trump: oblivious moron or psychotically narcissistic oblivious moron?

we fix those and democratic members will win the whole game

then all the branches will fix the money problem
Thanks for the explanation. I still like "A Nutter" better. Oh, and thanks for the flowers further upstream. I guess, we're going to disagree about 90% of the time, so you'll have plenty of opportunity to reverse your judgment and call me names. Okay?
I don't do name calling (unless completely frustrated).
it's a form of deflection, and I really do try to drill down on topics.

I'm just thrilled somebody gets it, with Russiaphobia sweeping the country.
sure, fine. that is the human animal - but our karma isn't the same,not even the same as other sentient life forums.
we are born into the highest plane of animal existence, and we either enlighten to nirvannah
(state of pure energy/formless / liberation from rebirths in saṃsāra)
or the leftover (sullied) karma goes back in the pool (Wheel of Death)

You make me giggle again over our idiot follower, Glug (Greg) who stated earlier, that he questioned the value of understanding Tillich.
Glug is a fundy if nothing else... Committed and unquestioning.
Of course it is, X.O. That wasn't the issue. You hanging out on twitter generates ad income for that shitpile. Placing links to twitter shit generates even more revenues for the shitpile. Revenues that, had you researched the matter and placed a link to a legit news source, would have accrued to that legit news source. Instead, you, like millions of others, are tipping the scales towards parasites, like twitter and faceshit, and add to the crisis of legitimate news sources.

You're a serious, thinking guy. If I can't convince you to abandon the shitpiles, even though the argument is as clear as it gets, it's patently unavoidable: Not only will the dumbing down of twitteratis and faceshitters go on unabated, and the rest of us will have to make do with a seriously weakened Fourth Estate.


An excellent description of what now ails our media - including the decline of even our once most prestigious outlets (read: WashPo & NYTimes) - and their necessity to compete with the yellow journalism and fake news that has flooded the Internet.

The financial need to generate clicks has produced a lowest common denominator race-to-the-bottom that haters like Tavy and X.O. must deny or risk losing that which supports their hatred. Meanwhile subscription rates plummet and Internet click-bait is the media's new revenue driver.

We have for some time been trying to "make do with a seriously weakened 4th Estate" and American faith in their drivel hit an all-time low in 2016 (Gallup). I see no reason that trend won't continue and no way they can undo the damage they have done to themselves or their "profession," much to the dismay of this poster and his country.
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You know what, that's idiotic, just you doing your best Odorum impression. Is that your way to celebrate the Fourth?

Good idea. Start with your best forensic techniques.

Ukraine became the punching ball between the US and Russia, there is no disputing that, just as there is no disputing that NATO risked Ukrainian lives to have their way, just as Brzezinski made Afghanistan into the punching ball between the US and the USSR, and they have almost forty years of war and civil war as a consequence, with no end in sight.

No, I got your Mucky defense the first time. NATO made Putin invade the Ukraine. It's not his fault.

You didn't "liberate" half of the Ukraine,

You might tell that to the Putin you're fluffing. And, I never talked about the US or NATO liberating anybody. I talked about a million dollars worth of media financing. You think that justified Russian military imperialism. Also, I pointed out earlier the "liberating my people" bullshit didn't fool anybody when Hitler tried it in the Sudetenland either.

and a Ukraine living as a NATO state would be under US hegemony.

No, that's a pathetic straw man. First, the Ukraine was not and is not "living as a NATO state." It was living under a very corrupt Putin puppet. Asserting a NATO affiliation would be US hegemony is hysterical screeching that fits well with the rest of your emotionally overwrought rant.

That's the consequence of your argument, regardless of the fact that the "liberation" wasn't wanted by the eastern half of the country. That complicates your monumentally stupid moralizing self-aggrandizement, doesn't it?

Well, I could see where that might be the case were you able to point to me doing such on behalf of America. If you would like some, you might take a look though at one of us using the you-made-me-shoot-you argument. "If only you had obeyed!"

BTW, the idiocy culminated in, I justified Russian military aggression.

"I blame NATO." 'Sokay, I don't blame you for not paying attention to you, when you get hysterical.

I did no such thing, and you got to be punch drunk to assert same. That Russia warned against further NATO advancement, and took measures to thwart it, is just the understandable reaction of a regional power protecting what it understands is its turf, and security interest.

