trump: oblivious moron or psychotically narcissistic oblivious moron?

it wasn't a military alliance like NATO. The Orange Coalition collapsed and Yanukovych ( as president) tried to repair Uk. Russian ties.
Look what European Council on Foreign Relation says - this is a pro west organization:
Andrew Wilson, a senior fellow at the European Council on Foreign Relations, said Yanukovych was trying to balance Ukraine's interests with Europe and Russia. "Yanukovych is dealing with the new geography of the region. The US may not have changed its politics but it has downgraded Europe in its priorities. At the same time he wants a better personal relationship with Russia's leaders and with Putin. Things have been seriously bad since the incident in 2004 when Yanukovych offered Putin a sweet. "

Under Yushchenko, relations between Moscow and Kiev grew so acrimonious that Medvedev memorably described Yushchenko as a "political corpse". He refused last year to send an ambassador to Ukraine until Yushchenko, a harsh critic of the Kremlin who sought to leave Russia's sphere of influence, was out of office.

you don't understand there are 2 main factions in Ukrainian politics -east and Kyiv.
we supported Kyiv SIMPLY BECAUSE of US-Russian superpower confrontation.
and it was NOT "diplomatic. We targeted USAID money towards the Kyiv factions.
In essence we meddled in Uk politics for no reason then to screw with Putin - no noble goals.
there wasn't any threats. the Annexation was done as a reaction
"little green men" simply swarmed the penninsula,and not a shot fired
It was a legitimate payment for Sevastopol's lease -Yanokovitych acted as president of Ukraine to sign it.
Putin had no choice but to secure access to Sevastopol.

Viktor Yanukovych promises Ukraine will embrace Russia
New president's inaugural Moscow visit appears to usher in new era between countries
Yanukovych's trip followed a visit on Monday to Brussels. He appears to be engaged in a delicate diplomatic balancing act between Ukraine's giant western and eastern neighbours. Asked why he had gone to see the EU first, Yanukovych declared simply that the Europeans had invited him earlier...

But the outlines of a new Russia-friendly Ukraine were clear – with Yanukovych indicating he is ready to renew the lease on Russia's Black Sea fleet, which expires in 2017, whereas Yushchenko had pledged to evict the Russians from their base in the historic Crimean port of Sevastopol.

He gave assurances that Ukraine was not contemplating joining Nato, a step that Russia regards as unacceptable. Asked whether Nato membership was still on the cards, Yanukovych said Ukraine would work with Nato but not join it. "Ukraine is a non-bloc European country," he said.

The two sides discussed Ukraine's large gas bill. Yanukovych promised during his election campaign to renegotiate a controversial gas deal signed by Putin and Tymoshenko last year. He wants to reduce the price paid by Kiev from $305 to $205-$210 per thousand cubic metres. It remains unclear how much the Kremlin is willing to co-operate.

Very good. I didn't even see Putin's lips move.

Lessee. Your deflection quoting of Wilson in no way supports Putin imperialism nor disputes that Yanukovych was a corrupt Russian puppet. In fact, it shows that Putin's Medved puppet was quick to turn hostile to Ukrainian independence. Your claim of east and west factions in the Ukraine is either ignorant or deliberately dishonest. The "factions" are Ukrainians vs. many ethnic Russians in the east. Pretending USAID funding of an independent media in the Ukraine is equivalent to Putin dominating the government and the will of Ukrainians with a stunningly corrupt puppet is the kind of no-pride propaganda one expects from a Putin bot. I notice that you simple ignore and dismiss Yanukovych's corruption in your apologia for militaristic imperialism. Claiming Putin had no choice but to seize Sevastopol out of a need to protect its imperialism is not only immoral but contrary to fact. Independent Ukraine did nothing to threaten the Russian base. I don't believe you can back up your claim to the contrary. And, even if you could, the US lost a crucial base in the Philippines. We did not invade the Philippines to get it back. And, again, justifying an invasion because you don't like what a sovereign nation might do with its foreign relations may go over with fascists or Putin propagandists, but should not resonate among anyone claiming American patriotism.
What's with lefties and homophobic slurs?

