trump: oblivious moron or psychotically narcissistic oblivious moron?

Have you read the portion of the Declaration I posted earlier? Want to make a comparison of that document, a well-ordered argument laid out in the most admirable language, with the mindless bloviations that twitter invites?
An argument the founders then ignore. I think I prefer Twitter, it postures less.

Austria to send troops and armoured vehicles near Italian border to block migrants

The 750 soldiers could be rushed to the border within 72 hours if there was a migration emergency, officials said.

"I expect border controls will be introduced very soon," Peter Doskozil, the defence minister, told the newspaper Kronen Zeitung. His spokesman said there was no concrete timetable for the new controls.

Austrians face the 2017 jihadi invasion.
unfortunately Russiaphobia is rampant. Americans use Russia as the boogeymen. CIA was setup because of Russia
Deep State has innate Russiaphobia

We can meddle in the Ukrainian Euromaiden, and help bring down a government - screw with it's existing lease with Putin for Sevastopol, and indirectly cause Putin to have to annex Crimea, and Americans don't even know it.

But Russia actors/non-state actors hack Podesta and all global hell breaks loose ..

Watch Trump in Poland. Any hope we had for a Russian reset is now gone. He'll be talking about more Cold War 2

Partei-uber-alles apologist explains the moral dexterity of Deplorable patriotism. All it took for the herd to abandon decades of "Russiaphobia" is for their feckless leader to become Putin's bitch. Oh, I'm sure it was an oversight, but in dumping on America for supporting an independent government in the Ukraine in your regional history, you left out Putin imperialism in Georgia before he invaded the Ukraine.
[h=1]The Reddit User Who Apparently Made Trump's CNN Video Has a History of Racist Posts[/h]A Reddit user is taking credit for creating the video President Donald Trump posted to Twitter depicting him punching a physical manifestation of CNN.The same user, who goes by HanA--holeSolo, has previously posted several racist, Islamophobic and anti-Semitic memes on Reddit. One post included a photo of CNN personalities with the Star of David attached to each person. Another said "F--K ISLAM." Many of HanA--holesolo's posts denigrate black people.

HanA--holeSolo appears to have submitted the Trump wrestling GIF five days ago to The_Donald, a subreddit where people gather to idolize the President and hurl hatred toward Trump's supposed enemies.
"Trump takes down fake news," HanA--holeSolo titled the GIF, which shows Trump punching WWE head Vince McMahon in 2007, but with CNN's logo superimposed over McMahon's face.
Trump's tweet made for a spectacular day among those who visit The_Donald. HanA--holeSolo wrote in the subreddit: "Wow!! I never expected my meme to be retweeted by the God Emporer [sic] himself!!!"

trump knows who his groupies are.
Partei-uber-alles apologist explains the moral dexterity of Deplorable patriotism. All it took for the herd to abandon decades of "Russiaphobia" is for their feckless leader to become Putin's bitch. Oh, I'm sure it was an oversight, but in dumping on America for supporting an independent government in the Ukraine in your regional history, you left out Putin imperialism in Georgia before he invaded the Ukraine.

Russo-Georgian war is pretty complicated, but did not involve NATO, NATO expansion,or most importantly
western interference.
In essence it was a matter between the 2 parties to work out.

The Ukraine was supposed to be free from both Russian and US meddling (acting like a true border state)
[ see Budapest Memorandum]
But we got cute with our U.S.A.I.D. money -essentially using it to advance the Kyiv factions as the expense of Donbass/east Uk.

Putin had a deal with yanukovych to reduce Uk debt, and move away from teh EU into a more economic alliance w/Russia
Putin had recently signed a llicense for Sevastopol ( payments), and once the Kyiv faction threw out yanukovych
that put Putin's access to the Black Sea at direct risk.
So he really had no choice but to annex Crimea
Russo-Georgian war is pretty complicated, but did not involve NATO, NATO expansion,

Nobody mention NATO. Nice deflection, though. As nice as pretending an Independent Ukraine considering joining an alliance is nefarious, while Russia's militaristic imperialism is excusable because of its locality.

or most importantly western interference.

The West gave diplomatic support to people throwing a Putin puppet out of his golden palace. Putin responded with a military invasion of a sovereign nation and annexation of some of its territory. "Interference."

In essence it was a matter between the 2 parties to work out.

Oh, they were working it out. A much more powerful Russia was telling sovereign states to obey or face military conquest. Problem solved.

The Ukraine was supposed to be free from both Russian and US meddling (acting like a true border state)
[ see Budapest Memorandum]
But we got cute with our U.S.A.I.D. money -essentially using it to advance the Kyiv factions as the expense of Donbass/east Uk.

