trump: oblivious moron or psychotically narcissistic oblivious moron?

you say so much extraneous junk, it's difficult to even see your ideas at times.

the phone call was real -NOT EVEN NULAND DENIED IT.
you said it didn't justify Putin's annexation -of course it didn't- it showed we don't care about corruption
( another of your red herrings).. it showed we don't even care about what the EU wanted.

All we cared about was meddling in the Euromaiden to stick it to Putin -nothing else.
repeat. nothing else.

It's just a fraking game to the Hillary types,just like her organizing "friends of Syria"
and her buying into the Libyan NTC that they weren't part of al Qaeda ( Libyan Islamist Fighting Group)
when she did the international organizing to kill Qadaffi

if you bothered to read some of the lnks I gave you,you'd also see a major reason Putin annexed was the insecurity of access to Sevastopol. The Crimean Referendum also.

Should we rename this the extraneous junk thread lol?
Thanks. A fourth citation pointing out the "tape" is from a vague, biased source and cannot be confirmed as legitimate. And, as I pointed out at the time, even if it is real, it hardly serves as justification for invading a sovereign state. Unless you are bush II, of course.

While giving reasons for its legitimacy you have not addressed.
you say so much extraneous junk, it's difficult to even see your ideas at times.

the phone call was real -NOT EVEN NULAND DENIED IT.
you said it didn't justify Putin's annexation -of course it didn't- it showed we don't care about corruption
( another of your red herrings).. it showed we don't even care about what the EU wanted.

All we cared about was meddling in the Euromaiden to stick it to Putin -nothing else.
repeat. nothing else.

It's just a fraking game to the Hillary types,just like her organizing "friends of Syria"
and her buying into the Libyan NTC that they weren't part of al Qaeda ( Libyan Islamist Fighting Group)
when she did the international organizing to kill Qadaffi

if you bothered to read some of the lnks I gave you,you'd also see a major reason Putin annexed was the insecurity of access to Sevastopol. The Crimean Referendum also.

Let us re-recap. You follow here a whine about "extraneous junk" with some extraneous junk about the Nuland tape
1.) I did not say the tape is phony. I said you cannot show it is legitimate. I did that as part of pointing out your sloppiness in debate.
2.) When I pointed out you neglected to mention the citations you used to represent the tapes as being legitimate themselves said they could not confirm legitimacy, you got pissy and have since resorted to stamping your feet and crying "Is so, is so, IS SO!"
3.) If the tape is real, it says nothing about the corruption of Putin's puppet regime in the Ukraine.
4.) I pointed out before that I did not say the US was motivated significantly to rescue the Ukrainians from such corruption. I pointed out the corruption to counter your characterization that the Ukrainian revolt against said corruption and foreign domination was really just a US coup.
5.) The US was frustrated over divisions within the EU at how to respond Putin imperialism. Pretending those divisions meant the US was going against the wishes of the EU is more of your casual dishonesty.
6.) What a divided EU wanted or didn't want was less important in my view than was what the Ukrainian people wanted.
7.) US/NATO "meddling" by contributing a million dollars in a Russian puppet state where the people resent the corruption and foreign domination by a Putin with indisputable imperial ambitions is to be expected. It is certainly morally more viable than is Putin's forceful domination and ensuing military invasion. I know. You explained how morality is irrelevant to a Deplorable Putin bot.
8.) Other examples of your casual regard for the truth include the way you crab-walked from claiming the Ukrainian leader threatened to kick the Russians out of their naval base to backing it up with a reference to him threatening to bar one ship to pointing to the renewal of the lease as proof the Ukrainians were going to kick the Russians out. You also crab-walked from "ONLY" warm-water port" to well it was really important.
9.) Even that sliminess amounts to an endorsement of the bush doctrine.
10.) In the end you alibi Russian military imperialism with the weak claims they were provoked by words and military aggression is okay, when it's in your anachronistic, Détente-ish sphere of influence.

I submit that all of those things put you above and beyond a simple trump-fluffer with a hollow concept of patriotism. I suspect what you said and your easy access to so much Putin propaganda means you are a Putin bot. I could be wrong. You could be just another blame-America-first trumpling.
10.) You whimper that I did not read your links. Would you care to explain then how I knew they did all claimed they could not confirm the legitimacy of your assertion?
While giving reasons for its legitimacy you have not addressed.