Ah, the famous bit of international law that allows a pre-emptive strike at a nation in defense of what one "understands" to be its turf and its security interest. Some people think bush just made that up to invade Iraq.

All that may well have been no more than NATO probing Russia's ability and willingness to defend her interests, with costs to the tune of thousands of deaths, and an economy in the east largely in ruins.

Not that you are defending Russian imperialism by blaming NATO ...

Had Putin an ally in Mexico, and went to establish a military alliance, the US would react in exactly the same way, and you know it. Neither amounts to a justification, dummy, that's just a statement of fact depicting the political and military reality.

Not even trump is stupid enough to invade Mexico over Putin influencing Mexican media. Hell, he wouldn't even defend America against it. That kind of wild hysteria reminds me of somebody. Now, who was it?

Do I have to inform you that your Odorum impression is just pathetic? Adolf?

Fuck you.

That's it! Right down to the impotent "Fuck you" at the end of the rant. Thanks.
You make me giggle again over our idiot follower, Glug (Greg) who stated earlier, that he questioned the value of understanding Tillich.
Glug is a fundy if nothing else... Committed and unquestioning.

Greg is a foreigner who does pretty good job understanding the nuances of America's political landscape and is far more pro-US than pretty much any of our bent-overs.
Yeah, very occasionally aspiration outruns actual achievement. I am sure, it happened even even in your neck of the woods.

Neither does it aspire to anything more worthwhile than to accommodate the bottom of the barrel.

Well you clearly get what's going on with our media. Regrettably far too many wallow in that pig-sty because they need the echo-chamber.
Because the current debate was lacking nonsensical, no-pride hiss-and-spit I-know-you-are's from a desperate suck up.

Okay, Darth was doing what he could, but he's no SPRAYIT.

And another meaningless spit-ball from the middle-school gallery. Thank you. Now run along and play your vid games, little boy.
There are currently 39 users browsing this thread.

Tsk. Don't they know they could be elsewhere, looking at crying baby pictures, cowardly bigotry, and gun-stroking erotica; and, a few liberals feeding feebs for squawking the same shit over and over again?

Or viewing the same, pompous yet pointless drivel wherever you squat, Princess.
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An excellent description of what now ails our media - including the decline of even our once most prestigious outlets (read: WashPo & NYTimes) - and the necessity for them to compete with the yellow journalism and fake news that has flooded the Internet.

The financial need to generate clicks has produced a lowest common denominator race-to-the-bottom that haters like Tavy and X.O. must deny or risk losing that which supports their hatred. Meanwhile subscription rates plummet and Internet click-bait is the media's new money-maker.

We have for some time been trying to "make do with a seriously weakened 4th Estate" and American faith in their drivel hit an all-time low in 2016 (Gallup). I see no reason that trend won't continue and no way they can undo the damage they have done to themselves or their "profession," much to the dismay of this poster and his country.

You got it wrong from the the beginning but you ran with it. Good for you. That shows a willingness to think.
Next, try not to talk in cliches and over-wrought slogans. You'll get there.

Also, I like you've done it all without pictures too.

When you progress to tackling actual articles with specific critiques you might start building credibility. Good luck.

An excellent description of what now ails our media - including the decline of even our once most prestigious outlets (read: WashPo & NYTimes) - and the necessity for them to compete with the yellow journalism and fake news that has flooded the Internet.

The financial need to generate clicks has produced a lowest common denominator race-to-the-bottom that haters like Tavy and X.O. must deny or risk losing that which supports their hatred. Meanwhile subscription rates plummet and Internet click-bait is the media's new money-maker.

We have for some time been trying to "make do with a seriously weakened 4th Estate" and American faith in their drivel hit an all-time low in 2016 (Gallup). I see no reason that trend won't continue and no way they can undo the damage they have done to themselves or their "profession," much to the dismay of this poster and his country.

Nice. You took OE's objection to Facebook and Twitter and used a suck-up to pretend he supported your silly squealings about rightards being victims of the MSM media. Your pride in the success your incessant whining has had in demeaning the media is surpassed only by how you always fail to mention that people still believe a media with an "all-time low" more than they believe the lying trump you fluff. Good thing I was here to remind you again of that neglect, eh?