Putin had a deal with yanukovych to reduce Uk debt, and move away from teh EU into a more economic alliance w/Russia
Putin had recently signed a llicense for Sevastopol ( payments), and once the Kyiv faction threw out yanukovych
that put Putin's access to the Black Sea at direct risk.
So he really had no choice but to annex Crimea

Putin had a deal with his stunningly corrupt puppet? Gee, imagine that!

At first I thought six months of making excuses for trump incompetence and a loyalty to Deplorable-ness had honed your apologist skills. However, the parroting of Putin propaganda wherein he had no choice but to bully his neighbors tells me you're actually a Putin bot. Hey, got anything in the way of a bullshit defense for murdering journalists?
Nobody mention NATO. Nice deflection, though. As nice as pretending an Independent Ukraine considering joining an alliance is nefarious, while Russia's militaristic imperialism is excusable because of its locality.

The West gave diplomatic support to people throwing a Putin puppet out of his golden palace. Putin responded with a military invasion of a sovereign nation and annexation of some of its territory. "Interference."

Oh, they were working it out. A much more powerful Russia was telling sovereign states to obey or face military conquest. Problem solved.

Putin had a deal with his stunningly corrupt puppet? Gee, imagine that!

At first I thought six months of making excuses for trump incompetence and a loyalty to Deplorable-ness had honed your apologist skills. However, the parroting of Putin propaganda wherein he had no choice but to bully his neighbors tells me you're actually a Putin bot. Hey, got anything in the way of a bullshit defense for murdering journalists?

Oh look, Ticky-Ricky's a full-blown Russiaphobe.

Who'd a thunk it? Do you check under your bed for Russians at night?
Oh look, Ticky-Ricky's a full-blown Russiaphobe.

Who'd a thunk it? Do you check under your bed for Russians at night?

Yup, but all I found was a bunch of ebola carrying Mexicans, WallBoy.

Putin is a murderous, fascist dictator. Only a Deplorable could suck him via trump's ass.
Lil Kim launched another missile. This one reportedly capable of reaching Alaska. MightyMouth trump responded with a really mean tweet.
Nobody mention NATO. Nice deflection, though. As nice as pretending an Independent Ukraine considering joining an alliance is nefarious, while Russia's militaristic imperialism is excusable because of its locality.
it wasn't a military alliance like NATO. The Orange Coalition collapsed and Yanukovych ( as president) tried to repair Uk. Russian ties.

Look what European Council on Foreign Relation says - this is a pro west organization:
Andrew Wilson, a senior fellow at the European Council on Foreign Relations, said Yanukovych was trying to balance Ukraine's interests with Europe and Russia. "Yanukovych is dealing with the new geography of the region. The US may not have changed its politics but it has downgraded Europe in its priorities. At the same time he wants a better personal relationship with Russia's leaders and with Putin. Things have been seriously bad since the incident in 2004 when Yanukovych offered Putin a sweet. "

Under Yushchenko, relations between Moscow and Kiev grew so acrimonious that Medvedev memorably described Yushchenko as a "political corpse". He refused last year to send an ambassador to Ukraine until Yushchenko, a harsh critic of the Kremlin who sought to leave Russia's sphere of influence, was out of office.
The West gave diplomatic support to people throwing a Putin puppet out of his golden palace. Putin responded with a military invasion of a sovereign nation and annexation of some of its territory. "Interference."
you don't understand there are 2 main factions in Ukrainian politics -east and Kyiv.
we supported Kyiv SIMPLY BECAUSE of US-Russian superpower confrontation.
and it was NOT "diplomatic. We targeted USAID money towards the Kyiv factions.
In essence we meddled in Uk politics for no reason then to screw with Putin - no noble goals.
Oh, they were working it out. A much more powerful Russia was telling sovereign states to obey or face military conquest. Problem solved.
there wasn't any threats. the Annexation was done as a reaction
"little green men" simply swarmed the penninsula,and not a shot fired
Putin had a deal with his stunningly corrupt puppet? Gee, imagine that!
It was a legitimate payment for Sevastopol's lease -Yanokovitych acted as president of Ukraine to sign it.
At first I thought six months of making excuses for trump incompetence and a loyalty to Deplorable-ness had honed your apologist skills. However, the parroting of Putin propaganda wherein he had no choice but to bully his neighbors tells me you're actually a Putin bot. Hey, got anything in the way of a bullshit defense for murdering journalists?
Putin had no choice but to secure access to Sevastopol.