I don't think I had any burden to prove its illegitimacy, as I said I thought it was essentially irrelevant. I was pointing out that asserting something as a fact that was not a fact was part of a pattern being used.
Though you tend to regard such criticism as a permanent exculpation of US misdeeds rather than a caution about throwing stones in glasshouses.

Nah, I just don't believe the US is or always was the Great Satan you see. I have criticized what America has done under liberal and conservative leadership. In contrast, I don't remember you saying anything nice about America. I also find it amusing how alliances can form sometimes between liberals and trump groupies when the latter require America bashing to support their pampered brat of a leader. That was not a shot at you.
Okay, any more points or ankle-gummings gotta come quick. It is almost time for the DBacks to go up against the real Great Satan, the La La Dodgers.
Okay, time's up. Valid points will probably be addressed eventually. Ankle-gummings and desperate SPRAYIT suck-ups have already been dismissed.
Let us re-recap. You follow here a whine about "extraneous junk" with some extraneous junk about the Nuland tape
1.) I did not say the tape is phony. I said you cannot show it is legitimate. I did that as part of pointing out your sloppiness in debate.
you kept questioning it. You called it a Coulter type citation.
I gave you multiple sources -still you won't agree it's legit. It's hair splitting on your part if true to no ends.
You don't debate -you argue minutia without purpose..are you my ex-wife?
2.) When I pointed out you neglected to mention the citations you used to represent the tapes as being legitimate themselves said they could not confirm legitimacy, you got pissy and have since resorted to stamping your feet and crying "Is so, is so, IS SO!"
a Tavvyish nothing to say retort. argumentum without a purpose
3.) If the tape is real, it says nothing about the corruption of Putin's puppet regime in the Ukraine.
brown cows don't give brown milk. what regime are you frothing about?
4.) I pointed out before that I did not say the US was motivated significantly to rescue the Ukrainians from such corruption. I pointed out the corruption to counter your characterization that the Ukrainian revolt against said corruption and foreign domination was really just a US coup.
non sequtur on your part
5.) The US was frustrated over divisions within the EU at how to respond Putin imperialism. Pretending those divisions meant the US was going against the wishes of the EU is more of your casual dishonesty.
what "divisions? when?about what? must you post without clear references?
6.) What a divided EU wanted or didn't want was less important in my view than was what the Ukrainian people wanted.
EU divided about what, as opposed to what????
7.) US/NATO "meddling" by contributing a million dollars in a Russian puppet state where the people resent the corruption and foreign domination by a Putin with indisputable imperial ambitions is to be expected. It is certainly morally more viable than is Putin's forceful domination and ensuing military invasion. I know. You explained how morality is irrelevant to a Deplorable Putin bot.
no. the meddling long proceeded any Putin annexation ( which was only the little green men at first)
8.) Other examples of your casual regard for the truth include the way you crab-walked from claiming the Ukrainian leader threatened to kick the Russians out of their naval base to backing it up with a reference to him threatening to bar one ship to pointing to the renewal of the lease as proof the Ukrainians were going to kick the Russians out. You also crab-walked from "ONLY" warm-water port" to well it was really important.
many Russian experts say Russia has only 1 warm water port, in that the others are in the Arctic or Asia.
Yes I should have been more exacting in the non-renwall,but it wasn't the first time and Yushenko routinely threatened this
9.) Even that sliminess amounts to an endorsement of the bush doctrine.
pre-emptive strikes?? what? you just thro terms around without any meaning to any events.
10.) In the end you alibi Russian military imperialism with the weak claims they were provoked by words and military aggression is okay, when it's in your anachronistic, Détente-ish sphere of influence.
words? threatenibng access to Sevastopol is hardly just "words" it's threatening Putins abilty o field a navy
I submit that all of those things put you above and beyond a simple trump-fluffer with a hollow concept of patriotism. I suspect what you said and your easy access to so much Putin propaganda means you are a Putin bot. I could be wrong. You could be just another blame-America-first trumpling.
nobody caes about what you think I am -lest of allmyself
10.) You whimper that I did not read your links. Would you care to explain then how I knew they did all claimed they could not confirm the legitimacy of your assertion?
they did the question is how/who did the intercept occur. You are the only person in the world who questions their legitimacy
boy did I judge you wrong. first impressions and all that.
It's SO refreshing to see someone who understands what a border state is (between Russia and NATO) and why messing aruond in it leads to regional instability.

And I'm not even going to call you a Putin bot. :)
excellent post. well said

Olde is often wrong imo but at least he thinks for himself. Actually they all did once.
