trump: oblivious moron or psychotically narcissistic oblivious moron?

No, Glug I don't think of it as punishment, it's simple relief from your foolishness. What you then do is not my problem. Have your fun.

No last thought?

Moi; nah; just that you deliberately come last in the soggy sao circle jerk!! lol

Because democrats lost the election because they lost the Rust Belt lol? It's the whole Bible Belt/Rust Belt thing. Hillary lost because she lost Obama voters in the Blue Wall.

No wonder you guys can't win.

Yes, you do prove its point succinctly. You're invincible.
I'm going to put you back on ignore because you make no worthwhile points and don't appear to even understand what you are saying.

Is there anything you'd like to say before you disappear from my view?
Who are you talking to anyway? Haven't you figured out the quote feature yet?

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In 2010, as a rising star in the Tea Party movement, Marco Rubio delivered the keynote address at the annual Conservative Political Action Conference in Washington. He told his own inspiring personal story and credited it to the unique opportunities of the United States. "The result is an America where—which is the only place in the world where it doesn't matter who your parents were or where you came from. You can be anything you are willing to work hard to be. The result is the only economy in the world where poor people with a better idea and a strong work ethic can compete and succeed against rich people in the marketplace and competition.” None of that is true, and in important ways it is the opposite of the truth. Who your parents were and where you came from matters probably more in the United States than in most other advanced economies, at least if statistics on upward mobility are to be believed.


Nor has that elite learned its lessons. Look at the progress of the Republican health-care bill through the House and Senate. The authors of the bill are acutely aware of how despised it is, how much more despised it will be once it goes into effect: That’s precisely why they have broken through all normal legislative processes, why they do not hold hearings, why they conceal its elements, why they outright lie about its effect. Even so, only fewer than one in five Americans support what they wish to do. Rather than make any attempt to build consensus—never mind to make adjustments that could gain broader consent—a small leadership group is pushing through. Some of those leaders are dogmatically sure that they are correct, no matter what anybody else thinks. Others are heedless of consequences for anyone but their supporters and donors. Still others feel cynically certain that if they can prevail now against the numbers, they can use the inertia of the American system to prevent the large majority who opposed them from reversing their actions.
Nice anti-Christian screed.

But if you think fundamentalism drives the Trump movement, I encourage you and your party to run with that. And keep going left.

... and here we have you equating "Christian" with "bigoted". Nicely done.

No one ever said that fundamentalism is the only driving force of the Trumpy's support group, but you and your ilk sure run on a fuel of resentments that is sure to destroy whatever decency stands in your way. Other than that, aligning yourself with the bear who was dropped on his head way too many times you've found your comfort level. Enjoy!
I haven't a clue what you're on about,

Sent from my iPhone 25S with cherries on top

Of course not. You don't do deductive reasoning. Your faith doesn't allow it, apparently.

I am not very fluent in Septic.

Really? You've invented a crybaby meme with which to insult others and it even baffles you?
Be careful over at the other place, or you'll soon be labeled, "confused, sticky and broke." (I'm kidding, just continue to whine and complain and they'll all kiss your boo boos.)
Of course not. You don't do deductive reasoning. Your faith doesn't allow it, apparently.

Really? You've invented a crybaby meme with which to insult others and it even baffles you?
Be careful over at the other place, or you'll soon be labeled, "confused, sticky and broke." (I'm kidding, just continue to whine and complain and they'll all kiss your boo boos.)
No I suppose not, after all there's not much call for deductive reasoning in the IT industry.

Sent from my iPhone 25S with cherries on top
With all due respect, X.O., you are adding to the prominence of one of the most mindlessly destructive forces in history. I, for one, won't ever click any such shitty twitter links, or faceshit, for that matter.

Choose to ignore whatever you want. You've told me that before.

Why do you think it's my problem?

And why believe this social medium is really any different?