What's with Deplorables crawling so frequently up their PC crosses? Oh yeah, a desperate need to be a victim of something.

The left didn't give squat about Putin or Russia until November of 2016.

Ignoring that LBJ expanded us into a war in Vietnam that hurts us still in the name of fighting a monolithic, Kremlin-led communism that did not exist, all it took for the sons of "Tailgunner" Joe McCarthy to suck Putin was for their ham-fisted con-man leader to become Putin's bitch.

Obama mocked Romney for calling Russia a geopolitical foe in 2011

Yeah, everybody is familiar with this silly squawk. Putin was not the dictator in 2011, and Medvedev was being nice at that time, perhaps hoping to be something other than Putin's puppet.

and nothing changed till Trump beat Hillary and flipped domestic politics off its axis. For the left, Putin is a pretext for overturning the election and for calcified neocon dinosaurs like John McCain---Putin gives him a reason to remain relevant.

If Putin is a murderous dictator then his people should overthrow him. In the meantime, we play the hand we're dealt.

Tillerson gets it and Trump gets it.

A few things changed. Putin returned to power. He invaded the Ukraine. He helped elect a flabby, septuagenarian brat that Deplorable sissies believed would protect them from hordes of boogeymen. You squealing pigs were quick to toss aside your phony patriotism to defend this attack on American sovereignty, including hysterical caterwauling that the whole thing is some "deep state" conspiracy to overthrow your minority rule. BTW, it is an indisputable fact that Putin interfered in our election. What has trump done about it, other than criticize everybody on the planet EXCEPT his Moscow master? This video contains a comprehensive list of trump's efforts to protect America in this regard:

Very good. I didn't even see Putin's lips move.

Lessee. Your deflection quoting of Wilson in no way supports Putin imperialism nor disputes that Yanukovych was a corrupt Russian puppet. In fact, it shows that Putin's Medved puppet was quick to turn hostile to Ukrainian independence. Your claim of east and west factions in the Ukraine is either ignorant or deliberately dishonest. The "factions" are Ukrainians vs. many ethnic Russians in the east. Pretending USAID funding of an independent media in the Ukraine is equivalent to Putin dominating the government and the will of Ukrainians with a stunningly corrupt puppet is the kind of no-pride propaganda one expects from a Putin bot. I notice that you simple ignore and dismiss Yanukovych's corruption in your apologia for militaristic imperialism. Claiming Putin had no choice but to seize Sevastopol out of a need to protect its imperialism is not only immoral but contrary to fact. Independent Ukraine did nothing to threaten the Russian base. I don't believe you can back up your claim to the contrary. And, even if you could, the US lost a crucial base in the Philippines. We did not invade the Philippines to get it back. And, again, justifying an invasion because you don't like what a sovereign nation might do with its foreign relations may go over with fascists or Putin propagandists, but should not resonate among anyone claiming American patriotism.
Subic Bay was not critical to US Fleet operations. it was missed, but Sevastopol was the only WARM WATER link for the Russian navy.

The protests had 2 sides - the Kyiv faction and the eastern faction, we deliberatly threw our weight behind the west.

Recall Vicky Nulands "fuck the EU"
Ms Nuland at one point exclaims "Fuck the EU". As the two US diplomats decide whether "Klitsch" or "Yats" should be 'in' or 'out', listeners will be reminded (uncomfortably) that the governments of Ukraine and Russia previously alleged that the protests are being funded and orchestrated by the US.

we don't give adamn about corruption, it was all about power plays,we don' even care what the EU wanted.

Claiming Putin had no choice but to seize Sevastopol out of a need to protect its imperialism is not only immoral but contrary to fact. Independent Ukraine did nothing to threaten the Russian base. I don't believe you can back up your claim to the contrary.

Yushchenko had pledged to evict the Russians from their base in Crimean port of Sevastopol.
The new government was likely going to be more of the same.

Crimea is a very costly endeavor for Putin -not just the sanction, but taking it over.
But he could not afford to let the new government go back to the days of the Orange Revolution -
so he preemptively acted with his little green men.
That ensured access no matter what the new Uk policy was.
Subic Bay was not critical to US Fleet operations. it was missed, but Sevastopol was the only WARM WATER link for the Russian navy.

