trump: oblivious moron or psychotically narcissistic oblivious moron?

Deshrubinator? Hmmm, well at least her heart is in the right place. And balls? LOL ... Shirley the invading hordes have shown more than timidity, yes?
I may not be the brightest of the new herd but I'm always willing to be honest. It's my best sport.

Post number 3399. Perfect.

My phone number.
Deshrubinator? Hmmm, well at least her heart is in the right place. And balls? LOL ... Shirley the invading hordes have shown more than timidity, yes?
I may not be the brightest of the new herd but I'm always willing to be honest. It's my best sport.

why you pisssed I post facts

something wrong with facts
Do you want your name published while doing extensive rubbernecking around a train wreck? Guess not.

Other than that, why bother? There are probably some from the old place kibitzing without signing up / logging in, and more probably are just looking around for entertainment while not prepared to contribute. So, what the heck...
You can go into invisible mode, we had a troll named Legion who used that a lot so that he couldn't be tracked.

Sent from my iPhone 25S with cherries on top
Do you want your name published while doing extensive rubbernecking around a train wreck? Guess not.

Other than that, why bother? There are probably some from the old place kibitzing without signing up / logging in, and more probably are just looking around for entertainment while not prepared to contribute. So, what the heck...

By my count, there aren't 9 posters from there who are signed up here. Maybe I'm wrong.

Those we left can stay lurking. Sorry you're so testy today. You OK?
You know what, that's idiotic, just you doing your best Odorum impression. Is that your way to celebrate the Fourth?

Ukraine became the punching ball between the US and Russia, there is no disputing that, just as there is no disputing that NATO risked Ukrainian lives to have their way, just as Brzezinski made Afghanistan into the punching ball between the US and the USSR, and they have almost forty years of war and civil war as a consequence, with no end in sight. You didn't "liberate" half of the Ukraine, and a Ukraine living as a NATO state would be under US hegemony. That's the consequence of your argument, regardless of the fact that the "liberation" wasn't wanted by the eastern half of the country. That complicates your monumentally stupid moralizing self-aggrandizement, doesn't it?

BTW, the idiocy culminated in, I justified Russian military aggression. I did no such thing, and you got to be punch drunk to assert same. That Russia warned against further NATO advancement, and took measures to thwart it, is just the understandable reaction of a regional power protecting what it understands is its turf, and its security interest. All that may well have been no more than NATO probing Russia's ability and willingness to defend her interests, with costs to the tune of thousands of deaths, and an economy in the east largely in ruins. Had Putin an ally in Mexico, and went to establish a military alliance, the US would react in exactly the same way, and you know it. Neither amounts to a justification, dummy, that's just a statement of fact depicting the political and military reality.

Do I have to inform you that your Odorum impression is just pathetic? Adolf?

Fuck you.

boy did I judge you wrong. first impressions and all that.
It's SO refreshing to see someone who understands what a border state is (between Russia and NATO) and why messing aruond in it leads to regional instability.

And I'm not even going to call you a Putin bot. :)
excellent post. well said
So who do we believe these "guests" are that lurk and are not members? Is it possible to hide your ID while viewing? Is it that people routinely log out and look around before signing in? I don't get it-- why would there be more lurkers than posters?

It is just the NSA and the Feds watching. Nothing to worry about...

GOP Memo Admits Plan Could 'Keep Black Vote Down'
October 25, 1986|From the Washington Post

NEWARK, N.J. — A Republican National Committee official calculated that a so-called ballot security program in Louisiana "could keep the black vote down considerably," according to documents released in federal court Friday.
The documents and court hearing were the latest developments in a controversy over the GOP's ballot program that Democrats maintain is aimed at reducing minority turnout. The Republicans say the program's sole purpose is to purge ineligible voters from voting roles.
In an Aug. 13 memo the court made public Friday, Kris Wolfe, the Republican National Committee Midwest political director, wrote Lanny Griffith, the committee's Southern political director, and said of the Louisiana campaigning:
"I know this race is really important to you. I would guess that this program will eliminate at least 60-80,000 folks from the rolls. . . . If it's a close race . . . which I'm assuming it is, this could keep the black vote down considerably."

Unseals Document
She said in the memorandum that the program had been approved by Gregory Graves, deputy political director of the National Republican Senatorial Committee.
The document, called Exhibit 13, was unsealed by U.S. District Judge Dickinson R. Debevoise when lawyers for the Democratic National Committee said it was needed to question Wolfe.
Wolfe testified that she wrote about the possibility of keeping the black vote down to remind Griffith that there "might be a political situation he might want to consider. . . . I wanted him to be aware of the political considerations."
The Democrats are suing the Republican Party for $10 million, charging that the Republican National Committee ballot security programs--a method of assuring that voters reside at their listed addresses--violated a 1981 consent agreement signed by both parties.
Under the agreement, the Republican committee would "refrain from undertaking any ballot security activities in polling places or election districts where the racial composition of such districts is a factor."
Debevoise refused to issue a restraining order requiring the GOP to stop all similar activity.
Accepts Lawyers' Word
The judge said he accepted the word of Republican lawyers who told him all ballot security programs have been stopped, including an effort the Democrats say singled out predominantly black and Latino precincts in Pontiac, Mich.
In testimony Friday, Mark Braden, the Republican National Committee's chief counsel and the organizer of the ballot security program, said he repeatedly sought to make it clear to subordinates that "race was a factor that could not be used. I would instill the fear of God in them. . . . I'm not an idiot, this is a big press issue, and it's a big legal issue."
The committee's ballot security program was conducted in Louisiana, Indiana and Missouri. Before it became controversial, GOP political strategists said they planned to use it in other states.
'Insidious Scheme'
Louisiana state District Court Judge Richard E. Lee issued an injunction against the program on Oct. 14. In his order, Lee said: "This was an insidious scheme by the Republican Party to remove blacks from the voting roles."


