trump: oblivious moron or psychotically narcissistic oblivious moron?

Throughout his time in office, Yushchenko repeatedly threatened to expel Russia's Black Sea Fleet from Sevastopol.
The Russian military lease there was scheduled to expire in 2017.
If a Yushenko protege took over (as was likely) what chance was there the lease would not be renewed?

The gas deal saved the lease that time,
but the access was always held hostage to the whim of the Uk government.

The government of a secession to Yank. would likely be the same as Yushenko
Given the instability of Uk's actions towards Sevastopol, it's logical for Putin to seize it.
There was also the Crimean referendum.

we forced all this to happen with our meddling in the Euromaiden -picking sides in their internal politics

you are like the only person in the world that denies the veracity of the tape.
Even Merkel accepts it. Nuland doesn't deny it -she just says she is a victim of sophisticated engineering.

you are stuck on a narrative and refuse to see anything you do not want to see.
A true Clintonista.
Angela Merkel: Victoria Nuland's remarks on EU are unacceptable
The German chancellor, Angela Merkel, has described as "totally unacceptable" remarks by a senior US official who said "fuck the EU" while speaking about the crisis in Ukraine.

Nuland refused to be drawn into the row. "I will not comment on a private diplomatic conversation," she said. But she implied she had been a victim of a sophisticated eavesdropping operation carried out by Russia's spy agencies. The embarrassing tape surfaced with Russian subtitles. "It was pretty impressive tradecraft. [The] audio quality was very good," Nuland said on Friday.

blatent russobot
Have you read the portion of the Declaration I posted earlier? Want to make a comparison of that document, a well-ordered argument laid out in the most admirable language, with the mindless bloviations that twitter invites? Discouraging argument in favor of mere assertion by design? Not least, twitter (just as faceshit) are spying on users and readers, serving up to them reinforcing messages, adding to the segregation of Americans into ideological boxes, and reinforcing the hermetically sealed world views that make it ever more difficult to reach, with reason, facts or arguments, those thus confined. Twitter is at the forefront of the infantilization of the populace, as is faceshit. You should know that, having observed the effects for longer than a decade.


Fake news! That's the response to direct quotes. It's not Facebook, it's just "them". I wrote "What's the best way to get a Moron for Bush to call you a liar? Quote them directly" before Zuckerberg launched 'The Facebook' from his dorm room.
You are hardly in a position to judge anybody, now are you?

Sent from my iPhone 25S with cherries on top

I have to admit, now that evince (WTF kinda name is that anyway) has assaulted me with idiotic obscenity-filled attacks on my character, that you were right.

She's fucking whacked.
So who do we believe these "guests" are that lurk and are not members? Is it possible to hide your ID while viewing? Is it that people routinely log out and look around before signing in? I don't get it-- why would there be more lurkers than posters?
I have to admit, now that evince (WTF kinda name is that anyway) has assaulted me with idiotic obscenity-filled attacks on my character, that you were right.

She's fucking whacked.
Yes well thanks for having the balls to admit that, she can pretend for a few days but that's about it. The lunacy will always out. She is also called Desh by us old timers as her name used to be Deshrubinator.

Sent from my iPhone 25S with cherries on top
You should credit Adolf, if you are going to borrow his Sudetenland crap.

Others can testify how often I have criticized American hegemony and imperialism. That gives me the advantage over you allowing your knee-jerk anti-Americanism to justify your pathetic apologia for Russian military aggression.

I didn't bring up "American freedom fighters" nor did I advocate lying back and enjoying American hegemony, but that dishonest reach is telling as to the bankruptcy of your arguments. A vague assertion to "chauvinistic rants" is very convenient when relying on hiss-and-spit as a forensic tactic. It is a weak defense of knee-jerk anti-Americanism.

Terrorists are fond of the same argument - "You made me do it." Mucky likes to use that also when explaining his repulsiveness. I say that you squeaking that America having killed for imperialism somehow justifies Russia doing it shows that you are lashing out, because you know you're flailing from logical and moral weakness.

You know what, that's idiotic, just you doing your best Odorum impression. Is that your way to celebrate the Fourth?

Ukraine became the punching ball between the US and Russia, there is no disputing that, just as there is no disputing that NATO risked Ukrainian lives to have their way, just as Brzezinski made Afghanistan into the punching ball between the US and the USSR, and they have almost forty years of war and civil war as a consequence, with no end in sight. You didn't "liberate" half of the Ukraine, and a Ukraine living as a NATO state would be under US hegemony. That's the consequence of your argument, regardless of the fact that the "liberation" wasn't wanted by the eastern half of the country. That complicates your monumentally stupid moralizing self-aggrandizement, doesn't it?

BTW, the idiocy culminated in, I justified Russian military aggression. I did no such thing, and you got to be punch drunk to assert same. That Russia warned against further NATO advancement, and took measures to thwart it, is just the understandable reaction of a regional power protecting what it understands is its turf, and its security interest. All that may well have been no more than NATO probing Russia's ability and willingness to defend her interests, with costs to the tune of thousands of deaths, and an economy in the east largely in ruins. Had Putin an ally in Mexico, and went to establish a military alliance, the US would react in exactly the same way, and you know it. Neither amounts to a justification, dummy, that's just a statement of fact depicting the political and military reality.

Do I have to inform you that your Odorum impression is just pathetic? Adolf?

Fuck you.
Yes well thanks for having the balls to admit that, she can pretend for a few days but that's about it. The lunacy will always out. She is also called Desh by us old timers as her name used to be Deshrubinator.

Sent from my iPhone 25S with cherries on top

Deshrubinator? Hmmm, well at least her heart is in the right place. And balls? LOL ... Shirley the invading hordes have shown more than timidity, yes?
I may not be the brightest of the new herd but I'm always willing to be honest. It's my best sport.
So who do we believe these "guests" are that lurk and are not members? Is it possible to hide your ID while viewing? Is it that people routinely log out and look around before signing in? I don't get it-- why would there be more lurkers than posters?

Do you want your name published while doing extensive rubbernecking around a train wreck? Guess not.

Other than that, why bother? There are probably some from the old place kibitzing without signing up / logging in, and more probably are just looking around for entertainment while not prepared to contribute. So, what the heck...