"Critical" is subjective. Russia survived for most of its history without a warm-water port. Sevastopol is not the only warm water link for the Russian navy. it has Murmansk, Novorossiysk and Vladivostok and arguably others.

The protests had 2 sides - the Kyiv faction and the eastern faction, we deliberatly threw our weight behind the west.

Describing Ukrainian vs. Ethnic Russians as an east-west conflict is typical of the dishonesty employed by Putin bots. "We deliberately threw our weight behind" an independent media with some financial assistance. Putin threw tanks and anti-aircraft weapons used to shoot down a civilian airliner.

Citing a silly website using something even it doesn't claim to be able to confirm is a mark of your desperation.

we don't give adamn about corruption, it was all about power plays,we don' even care what the EU wanted.

Again, note how quickly a Deplorable, supposedly superior in their American patriotism to soshalist liberals, can impugn American motives if it is needed to defend his psychotic narcissistic, oblivious leader. And, I was not asserting opposing the corruption of Putin's puppet was a major US motivation myself, though it may have been. I was pointing out it was a major motivation of the Ukrainian people in rising up against Putin's puppet, and pointing out how little that corruption mattered to you in your defense of your Putin.

Yushchenko had pledged to evict the Russians from their base in Crimean port of Sevastopol.
The new government was likely going to be more of the same.

Outside of the Deplorable here, repeating an assertion does not back it up. Neither does justifying military imperialism with an unsupported "likely."
Last edited:
Ever since Bill Clinton sat in the Oval Office, Washington and its European allies have worked openly and covertly to extend NATO to the Russian border and Black Sea Fleet, provoking a badly wounded Russian bear. They have also worked to bring Ukraine and its Eastern European neighbors into the neoliberal economy of the West, isolating the Russians rather than trying to bring them into the fold. Except for sporadic resets, anti-Russian has become the new anti-Soviet, and "strategic containment" has been the wonky word for encircling Russia with our military and economic power.

Victoria Nuland, is the wife and fellow-traveler of historian Robert Kagan, one of the movement's leading lights. And neocons are currently beating the war drums against Russia, as much to scupper any agreements on Syria and Iran as to encourage more Pentagon contracts for their friends and financial backers. But, encircling Russia has never been just a neocon thing. The policy has bi-partisan and trans-Atlantic support, including the backing of America's old-school nationalists, Cold War liberals, Hillary hawks, and much of Obama's national security team.
No matter that the policy doesn’t pass the giggle test. Extending NATO and Western economic institutions into all of a very divided Ukraine had less chance of working than did hopes in 2008 of bringing Georgia into NATO, which could have given the gung-ho Georgian president Mikheil Saakashvilli the treaty right to drag us all into World War III. To me, that seemed like giving a ten-year-old the keys to the family Humvee.

Western provocations in Ukraine proved more immediately counterproductive. They gave Vladimir Putin the perfect opportunity for a pro-Russian putsch in Crimea, which he had certainly thought of before, but never as a priority. The provocations encouraged him to stand up as a true Russian nationalist, which will only make him more difficult to deal with. And they gave him cover to get away with that age-old tool of tyrants, a quickie plebiscite with an unnecessary return to Joseph Stalin's old dictum once popular in my homestate of Florida: "It's not the votes that count, but who counts the votes."
According to the Kyiv Post, Pierrie Omidyar's Omidyar Network (part of the Omidyar Group which owns First Look Media and the Intercept) provided 36% of “Center UA”’s $500,000 budget in 2012— nearly $200,000. USAID provided 54% of “Center UA”’s budget for 2012. Other funders included the US government-backed National Endowment for Democracy.

In 2011, Omidyar Network gave $335,000 to “New Citizen,” one of the anti-Yanukovych "projects" managed through the Rybachuk-chaired NGO "Center UA." At the time, Omidyar Network boasted that its investment in "New Citizen" would help "shape public policy" in Ukraine:

“Using technology and media, New Citizen coordinates the efforts of concerned members of society, reinforcing their ability to shape public policy.

