trump: oblivious moron or psychotically narcissistic oblivious moron?

Not really. For the purposes of any offensive military ambitions, the Black Sea is a bathtub. It's not as if you are going to haul ass through the Bosporus unmolested on your way.

NK is test firing ballistic missiles [that can reach here] and you're worried Putin invading Europe.

And you probably wonder why nobody takes your party seriously.
Putin helped elect Trump lol? Really? Am I supposed to accept that as Truth just because Hillary lost to Trump?

Did you trot out naked assertions in your former home like you do here?

There's no question..we have it from a number of different sources....the only question relates to any possible quid pro quo....
F the EU ?? are you kidding me? do you deny Nuland said that?

I pointed out that silly site could not confirm the legitimacy of what you claimed was said, so yes, I am denying your dishonest parrotry. I was, however, pointing more specifically to your twice asserted but unsupported claim the Ukrainian leader had threatened to kick the Russians out their naval base.

It was so very typical of the Hillary State Dept. Interventionism one way or another. ( See Libya)

State Dept Official Caught on Tape: ‘Fuck the EU’
9Daily Beast)

I pointed out the dishonesty behind your previous link and you ignoring it could not confirm the validity of what is a trivial deflection, anyway. From your second dishonest citation: The origin of the recording is unclear. It was upload by a user named “Maidan Puppets,” a reference to the Maidan Square in Kiev where protesters have fought the government and the Russian accusation that the protesters are puppets of the United States and the West. The video was first reported in the Kyiv Post.

blah blah..


amazing. I give you proof it was happening before.
why would it not happen again by a similar gov't

You twice asserted a threat to kick the Russians out of their base, and ignored a request for a citation. You twice used citations dishonestly to support as a fact something both sides admitted they could not confirm as such. Only in Rightardia is that proof of anything other than your own dishonesty. You tried to Coulter - use citations dishonestly, confident the herd would not check them out. Again, I don't recall doing anything to you that would justify you treating me as if I am rightarded.
Putin helped elect Trump lol? Really? Am I supposed to accept that as Truth just because Hillary lost to Trump?

Did you trot out naked assertions in your former home like you do here?

what about the latvian elections asshole

what happened there idiot
NK is test firing ballistic missiles [that can reach here] and you're worried Putin invading Europe.

And you probably wonder why nobody takes your party seriously.

I'm struggling to see any logic in this......I haven't said anything about Putin invading Europe, and unless you live in Samoa, I don't think you have much to worry about from NK.

And I'm a exile since 1980....but I can tell you that I don't think people should take most republican foreign policy seriously....
NK is test firing ballistic missiles [that can reach here] and you're worried Putin invading Europe.

And you probably wonder why nobody takes your party seriously.

Squeaked by a simp who celebrates American Independence Day by fluffing a Russian dictator in defense of a feckless trump whose totality of dealing with Li'l Kim is empty, inept, and dangerous bluster.

NATO StratCom COE: Social Media As A Tool Of Hybrid*Warfare
July 7, 2016 Joel Harding

The development of information technology has changed the nature of conflicts by creating an additional layer of complexity to traditional battle spaces. Nearly global access to the virtual environment has created numerous opportunities to conduct battles online affecting events in both the physical domain, such as computer systems, and in the cognitive domain of people’s attitudes and beliefs.
Recently we have witnessed how both states and non-state actors use hybrid approaches to pursue their political and military aims, skilfully combining military operations with cyber-attacks, diplomatic and/or economic pressure, and information (propaganda) campaigns. Over the past decade, social media has rapidly grown into one of the main channels of communication used today. Virtual communication platforms have become an integral part of warfare strategy. The recent conflicts in Libya, Syria, and Ukraine have demonstrated that social media is widely used to coordinate actions, collect information, and, most importantly, to influence the beliefs and attitudes of target audiences, even mobilise them for action.
Given this state of affairs, the NATO Strategic Communications Centre of Excellence (NATO StratCom COE) was tasked with looking into how state and non-state actors leverage social media as a tool for conflict and hybrid warfare strategies. The following topics will be addressed in the report:
What is the role of social media in hybrid warfare? *How is it ‘weaponised’?
What techniques and tactics do state and non-state actors employ to support their political and military aims using social media? What effects can they achieve?
What can NATO and its member nations do to identify and counter the malicious use of social media?
We hope that this paper will serve as a comprehensive introduction and useful educational material for anyone interested in understanding the complexity of today’s information environment, and specifically the techniques of influence used in the digital space. The report summarises the conclusions of research commissioned by the StratCom COE—Internet trolling as hybrid warfare tool: the case of Latvia by the Latvian Institute of International Affairs (LIIA) in cooperation with Riga Stradiņš University,1 Social influence in
The report summarises the conclusions of research commissioned by the StratCom COE—Internet trolling as hybrid warfare tool: the case of Latvia by the Latvian Institute of International Affairs (LIIA) in cooperation with Riga Stradiņš University,1 Social influence in Russia-Ukraine-conflictrelated communication in social media by a team of Polish researchers,2 Network of terror: how Daesh uses adaptive social networks to spread its message by Joseph Shaheen, US State Department Fellow at the StratCom COE, as well as discussions from the seminars and conferences conducted by the COE over the course of 2015. 1 Authors: Prof Andris Sprūds (Latvian Institute of Foreign Affairs or LIFA),
There's no question..we have it from a number of different sources....the only question relates to any possible quid pro quo....

