trump: oblivious moron or psychotically narcissistic oblivious moron?

... and here we have you equating "Christian" with "bigoted". Nicely done.

No one ever said that fundamentalism is the only driving force of the Trumpy's support group, but you and your ilk sure run on a fuel of resentments that is sure to destroy whatever decency stands in your way. Other than that, aligning yourself with the bear who was dropped on his head way too many times you've found your comfort level. Enjoy!

Trumpers are actually a fairly diverse group, as you conceded.

Moreso, than the MSM would dare let anyone know. Or maybe they don't even know, it's hard to tell.

I don't know what you're going on about with 'the bear' but if you mean Russia, that issue is going to cost you guys. I don't know that anyone outside the anti-Trump Bubble and John McCain shares in the absurd Russian obsession.
Trumpers are actually a fairly diverse group, as you conceded.

Moreso, than the MSM would dare let anyone know. Or maybe they don't even know, it's hard to tell.

I don't know what you're going on about with 'the bear' but if you mean Russia, that issue is going to cost you guys. I don't know that anyone outside the anti-Trump Bubble and John McCain shares in the absurd Russian obsession.

It's funny that you think anti-Trumpers are the ones in the bubble.
Choose to ignore whatever you want. You've told me that before.

Why do you think it's my problem?

And why believe this social medium is really any different?

Have you read the portion of the Declaration I posted earlier? Want to make a comparison of that document, a well-ordered argument laid out in the most admirable language, with the mindless bloviations that twitter invites? Discouraging argument in favor of mere assertion by design? Not least, twitter (just as faceshit) are spying on users and readers, serving up to them reinforcing messages, adding to the segregation of Americans into ideological boxes, and reinforcing the hermetically sealed world views that make it ever more difficult to reach, with reason, facts or arguments, those thus confined. Twitter is at the forefront of the infantilization of the populace, as is faceshit. You should know that, having observed the effects for longer than a decade.

Have you read the portion of the Declaration I posted earlier? Want to make a comparison of that document, a well-ordered argument laid out in the most admirable language, with the mindless bloviations that twitter invites? Discouraging argument in favor of mere assertion by design? Not least, twitter (just as faceshit) are spying on users and readers, serving up to them reinforcing messages, adding to the segregation of Americans into ideological boxes, and reinforcing the hermetically sealed world views that make it ever more difficult to reach, with reason, facts or arguments, those thus confined. Twitter is at the forefront of the infantilization of the populace, as is faceshit. You should know that, having observed the effects for longer than a decade.


The buffoon spending a 5th of his time at golf courses is worthy of disdain. And I suggest you temper your fear a little.

BRAINWASHED CHILDREN MOCK President Trump In Disturbing Washington Post VIDEO

A disturbing video published by The Washington Post on June 29 shows a group of brainwashed students singing Twitter posts by President Donald Trump attempting to mock him. ...

Wash. Compost fake news pulls a page from the North Korean regime's playbook.

Quoting the Vulgarian verbatim?

Why does that make them "braiwashed"?
Trumpers are actually a fairly diverse group, as you conceded.

Moreso, than the MSM would dare let anyone know. Or maybe they don't even know, it's hard to tell.

I don't know what you're going on about with 'the bear' but if you mean Russia, that issue is going to cost you guys. I don't know that anyone outside the anti-Trump Bubble and John McCain shares in the absurd Russian obsession.

"I don't know that anyone outside the anti-Trump Bubble and John McCain shares in the absurd Russian obsession."

Outside The Bunker there is no "obsession" (a term which surely applies to BenghaziBenghaziFast&FuriousTheJewKoskinen)..there are entirely reasonable questions, currently few satisfying answers, and a media gold mine peddling Trump as Crucified messiah.
unfortunately Russiaphobia is rampant. Americans use Russia as the boogeymen. CIA was setup because of Russia
Deep State has innate Russiaphobia

We can meddle in the Ukrainian Euromaiden, and help bring down a government - screw with it's existing lease with Putin for Sevastopol, and indirectly cause Putin to have to annex Crimea, and Americans don't even know it.

But Russia actors/non-state actors hack Podesta and all global hell breaks loose ..

Watch Trump in Poland. Any hope we had for a Russian reset is now gone. He'll be talking about more Cold War 2
On this very day, let's remember what had been set out to accomplish, and what is currently in the process of being lost, maybe forever:

When in the Course of human events it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation.

As the "Browning of America" looms, some, maybe even many, have resolved governments are to be instituted among (Wo-) Men not to reduce or avoid, but to inflict, suffering on the fellow Americans they've been taught to despise, for observing that, and the suffering, appears to be what ranks highest in their Pursuit of Happiness.
Shirley you ignore that for all its blather the document did not recognise brown Americans.