“... With support from Omidyar Network, New Citizen will strengthen its advocacy efforts in order to drive greater transparency and engage citizens on issues of importance to them.” In March 2012, Rybachuk — the operator behind the 2004 Orange Revolution scenes, the Anatoly Chubais of Ukraine — boasted that he was preparing a new Orange Revolution:

“People are not afraid. We now have 150 NGOs in all the major cities in our ‘clean up Parliament campaign’ to elect and find better parliamentarians....The Orange Revolution was a miracle, a massive peaceful protest that worked. We want to do that again and we think we will.”

Detailed financial records reviewed by Pando (and embedded below) also show Omidyar Network covered costs for the expansion of Rybachuk’s anti-Yanukovych campaign, “Chesno” (“Honestly”), into regional cities including Poltava, Vinnytsia, Zhytomyr, Ternopil, Sumy, and elsewhere, mostly in the Ukrainian-speaking west and center....

West gave almost a million dollars for media independence in the Ukraine? Less than what trump considers a "small loan"? Wanta guess what Putin was giving to prop up his corrupt puppet?

Look, I get it. You have a job to do. Whether it is being a Putin bot, or just a no-pride, ignorant apologist for an amazingly incompetent trump, you gotta do what you gotta do. I object, however, when completing your mission involves the gratuitous insult of treating me as if I were no smarter than your average Deplorable.
Ever since Bill Clinton sat in the Oval Office, Washington and its European allies have worked openly and covertly to extend NATO to the Russian border and Black Sea Fleet, provoking a badly wounded Russian bear. They have also worked to bring Ukraine and its Eastern European neighbors into the neoliberal economy of the West, isolating the Russians rather than trying to bring them into the fold. Except for sporadic resets, anti-Russian has become the new anti-Soviet, and "strategic containment" has been the wonky word for encircling Russia with our military and economic power.

Victoria Nuland, is the wife and fellow-traveler of historian Robert Kagan, one of the movement's leading lights. And neocons are currently beating the war drums against Russia, as much to scupper any agreements on Syria and Iran as to encourage more Pentagon contracts for their friends and financial backers. But, encircling Russia has never been just a neocon thing. The policy has bi-partisan and trans-Atlantic support, including the backing of America's old-school nationalists, Cold War liberals, Hillary hawks, and much of Obama's national security team.
No matter that the policy doesn’t pass the giggle test. Extending NATO and Western economic institutions into all of a very divided Ukraine had less chance of working than did hopes in 2008 of bringing Georgia into NATO, which could have given the gung-ho Georgian president Mikheil Saakashvilli the treaty right to drag us all into World War III. To me, that seemed like giving a ten-year-old the keys to the family Humvee.

Western provocations in Ukraine proved more immediately counterproductive. They gave Vladimir Putin the perfect opportunity for a pro-Russian putsch in Crimea, which he had certainly thought of before, but never as a priority. The provocations encouraged him to stand up as a true Russian nationalist, which will only make him more difficult to deal with. And they gave him cover to get away with that age-old tool of tyrants, a quickie plebiscite with an unnecessary return to Joseph Stalin's old dictum once popular in my homestate of Florida: "It's not the votes that count, but who counts the votes."

While simply copying and pasting propaganda in the hope you can pile bullshit faster than it can be shoveled away is just boring.
"Critical" is subjective. Russia survived for most of its history without a warm-water port. Sevastopol is not the only warm water link for the Russian navy. it has Murmansk, Novorossiysk and Vladivostok and arguably others.
vlad is in Asia.Murmansk i Arctic Ocean. they are not credible access to warm waters in times of war. do I need to explain why? Sevastopol is a strategic base because of that.

