US not caring what the EU thought. I pointed out there was no "EU thought," that it was divided on how to react to Putin imperialism in the Ukraine.

no. the meddling long proceeded any Putin annexation ( which was only the little green men at first)

Ah, we agree Putin was meddling in the Ukraine before he annexed it with the threat of force. Oh, you meant the evil money and words the evil US was using. I can see where YOU would find that so much worse. It's your job.
many Russian experts say Russia has only 1 warm water port, in that the others are in the Arctic or Asia.

Ducking responsibility for what you say and claiming you were only parroting others is very Deplorable of you. Many experts say Russia has only one warm-water port except for the others? Really?

Yes I should have been more exacting in the non-renwall,but it wasn't the first time and Yushenko routinely threatened this
pre-emptive strikes?? what? you just thro terms around without any meaning to any events.

Takes some really irony deficiency to cop to throwing around stuff without any meaning in one breath, and then fling an unsupported accusation I was doing it in the next.

words? threatenibng access to Sevastopol is hardly just "words" it's threatening Putins abilty o field a navy.

First, you proved no threat. The government of the Ukraine that exists now was much the same as the one that last renewed the Russian lease. You are again speculating an opinion and stamping your feet as proof it is a fact. And yes, despite your drama queening, the US "threatened" Putin's imperialistic dreams with nothing but words and money to support words.

nobody caes about what you think I am -lest of allmyself

Explaining all the effort you put into this lengthy, whimpering display of impotence.

they did the question is how/who did the intercept occur. You are the only person in the world who questions their legitimacy

Hard to wade through the illiteracy, but I gather you are claiming a silly opinion that I am the only one questioning the legitimacy of your silly tape as a fact. I guess you forgot to count your sources that questioned it. Did I mention the dishonest Coultering of such a tactic?
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When you get back home, ChlamydiaBear, be sure to boast how well you sucked up to someone doing blame-America-first, in hopes you could get a taste of my ankles.
Wasn't gonna be back tonight, so soon anyway, but the evil empire is beating the DBacks 3-0, going into the fifth. Didn't really have a whole lotta hope, what with our #5 starter going against the Dodgers' ace and best pitcher in baseball, Clayton Kershaw. No hits after 4 1/3.
Or, you could continue to join your twin twit SPRAYIT in a display of prissy impotence by "groan"ing everything I say. Seems to me he was also sucking up to blame-America-first in hopes of finding a host.
... I also find it amusing how alliances can form sometimes between liberals and trump groupies when the latter require America bashing to support their pampered brat of a leader. That was not a shot at you.

Did you really just say "trump groupies ... require America bashing...?"

Rather than comment on the insipidness of your mindless spittle, I would simply point out that leftards need no encouragement when it comes to America bashing. Zippo ... Zilch ... Nada.

You twits do it like it's your job.
I just bought a folding Buck pocket knife. Don't know why. I looked up what all the extra blades are for, but I couldn't tell you now what I found out. I guess I just succumbed to the nostalgia of the look.
Did you really just say "trump groupies ... require America bashing...?"

Rather than comment on the insipidness of your mindless spittle, I would simply point out that leftards need no encouragement when it comes to America bashing. Zippo ... Zilch ... Nada.

You twits do it like it's your job.

One, Deplorables are perfectly happy to bash America to support trump. If you hadn't been thwarted by the big words, you could have seen a lot of that today. Second, I've explained to you once how unashamedly derivative and silly "leftard" is. I've done it more than once. You simply cannot overcome your cliché addiction. Speaking of which, "twit," you could at least try to let a post or two go by after I use an insult to parrot it. Have you lost even the ability to fake having pride?

Relax, it was a rhetorical question.
You must know that once his lame, empty arguments are exposed, you suddenly are deemed a "Nazi" or a "racist." It's just the Loony leftard inside him.

There ya go. Nothing like a little pre-emptive victimhood to feed your self-pitying suck-ups.
Sokay, SPRAYIT. Just tell yourself how "groan"ing everything I say is some really vicious impotence, you mean Mean Girl, you. I've noticed that an excessive use of "groans" is a sure-fire way to find the weak gnats here.