trump: oblivious moron or psychotically narcissistic oblivious moron?

Sounds remarkably similar to the "deep state" hysteria Deplorables squeak.

Social media isn't going away and no amount of ranting by an iconoclast wannabe, blaming the medium for the message is going to change that.

Bla, bla, bla...

Have I said anything about "social media going away"?

Have I rather spoken about responsible citizens of a sane mind not tilting the playing field even more towards the parasites?

How about, rather than issuing canned insults, you try to follow the argument?

Bla, bla, bla...

Have I said anything about "social media going away"?

Have I rather spoken about responsible citizens of a sane mind not tilting the playing field even more towards the parasites?

How about, rather than issuing canned insults, you try to follow the argument?



who are they in your mind?
Uh huh. You said he threatened to kick the Russians out of their base. You are as clumsy in your dishonesty as is the trump you fluff as party of your duty as a Putin bot.
are you illiterate?
In 2008 the Ukrainians said they would not renew the lease when it expired in 2017.
is not a non-enewall the same as kicking them out?

Wounded, you resort again to parroting Putin propaganda. Did you learn to cite opinions as support for assertions of fact at Jezooit Skool? Inside joke, don't worry about it.
foreign policy is not a "Putin Propaganda" mag. If I had cited RT youmight have a point.
I didn't -you don't

Yeah, the "chief architect" depends on whether you are doing hysterical Hillary bashing or squawking about Obama "leading from behind." I do understand your use of an irrelevant deflection, however clumsy it was.
Hillary Clinton,‘Smart Power’ and a Dictator’s Fall

The president was wary. The secretary of state was persuasive. But the ouster of Col. Muammar el-Qaddafi left Libya a failed state and a terrorist haven.

your ignorance of Hillary role in the world organization of Libyan war 2011 is easily solved by reading this NYTimes piece above.
I can also provide you with her own State Dept memo
From: Jake Sullivan
Sant: Sunday, August 21, 2011 7:40 PM
To: Mills, Cheryl D; Nuiand, Victoria J
Subject: tidc todc on libya

this is basically off the top of my head, with a few consultations of my notes. but it shows S'Clinton
leadership/ownership/stewardship of this country's libya policy from start to finish
, let me know what you
think. toria, who else might be able to add to this?
Secretary Clinton's leadership on Libya
HRC has been a critical voice on Libya in administration deliberations, at NATO, and in contact group
meetings — as well as the public face of the U.S. effort in Libya. She was instrumental in securing the
authorization, building the coalition, and tightening the noose around Qadhafi and his regime.

This is the third time you have tried to Coulter a citation to support your dishonest assertion. From this link: "The alleged conversation ..." "Alleged," twit.
it was an intercept conversation. It's common knowledge it happened.
Read the transcript -it's a long call,and the F he EU fits right in context.
Only a Clintonista would call it a Coulter citation.
You have parroted opinions by those who tell you what you think. Owl'd pointed out that your "research" on the matter consists of nothing more than parroting propaganda. You have Coultered citations to pretend a suspect tape from a vague and biased source is truth. You claimed the Ukrainian leader had threatened to close the Russian base by pointing to him threatening to block one ship. Now, you treat me as Deplorably stupid by claiming a negotiation tactic that never amounted to anything, that allowed continued use of the port somehow validates your Putin master using the threat of military force to annex the property of a sovereign nation, even boasting the extortion was pulled off "without firing a shot."

The only good thing to come out of all of you being Putin's lickspittle is the way it inspired other Deplorables to put the phoniness of their "patriotism" in neon.
owls research only shows that NATO encirclement was more of an agrevating factor then I had thought.
It makes Putin's Russia-Geogian war even more reasonable in terms of resisting strategic encirclement .

Once again you fail to read that the Orange Revolution government had threatened closure ( non-renewal)
You are so lacking in basic foreign affairs understanding you challenge me on common ordinary knowledge
like the threatened non-renewall / F the EU call/ and the strategic importance of Sevastopol.

You don't even understand Libya's "smart power " advocacy by Clinton was interventionism on the cheap disguised as "Kinetic military action."

You arent stupid. ergo it must be you are a hopeless Democratic partisan who refuses to anything but the party line. IOW's a further waste of my time
The investigation is of long standing and ongoing. Until the conclusions are reached we aren't worried about a standard of evidence (though your sudden insistence on it is......uh......timely, if comically inconsistent). We know Trump sources funds from Russia.....we don't know much else about it - but we should...

and if Tuck-Tuck told you that we are at risk of a nuclear holocaust for asking - he's lying...


trumpy cant refuse to give them to him
that assumes a war is on. regular old power projection or the ME ( or supporting Syria -is that offensive?) is quick access. Regardless is is of utmost strategic importance for Russia.
I'm not 100% sure but i would assume that old Russia aircraft carrier came thru there.

The other ports are a long distance voyage -or Asian

Nonsense. The Russians have a base in Syria for that purpose.

If they brought a carrier through, you KNOW it was with permission.

And it is exactly because the sanctions have been effective that the idea of Trump using them as an incentive is so alarming.
is repeating what is in the constitution a bad thing?

is repeating fully documented court evidence that reaches all the way to the scotus a bad thing?

they repeat lies

I repeat facts

facts should always be repeated

they dont have an expiration date
Sounds remarkably similar to the "deep state" hysteria Deplorables squeak.

Social media isn't going away and no amount of ranting by an iconoclast wannabe, blaming the medium for the message is going to change that.