I like facts

they are more interesting than old political site gossip

In 5-Year Effort, Scant Evidence of Voter Fraud

WASHINGTON, April 11 — Five years after the Bush administration began a crackdown on voter fraud, the Justice Department has turned up virtually no evidence of any organized effort to skew federal elections, according to court records and interviews.
Although Republican activists have repeatedly said fraud is so widespread that it has corrupted the political process and, possibly, cost the party election victories, about 120 people have been charged and 86 convicted as of last year.
Most of those charged have been Democrats, voting records show. Many of those charged by the Justice Department appear to have mistakenly filled out registration forms or misunderstood eligibility rules, a review of court records and interviews with prosecutors and defense lawyers show.

they help the world get bettern

unlike old political site gossip
i told you guys long ago something was not right about annata
nobody spells my username correctly..I am not a woman (ann-something).
I'm 60+ year old dude.
anatta, ( Pali: “non-self” or “substanceless”) Sanskrit anatman ,
in Buddhism, the doctrine that there is in humans no permanent, underlying substance that can be called the soul. Instead, the individual is compounded of five factors (Pali khandha; Sanskrit skandha) that are constantly changing.

Anatta is a central doctrine of Buddhism, and marks one of the major differences between Buddhism and Hinduism.
Buddhists do not believe that at the core of all human beings and living creatures, there is any "eternal, essential and absolute something called a soul, self or atman".
boy did I judge you wrong. first impressions and all that.
It's SO refreshing to see someone who understands what a border state is (between Russia and NATO) and why messing aruond in it leads to regional instability.

And I'm not even going to call you a Putin bot. :)
excellent post. well said

OE's pretty fucking smart. A lot of newbies are. You'll see.
post some facts. have at it.

why not state thoughts and opinions as well....maybe even complete thoughts and sentences. See if someone cares to respond... you know?

I have

I do

there is a real problem in this country

if it is not fixed no amount of bivolating will mean anything

First their must be clean elections

without that there is no America
By my count, there aren't 9 posters from there who are signed up here. Maybe I'm wrong.

Those we left can stay lurking. Sorry you're so testy today. You OK?

There are at least eight righties from the old place who did sign up, and the rest knows about the place by now, and visits whithout signing up. That's enough to constitute a high "guest" count.

We haven't had guests as lurkers at the old place because our thread was hidden from guests and there was no indicator for the presence of guests to begin with. If you get around more in this place and find a lively thread, you'll almost always find guests "lurking". So, really, we aren't all that ... "special".

That latter posting wasn't in any way meant to be testy, X.O. Just a gentle nudge not to obsess about our rubbernecking lurkers.
nobody spells my username correctly..I am not a woman (ann-something).
I'm 60+ year old dude.
anatta, ( Pali: “non-self” or “substanceless”) Sanskrit anatman ,
in Buddhism, the doctrine that there is in humans no permanent, underlying substance that can be called the soul. Instead, the individual is compounded of five factors (Pali khandha; Sanskrit skandha) that are constantly changing.
Anatta is a central doctrine of Buddhism, and marks one of the major differences between Buddhism and Hinduism.
Buddhists do not believe that at the core of all human beings and living creatures, there is any "eternal, essential and absolute something called a soul, self or atman".

we are a collection of cells

we are designed with a brain that needs to question and need to connect to others

our brains grew larger to deal with the needs and emotions of others.

mankind has always lived in groups.

that need created a being willing to scarafice for love of others.

That my friend is your soul.

Its why we love Music

music is a purely joy filled cooperation between humans.

there is no real need for music except to share joy hearing each other and doing it as a collaborative effort.

some people have no soul

some people are sociopaths
There are at least eight righties from the old place who did sign up, and the rest knows about the place by now, and visits whithout signing up. That's enough to constitute a high "guest" count.

We haven't had guests as lurkers at the old place because our thread was hidden from guests and there was no indicator for the presence of guests to begin with. If you get around more in this place and find a lively thread, you'll almost always find guests "lurking". So, really, we aren't all that ... "special".

That latter posting wasn't in any way meant to be testy, X.O. Just a gentle nudge not to obsess about our rubbernecking lurkers.

this place has ALWAYS had a shit load of guest reading the posts

its one of the reasons I stay here
I have

I do

there is a real problem in this country

if it is not fixed no amount of bivolating will mean anything

First their must be clean elections

without that there is no America

America will survive i'm sure. But if your point is we need to get to fair, honest elections, i agree.

I believe campaign finance reform is absolutely necessary and the vast majority of Americans need to believe that it should be illegal to give money to an elected official.
However I'm at a loss, at this point how to help that idea along.
America will survive i'm sure. But if your point is we need to get to fair, honest elections, i agree.

I believe campaign finance reform is absolutely necessary and the vast majority of Americans need to believe that it should be illegal to give money to an elected official.
However I'm at a loss, at this point how to help that idea along.

our machines are not secure

ID laws cheat millions


and this last round with russian influence

Its wide and deep folks
nobody spells my username correctly.

Thanks for the explanation. I still like "A Nutter" better. Oh, and thanks for the flowers further upstream. I guess, we're going to disagree about 90% of the time, so you'll have plenty of opportunity to reverse your judgment and call me names. Okay?
we are a collection of cells
sure, fine. that is the human animal - but our karma isn't the same,not even the same as other sentient life forums.
we are born into the highest plane of animal existence, and we either enlighten to nirvannah
(state of pure energy/formless / liberation from rebirths in saṃsāra)
or the leftover (sullied) karma goes back in the pool (Wheel of Death)