trump: oblivious moron or psychotically narcissistic oblivious moron?

Of course it is, X.O. That wasn't the issue. You hanging out on twitter generates ad income for that shitpile. Placing links to twitter shit generates even more revenues for the shitpile. Revenues that, had you researched the matter and placed a link to a legit news source, would have accrued to that legit news source. Instead, you, like millions of others, are tipping the scales towards parasites, like twitter and faceshit, and add to the crisis of legitimate news sources.

You're a serious, thinking guy. If I can't convince you to abandon the shitpiles, even though the argument is as clear as it gets, it's patently unavoidable: Not only will the dumbing down of twitteratis and faceshitters go on unabated, and the rest of us will have to make do with a seriously weakened Fourth Estate.

Sounds remarkably similar to the "deep state" hysteria Deplorables squeak.

Social media isn't going away and no amount of ranting by an iconoclast wannabe, blaming the medium for the message is going to change that.
Not really. For the purposes of any offensive military ambitions, the Black Sea is a bathtub. It's not as if you are going to haul ass through the Bosporus unmolested on your way.

That would depend on who the offensive is against. The Bosporus is considered international waters. The Montreux Convention assures passage for all commercial and naval traffic of any nation. That is the reason you see things like a Russian
Missile Cruiser heading through it on the way to support Syria. Turkey can do nothing about that.
I pointed out that silly site could not confirm the legitimacy of what you claimed was said, so yes, I am denying your dishonest parrotry. I was, however, pointing more specifically to your twice asserted but unsupported claim the Ukrainian leader had threatened to kick the Russians out their naval base.
the PRIOR leader Yushchenko. with the overthrow of Yanokovytch it was most likely a government more pro-EU
would replace it. This had aleady happened. Do you think Putin was willing to gamble it would not again? No.
Ukraine threatens to bar Russian warships
Why Putin Took Crimea
Ukraine’s new government might join NATO, and second, that Kiev might evict Russia’s Black Sea Fleet from its long-standing base in Sevastopol.

recall AGAIN the same:
But the outlines of a new Russia-friendly Ukraine were clear – with Yanukovych indicating he is ready to renew the lease on Russia's Black Sea fleet, which expires in 2017, whereas Yushchenko had pledged to evict the Russians from their base in the historic Crimean port of Sevastopol. why would Putin take any chances? This was the government before the Euromaiden-the Orange Revolution.
Libya war of 2011 not Bengazi.
Hillary was chief international architect and US advocate for the interventionism.
Her state dept was run the same.

I pointed out the dishonesty behind your previous link and you ignoring it could not confirm the validity of what is a trivial deflection, anyway. From your second dishonest citation: The origin of the recording is unclear. It was upload by a user named “Maidan Puppets,” a reference to the Maidan Square in Kiev where protesters have fought the government and the Russian accusation that the protesters are puppets of the United States and the West. The video was first reported in the Kyiv Post.
The Fuck the EU was along call. here is the transcript .it's on YouTube as well
Ukraine crisis: Transcript of leaked Nuland-Pyatt call

You twice asserted a threat to kick the Russians out of their base, and ignored a request for a citation. You twice used citations dishonestly to support as a fact something both sides admitted they could not confirm as such. Only in Rightardia is that proof of anything other than your own dishonesty. You tried to Coulter - use citations dishonestly, confident the herd would not check them out. Again, I don't recall doing anything to you that would justify you treating me as if I am rightarded.
i've given youlinks, and article now about Putin's motive.
here is yet 1more
The Treaty of Friendship and Co-operation – by which Russia rents its naval base at Sevastopol from the Ukrainian government – is so far-reaching in the rights it gives the Russians to exercise their military powers that it is seen by many in Ukraine to undermine the country's independence. In 2008 the Ukrainians said they would not renew the lease when it expired in 2017. But they buckled under the pressure of a gas-price hike and, in 2010, extended the Russian navy's lease until 2042.
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Tsk. Don't they know they could be elsewhere, looking at crying baby pictures, cowardly bigotry, and gun-stroking erotica; and, a few liberals feeding feebs for squawking the same shit over and over again?
When in doubt, squeal hysterically. You made a senile Ronnie Raygun a saint for taking much greater risks with a "potential conflict with a nuclear super power." Of course, that was before trump taught you the pleasure of bending over for it, instead.