Describing Ukrainian vs. Ethnic Russians as an east-west conflict is typical of the dishonesty employed by Putin bots. "We deliberately threw our weight behind" an independent media with some financial assistance. Putin threw tanks and anti-aircraft weapons used to shoot down a civilian airliner.
not Crimea, that is Donbass.
No shots were fired in the Crimea annexation.
Donbass is a separate issue. There could be a deal there if we recognized the Crimean referendum

Citing a silly website using something even it doesn't claim to be able to confirm is a mark of your desperation.
F the EU ?? are you kidding me? do you deny Nuland said that?
It was so very typical of the Hillary State Dept. Interventionism one way or another. ( See Libya)
State Dept Official Caught on Tape: ‘Fuck the EU’
9Daily Beast)

Again, note how quickly a Deplorable, supposedly superior in their American patriotism to soshalist liberals, can impugn American motives if it is needed to defend his psychotic narcissistic, oblivious leader. And, I was not asserting opposing the corruption of Putin's puppet was a major US motivation myself, though it may have been. I was pointing out it was a major motivation of the Ukrainian people in rising up against Putin's puppet, and pointing out how little that corruption mattered to you in your defense of your Putin.
blah blah..

Outside of the Deplorable here, repeating an assertion does not back it up. Neither does justifying military imperialism with an unsupported "likely."
amazing. I give you proof it was happening before.
why would it not happen again by a similar gov't
While simply copying and pasting propaganda in the hope you can pile bullshit faster than it can be shoveled away is just boring.
it's background you can't handle. it goes to show our long term policy of Strategic containment was always confrontational -just like our meddling was here
vlad is in Asia.Murmansk i Arctic Ocean. they are not credible access to warm waters in times of war. do I need to explain why? Sevastopol is a strategic base because of that.

not Crimea, that is Donbass.
No shots were fired in the Crimea annexation.
Donbass is a separate issue. There could be a deal there if we recognized the Crimean referendum

F the EU ?? are you kidding me? do you deny Nuland said that?
It was so very typical of the Hillary State Dept. Interventionism one way or another. ( See Libya)
State Dept Official Caught on Tape: ‘Fuck the EU’
9Daily Beast)

blah blah..

amazing. I give you proof it was happening before.
why would it not happen again by a similar gov't
Why do you bother mate, this guy is a fucking idiot? It's bloody obvious that Russia wanted a port with easy access to the Med especially Syria. The fuckwit bangs on about Vladivostok on the other side of the world next to Japan.

Sent from my iPhone 25S with cherries on top
Why do you bother mate, this guy is a fucking idiot? It's bloody obvious that Russia wanted a port with easy access to the Med especially Syria. The fuckwit bangs on about Vladivostok on the other side of the world next to Japan.
of course sevastopol is much more then a warm water port. it's quick access to the ME/Mediterranean
I get sick and tired of Russiaphobes writing the agenda.
Ever since Bill Clinton sat in the Oval Office, Washington and its European allies have worked openly and covertly to extend NATO to the Russian border and Black Sea Fleet, provoking a badly wounded Russian bear. They have also worked to bring Ukraine and its Eastern European neighbors into the neoliberal economy of the West, isolating the Russians rather than trying to bring them into the fold. Except for sporadic resets, anti-Russian has become the new anti-Soviet, and "strategic containment" has been the wonky word for encircling Russia with our military and economic power.

Victoria Nuland, is the wife and fellow-traveler of historian Robert Kagan, one of the movement's leading lights. And neocons are currently beating the war drums against Russia, as much to scupper any agreements on Syria and Iran as to encourage more Pentagon contracts for their friends and financial backers. But, encircling Russia has never been just a neocon thing. The policy has bi-partisan and trans-Atlantic support, including the backing of America's old-school nationalists, Cold War liberals, Hillary hawks, and much of Obama's national security team.
No matter that the policy doesn’t pass the giggle test. Extending NATO and Western economic institutions into all of a very divided Ukraine had less chance of working than did hopes in 2008 of bringing Georgia into NATO, which could have given the gung-ho Georgian president Mikheil Saakashvilli the treaty right to drag us all into World War III. To me, that seemed like giving a ten-year-old the keys to the family Humvee.

Western provocations in Ukraine proved more immediately counterproductive. They gave Vladimir Putin the perfect opportunity for a pro-Russian putsch in Crimea, which he had certainly thought of before, but never as a priority. The provocations encouraged him to stand up as a true Russian nationalist, which will only make him more difficult to deal with. And they gave him cover to get away with that age-old tool of tyrants, a quickie plebiscite with an unnecessary return to Joseph Stalin's old dictum once popular in my homestate of Florida: "It's not the votes that count, but who counts the votes."

I'm curious.....When did you begin to think in this fashion?