Viktor Yanukovych promises Ukraine will embrace Russia
New president's inaugural Moscow visit appears to usher in new era between countries
Yanukovych's trip followed a visit on Monday to Brussels. He appears to be engaged in a delicate diplomatic balancing act between Ukraine's giant western and eastern neighbours. Asked why he had gone to see the EU first, Yanukovych declared simply that the Europeans had invited him earlier...

But the outlines of a new Russia-friendly Ukraine were clear – with Yanukovych indicating he is ready to renew the lease on Russia's Black Sea fleet, which expires in 2017, whereas Yushchenko had pledged to evict the Russians from their base in the historic Crimean port of Sevastopol.

He gave assurances that Ukraine was not contemplating joining Nato, a step that Russia regards as unacceptable. Asked whether Nato membership was still on the cards, Yanukovych said Ukraine would work with Nato but not join it. "Ukraine is a non-bloc European country," he said.

The two sides discussed Ukraine's large gas bill. Yanukovych promised during his election campaign to renegotiate a controversial gas deal signed by Putin and Tymoshenko last year. He wants to reduce the price paid by Kiev from $305 to $205-$210 per thousand cubic metres. It remains unclear how much the Kremlin is willing to co-operate.
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[h=1]Let America Be America Again[/h] [h=2]Langston Hughes, 1902 - 1967[/h]

Let America be America again.
Let it be the dream it used to be.
Let it be the pioneer on the plain
Seeking a home where he himself is free.

(America never was America to me.)

Let America be the dream the dreamers dreamed—
Let it be that great strong land of love
Where never kings connive nor tyrants scheme
That any man be crushed by one above.

(It never was America to me.)

O, let my land be a land where Liberty
Is crowned with no false patriotic wreath,
But opportunity is real, and life is free,
Equality is in the air we breathe.

(There’s never been equality for me,
Nor freedom in this “homeland of the free.”)

Say, who are you that mumbles in the dark?
And who are you that draws your veil across the stars?

I am the poor white, fooled and pushed apart,
I am the Negro bearing slavery’s scars.
I am the red man driven from the land,
I am the immigrant clutching the hope I seek—
And finding only the same old stupid plan
Of dog eat dog, of mighty crush the weak.

I am the young man, full of strength and hope,
Tangled in that ancient endless chain
Of profit, power, gain, of grab the land!
Of grab the gold! Of grab the ways of satisfying need!
Of work the men! Of take the pay!
Of owning everything for one’s own greed!

I am the farmer, bondsman to the soil.
I am the worker sold to the machine.
I am the Negro, servant to you all.
I am the people, humble, hungry, mean—
Hungry yet today despite the dream.
Beaten yet today—O, Pioneers!
Yup, but all I found was a bunch of ebola carrying Mexicans, WallBoy.

Putin is a murderous, fascist dictator. Only a Deplorable could suck him via trump's ass.
whatever. he is what he is, and not managing the relationship like Obama failed to do,simply lets Putin run unchecked.
Oh look, Ticky-Ricky's a full-blown Russiaphobe.
Who'd a thunk it? Do you check under your bed for Russians at night?
typical Democrat.
They do not look to improve relations between the 2 military superpowers.

It's AMAZING how much John McCain/Lindsey Graham and the Dems have in common now.
the unholy alliance of "we are at war with Russia"
Yup, but all I found was a bunch of ebola carrying Mexicans, WallBoy.

Putin is a murderous, fascist dictator. Only a Deplorable could suck him via trump's ass.

What's with lefties and homophobic slurs?

The left didn't give squat about Putin or Russia until November of 2016. Obama mocked Romney for calling Russia a geopolitical foe in 2011 and nothing changed till Trump beat Hillary and flipped domestic politics off its axis. For the left, Putin is a pretext for overturning the election and for calcified neocon dinosaurs like John McCain---Putin gives him a reason to remain relevant.

If Putin is a murderous dictator then his people should overthrow him. In the meantime, we play the hand we're dealt.

Tillerson gets it and Trump gets it.
What's with lefties and homophobic slurs?

The left didn't give squat about Putin or Russia until November of 2016. Obama mocked Romney for calling Russia a geopolitical foe in 2011 and nothing changed till Trump beat Hillary and flipped domestic politics off its axis. For the left, Putin is a pretext for overturning the election and for calcified neocon dinosaurs like John McCain---Putin gives him a reason to remain relevant.

If Putin is a murderous dictator then his people should overthrow him. In the meantime, we play the hand we're dealt.

Tillerson gets it and Trump gets it.

Tillerson is the adult in the room.
Trump's instincts are to avoid military confrontation by improving US-Russian relations.
That's why the Deep State freaked out.