trump: oblivious moron or psychotically narcissistic oblivious moron?

You got it wrong from the the beginning but you ran with it. Good for you. That shows a willingness to think.
Next, try not to talk in cliches and over-wrought slogans. You'll get there.

Also, I like you've done it all without pictures too.

When you progress to tackling actual articles with specific critiques you might start building credibility. Good luck.

Feeb hasn't figured out how to post images yet. Don't provoke him into getting help.
And Millie continues to use his hide-from bunker to fling feeble shots at people he claims to be ignoring. Why? Because he's a coward. Pay attention.
And another meaningless spit-ball from the middle-school gallery. Thank you. Now run along and play your vid games, little boy.

Your nonsense still is over your head, eh? I know he edited it, but not before you saw it and besides, I quoted his statement in my response. He left out a word too. that's what you seemed to miss. Take another look if you dare.

Even you will hear the swoosh this time. Knothead.
I pointed out the dishonesty behind your [anatta] previous link and you ignoring it could not confirm the validity of what is a trivial deflection, anyway. From your second dishonest citation: The origin of the recording is unclear. It was upload by a user named “Maidan Puppets,” a reference to the Maidan Square in Kiev where protesters have fought the government and the Russian accusation that the protesters are puppets of the United States and the West. The video was first reported in the Kyiv Post.

Jonathan Marcus: At the outset it should be clear that this is a fragment of what may well be a larger phone conversation. But the US has not denied its veracity and has been quick to point a finger at the Russian authorities for being behind its interception and leak.

we fix those and democratic members will win the whole game

then all the branches will fix the money problem

That could take some time:

Now lets take a clear-eyed look at what the Dems have become thanks to the Repubs. The word is irrelevant and your distress and envy are obvious and quite understandable:

Repub majority House & Senate majorities
33 Repub governors
32 Repub majority state legislatures
1 increasingly conservative Supreme Court
1000 formerly Dem (now Repub) legislative seats nationwide
1 Repub POTUS

The bottom line has you crying yourself to sleep every night:
A veritable blowout and all despite a huge Dem voter registration advantage! Yeah ... it's all so distressing!
And another meaningless spit-ball from the middle-school gallery. Thank you. Now run along and play your vid games, little boy.

If I leave, where will you go for your derivative material, witless? You haven't figured out how to do the clichéd pictures you stole.
Greg is a foreigner who does pretty good job understanding the nuances of America's political landscape and is far more pro-US than pretty much any of our bent-overs.


I don't care how stupid you really are. THAT is funny!
Jonathan Marcus: At the outset it should be clear that this is a fragment of what may well be a larger phone conversation. But the US has not denied its veracity and has been quick to point a finger at the Russian authorities for being behind its interception and leak.

Thanks. A fourth citation pointing out the "tape" is from a vague, biased source and cannot be confirmed as legitimate. And, as I pointed out at the time, even if it is real, it hardly serves as justification for invading a sovereign state. Unless you are bush II, of course.
Good idea. Start with your best forensic techniques.

No, I got your Mucky defense the first time. NATO made Putin invade the Ukraine. It's not his fault.

You might tell that to the Putin you're fluffing. And, I never talked about the US or NATO liberating anybody. I talked about a million dollars worth of media financing. You think that justified Russian military imperialism. Also, I pointed out earlier the "liberating my people" bullshit didn't fool anybody when Hitler tried it in the Sudetenland either.

No, that's a pathetic straw man. First, the Ukraine was not and is not "living as a NATO state." It was living under a very corrupt Putin puppet. Asserting a NATO affiliation would be US hegemony is hysterical screeching that fits well with the rest of your emotionally overwrought rant.

Well, I could see where that might be the case were you able to point to me doing such on behalf of America. If you would like some, you might take a look though at one of us using the you-made-me-shoot-you argument. "If only you had obeyed!"

"I blame NATO." 'Sokay, I don't blame you for not paying attention to you, when you get hysterical.

Ah, the famous bit of international law that allows a pre-emptive strike at a nation in defense of what one "understands" to be its turf and its security interest. Some people think bush just made that up to invade Iraq.

Not that you are defending Russian imperialism by blaming NATO ...

Not even trump is stupid enough to invade Mexico over Putin influencing Mexican media. Hell, he wouldn't even defend America against it. That kind of wild hysteria reminds me of somebody. Now, who was it?

That's it! Right down to the impotent "Fuck you" at the end of the rant. Thanks.

Wow! Just WOW! As if this board isn't already brimming with your lame pontificating. Do you have anything of substance to offer? Ever?
We should note, with some fanfare, that at long last someone...SOMEONE agrees with Glug.

Iggy left you unaware. That suck up has been sucking up to the ChlamydiaBear from the get-go. Hell, I'm betting a DNA test would show at least one of them, problably both, was abandoned long ago by a mother they share.