'A number of different sources' isn't evidence. At least not evidence that would stand up in court. And you and you're party would put us in potential conflict with a nuclear super power over it.

Go play in the sandbox.
Not really. For the purposes of any offensive military ambitions, the Black Sea is a bathtub. It's not as if you are going to haul ass through the Bosporus unmolested on your way.
that assumes a war is on. regular old power projection or the ME ( or supporting Syria -is that offensive?) is quick access. Regardless is is of utmost strategic importance for Russia.
I'm not 100% sure but i would assume that old Russia aircraft carrier came thru there.

The other ports are a long distance voyage -or Asian
Putin helped elect Trump lol? Really? Am I supposed to accept that as Truth just because Hillary lost to Trump?

Did you trot out naked assertions in your former home like you do here?

You are supposed to be a patriot who would accept the Intelligence consensus that Putin interfered in our election in an effort to help trump. Instead, you keep your prehensile lips firmly affixed to the flabby brat's ass out of gratitude for the way he validates your cowardly bigotry and your pressing desire to be a victim of something.
these people aare russians folks

No American wouldn talk like this about a Russian dictator

they are not Americans
Russo-Georgian war is pretty complicated, but did not involve NATO, NATO expansion,or most importantly
western interference.

Do you do any research before you bleat? Moreover, don't you have a shred of sense where the borders of your knowledge lie, so as to tone down your monumentally over-confident pronouncements, if only to avoid embarrassing yourself? See:

Georgia and North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) relations officially began in 1994 when Georgia joined the NATO-run Partnership for Peace. Georgia has moved quickly following the Rose Revolution in 2003 to seek closer ties and eventual membership with NATO. Georgia's powerful northern neighbor, Russia, has opposed the closer ties, including those expressed at the 2008 Bucharest summit where NATO members promised that Georgia would eventually join the organization.​

Obviously, those goons at NATO headquarters haven't learned a thing:

In the 7 December 2011 statement of the North Atlantic Council Georgia was designated as an "aspirant country".[1]​

So, yeah, NATO was very much involved back before they received the Russian clobbering, and is involved now. You can almost bet the next time Georgians are made to bleed for NATO's overbearing strategery will be way, way worse than the last, and that was bad enough.
Regardless is is of utmost strategic importance for Russia.

Again, you justify Russian military imperialism as a matter of convenience and not the necessity you originally asserted. This causes me to bring up how the US did not do anything to the Philippines, when it lost its naval base of "utmost strategic importance."

Your tactic of trying to pile Putin propaganda faster than it could be shoveled away was better than relying on your own thoughts and words.
Do you do any research before you bleat? Moreover, don't you have a shred of sense where the borders of your knowledge lie, so as to tone down your monumentally over-confident pronouncements, if only to avoid embarrassing yourself? See:
Georgia and North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) relations officially began in 1994 when Georgia joined the NATO-run Partnership for Peace. Georgia has moved quickly following the Rose Revolution in 2003 to seek closer ties and eventual membership with NATO. Georgia's powerful northern neighbor, Russia, has opposed the closer ties, including those expressed at the 2008 Bucharest summit where NATO members promised that Georgia would eventually join the organization.​

Obviously, those goons at NATO headquarters haven't learned a thing:
In the 7 December 2011 statement of the North Atlantic Council Georgia was designated as an "aspirant country".[1]​

So, yeah, NATO was very much involved back before they received the Russian clobbering, and is involved now. You can almost bet the next time Georgians are made to bleed for NATO's overbearing strategery will be way, way worse than the last, and that was bad enough.

Blaming NATO for what Putin did to it? Rightarded. Silly people and their desires for self-determination as opposed to lying back and enjoying Russian hegemony.
The buffoon spending a 5th of his time at golf courses is worthy of disdain. And I suggest you temper your fear a little.

Of course it is, X.O. That wasn't the issue. You hanging out on twitter generates ad income for that shitpile. Placing links to twitter shit generates even more revenues for the shitpile. Revenues that, had you researched the matter and placed a link to a legit news source, would have accrued to that legit news source. Instead, you, like millions of others, are tipping the scales towards parasites, like twitter and faceshit, and add to the crisis of legitimate news sources.

You're a serious, thinking guy. If I can't convince you to abandon the shitpiles, even though the argument is as clear as it gets, it's patently unavoidable: Not only will the dumbing down of twitteratis and faceshitters go on unabated, and the rest of us will have to make do with a seriously weakened Fourth Estate.
'A number of different sources' isn't evidence. At least not evidence that would stand up in court. And you and you're party would put us in potential conflict with a nuclear super power over it.

When in doubt, squeal hysterically. You made a senile Ronnie Raygun a saint for taking much greater risks with a "potential conflict with a nuclear super power." Of course, that was before trump taught you the pleasure of bending over for it, instead.
Shirley you ignore that for all its blather the document did not recognise brown Americans.

Yeah, very occasionally aspiration outruns actual achievement. I am sure, it happened even even in your neck of the woods.

An argument the founders then ignore. I think I prefer Twitter, it postures less.

Neither does it aspire to anything more worthwhile than to accommodate the bottom of the barrel.