I'm with him. I reluctantly accept gmail because more than a decade of stuff is on it. I loathe facebook and twitter
Nonsense. The Russians have a base in Syria for that purpose.

If they brought a carrier through, you KNOW it was with permission.

And it is exactly because the sanctions have been effective that the idea of Trump using them as an incentive is so alarming.
Tartus is just a re-supply point. It lacks a drydock and full base facilities.

It's basically a stop over for re-supply, though there is talk of upgrading it to a full base.

the sanctions have been ineffective in modifying Putin's behavior.
Merkel had to be prodded into accepting them,and she sure as hell does not want the new Senate sanctions
Nonsense. The Russians have a base in Syria for that purpose.

If they brought a carrier through, you KNOW it was with permission.

And it is exactly because the sanctions have been effective that the idea of Trump using them as an incentive is so alarming.

there actaul fleet is in misreable condition

tiny and broke

nukes and election tampering are their weapons now
I'm with him. I reluctantly accept gmail because more than a decade of stuff is on it. I loathe facebook and twitter

bought one of those fitbit knockoffs...under the pretext of keeping your social media venues updated of your fitness progress, you must agree to let it scan everything. and half of the instructions are in Chinese.

Veg don't play that.
Subic Bay was all about getting to a region in "quick time." And, a desire for "quick time" is not a recognized casus belli for invading a sovereign nation, regardless of the quantity of crap piled by a Putin bot.
it was the threatened non-renewall by a similar pro EU govt' that was expected after Yanakovytch.

the other ports you mentioned added thousands of steaming miles-unacceptable strategic delay times
Yeah, half the country would actually enjoy Russian hegemony.

You should credit Adolf, if you are going to borrow his Sudetenland crap.

Tell you what, your telling them about it won't convince them that's bad, just as you won't convince them the prospect of lying back and enjoying American hegemony is good.

Others can testify how often I have criticized American hegemony and imperialism. That gives me the advantage over you allowing your knee-jerk anti-Americanism to justify your pathetic apologia for Russian military aggression.

Oh, and do spare us the nonsense about the U.S. freedom fighters, okay? That actually is rightarded, and usually happens just on Saturday morning, when your chauvinistic rants are on. They aren't any more convincing on Tuesdays.

I didn't bring up "American freedom fighters" nor did I advocate lying back and enjoying American hegemony, but that dishonest reach is telling as to the bankruptcy of your arguments. A vague assertion to "chauvinistic rants" is very convenient when relying on hiss-and-spit as a forensic tactic. It is a weak defense of knee-jerk anti-Americanism.

Yeah, I am blaming NATO for what Russia did to both Georgia and Ukraine, for it was a highly predictable reaction to NATO advancing right up to Russia's borders, at least attempting to do so. Look at your own back yard, for pity's sake, and the hundreds of thousands you've killed there if any of those governments tilted left.

Terrorists are fond of the same argument - "You made me do it." Mucky likes to use that also when explaining his repulsiveness. I say that you squeaking that America having killed for imperialism somehow justifies Russia doing it shows that you are lashing out, because you know you're flailing from logical and moral weakness.
are you illiterate?
In 2008 the Ukrainians said they would not renew the lease when it expired in 2017.

You already got caught being dishonest about that. Talk of not renewing was followed by renewing the lease, after they got a better deal.

it was an intercept conversation. It's common knowledge it happened.
Read the transcript -it's a long call,and the F he EU fits right in context.
Only a Clintonista would call it a Coulter citation.

"Illiterate" would more apply to someone who believes simply repeating an assertion somehow validates it. The "tape" cannot be confirmed as legitimate, and every source you Coultered admitted as much. Ignoring that to claim "common knowledge" now is sleazy.
Okay, gotta fix some lunch. Later, prolly.

Oh, did you notice that the twin twits ChlamydiaBear and SPRAYIT are putting their impotence on display through the mass use "groans"?
[/B]You already got caught being dishonest about that. Talk of not renewing was followed by renewing the lease, after they got a better deal.
Throughout his time in office, Yushchenko repeatedly threatened to expel Russia's Black Sea Fleet from Sevastopol.
The Russian military lease there was scheduled to expire in 2017.
If a Yushenko protege took over (as was likely) what chance was there the lease would not be renewed?

The gas deal saved the lease that time,
but the access was always held hostage to the whim of the Uk government.

The government of a secession to Yank. would likely be the same as Yushenko
Given the instability of Uk's actions towards Sevastopol, it's logical for Putin to seize it.
There was also the Crimean referendum.

we forced all this to happen with our meddling in the Euromaiden -picking sides in their internal politics

"Illiterate" would more apply to someone who believes simply repeating an assertion somehow validates it. The "tape" cannot be confirmed as legitimate, and every source you Coultered admitted as much. Ignoring that to claim "common knowledge" now is sleazy.
you are like the only person in the world that denies the veracity of the tape.
Even Merkel accepts it. Nuland doesn't deny it -she just says she is a victim of sophisticated engineering.

you are stuck on a narrative and refuse to see anything you do not want to see.
A true Clintonista.
Angela Merkel: Victoria Nuland's remarks on EU are unacceptable
The German chancellor, Angela Merkel, has described as "totally unacceptable" remarks by a senior US official who said "fuck the EU" while speaking about the crisis in Ukraine.

Nuland refused to be drawn into the row. "I will not comment on a private diplomatic conversation," she said. But she implied she had been a victim of a sophisticated eavesdropping operation carried out by Russia's spy agencies. The embarrassing tape surfaced with Russian subtitles. "It was pretty impressive tradecraft. [The] audio quality was very good," Nuland said on Friday.