At what point do you believe US policy towards USSR/Russia turned from "prudent" to "hysterical"?
Why do you bother mate, this guy is a fucking idiot? It's bloody obvious that Russia wanted a port with easy access to the Med especially Syria. The fuckwit bangs on about Vladivostok on the other side of the world next to Japan.

Sent from my iPhone 25S with cherries on top

Millie squeaks more cowardice from the protection of her hide-from bunker at someone she is claiming to ignore, in hopes she can get others to join her don't-talk-to-him, MeanGirl clique. Doing it to suck up to a Putin bot parroting propaganda is a nice demonstration of Deplorable patriotism, though. Happy Fourth of July, Comrade.

Oh, the warm water ports I mentioned were countering Anatta's claim the Crimea was Russia's ONLY warm water port. What he should have said is that the Crimea offered a most convenient port, a matter he dismissed in terms of the way the US reacted to losing Subic Bay.
of course sevastopol is much more then a warm water port. it's quick access to the ME/Mediterranean
I get sick and tired of Russiaphobes writing the agenda.

Not really. For the purposes of any offensive military ambitions, the Black Sea is a bathtub. It's not as if you are going to haul ass through the Bosporus unmolested on your way.

The Quiet American

Paul Manafort made a career out of stealthily reinventing the world’s nastiest tyrants as noble defenders of freedom. Getting Donald Trump elected will be a cinch.

ar-a-Lago, Donald Trump’s palace, is impressive by the standards of Palm Beach—less so when judged against the abodes of the world’s autocrats. It doesn’t, for instance, quite compare with Mezhyhirya, the gilded estate of deposed Ukrainian President Victor Yanukovych. Trump may have 33 bathrooms and three bomb shelters, but his mansion lacks a herd of ostrich, a galleon parked in a pond, and a set of golden golf clubs. Yet the two properties are linked, not just in ostentatious spirit, but by the presence of one man. Trump and Yanukovych have shared the same political brain, an operative named Paul Manafort.
Ukrainians use the term “political technologist” as a favored synonym for electoral consultant. Trump turned to Manafort for what seemed at first a technical task: Manafort knows how to bullwhip and wheedle delegates at a contested convention. He’s done it before, assisting Gerald Ford in stifling Ronald Reagan’s insurgency at the GOP’s summer classic of 1976. In the conventions that followed, the Republican Party often handed Manafort control of the program and instructed him to stage-manage the show. He produced the morning-in-America convention of 1984 and the Bob Dole nostalgia-thon of 1996.
Given Manafort’s experience and skill set, it never made sense that he would be limited to such a narrow albeit crucial task as delegate accumulation. Indeed, it didn’t take long before he attempted to seize control of the Trump operation—managing the budget, buying advertising, steering Trump toward a teleprompter and away from flaming his opponents, appearing on air as a primary surrogate.
What's with Deplorables crawling so frequently up their PC crosses? Oh yeah, a desperate need to be a victim of something.

Ignoring that LBJ expanded us into a war in Vietnam that hurts us still in the name of fighting a monolithic, Kremlin-led communism that did not exist, all it took for the sons of "Tailgunner" Joe McCarthy to suck Putin was for their ham-fisted con-man leader to become Putin's bitch.

Yeah, everybody is familiar with this silly squawk. Putin was not the dictator in 2011, and Medvedev was being nice at that time, perhaps hoping to be something other than Putin's puppet.

A few things changed. Putin returned to power. He invaded the Ukraine. He helped elect a flabby, septuagenarian brat that Deplorable sissies believed would protect them from hordes of boogeymen. You squealing pigs were quick to toss aside your phony patriotism to defend this attack on American sovereignty, including hysterical caterwauling that the whole thing is some "deep state" conspiracy to overthrow your minority rule. BTW, it is an indisputable fact that Putin interfered in our election. What has trump done about it, other than criticize everybody on the planet EXCEPT his Moscow master? This video contains a comprehensive list of trump's efforts to protect America in this

Putin helped elect Trump lol? Really? Am I supposed to accept that as Truth just because Hillary lost to Trump?

Did you trot out naked assertions in your former home like you do here?