In Ronnies day there was this thing called the Soviet Union. Not to be confused with present day Russia. When Putin tries to put a missile base on Cuba, then I'll get my McCarthy on and take part in the Russian hysteria.

Putin threatening Crimea or some other former soviet bloc state?

Not so much.
In Ronnies day there was this thing called the Soviet Union. Not to be confused with present day Russia. When Putin tries to put a missile base on Cuba, then I'll get my McCarthy on and take part in the Russian hysteria.

Putin threatening Crimea or some other former soviet bloc state?

Not so much.

no when trumpys ass is in prison and completely dishonored by even idiot cons you will claim you never voted for him
Again, you justify Russian military imperialism as a matter of convenience and not the necessity you originally asserted. This causes me to bring up how the US did not do anything to the Philippines, when it lost its naval base of "utmost strategic importance."

Your tactic of trying to pile Putin propaganda faster than it could be shoveled away was better than relying on your own thoughts and words.
what do you not understand about the term "strategic importance?" It's basically the only real access to the ME/Mediterranean.. The other ports are of vast more distance..ths is not a matter of "convenience" it's a matter of getting to the ME/Mediterranean in a quick time frame.

Subic wasn't the only way we could service our Asian fleet. we've done OK without it.
If Russia lost Sevastopol it would have no timely access to the ME/Med..again it's of utmost strategic importance
Do you do any research before you bleat? Moreover, don't you have a shred of sense where the borders of your knowledge lie, so as to tone down your monumentally over-confident pronouncements, if only to avoid embarrassing yourself? See:

Georgia and North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) relations officially began in 1994 when Georgia joined the NATO-run Partnership for Peace. Georgia has moved quickly following the Rose Revolution in 2003 to seek closer ties and eventual membership with NATO. Georgia's powerful northern neighbor, Russia, has opposed the closer ties, including those expressed at the 2008 Bucharest summit where NATO members promised that Georgia would eventually join the organization.​

Obviously, those goons at NATO headquarters haven't learned a thing:

In the 7 December 2011 statement of the North Atlantic Council Georgia was designated as an "aspirant country".[1]​

So, yeah, NATO was very much involved back before they received the Russian clobbering, and is involved now. You can almost bet the next time Georgians are made to bleed for NATO's overbearing strategery will be way, way worse than the last, and that was bad enough.
Ok I was not aware of that background. fair enough. i was looking at the players..

so what does this show? how about why the hell is NATO in the Asian underbelly of Russia?
If anything it justifies (more) Putin's war with Georgia ( geo-polictics/NATO encirclement) then just local Odessa players.

This "Strategic Containment" is encirclement of a superpower for what reason?
we conflate the expansionist USSR with today's Russia.. do you really think Putin has an eye on the Baltics?
That's just silly Russiaphobia ginning up Cold War 2.0. It's John McCain paranoia
the PRIOR leader
Ukraine threatens to bar Russian warships

Uh huh. You said he threatened to kick the Russians out of their base. You are as clumsy in your dishonesty as is the trump you fluff as party of your duty as a Putin bot.
Why Putin Took Crimea

Wounded, you resort again to parroting Putin propaganda. Did you learn to cite opinions as support for assertions of fact at Jezooit Skool? Inside joke, don't worry about it.

Libya war of 2011 not Bengazi.
Hillary was chief international architect and US advocate for the interventionism.
Her state dept was run the same.

Yeah, the "chief architect" depends on whether you are doing hysterical Hillary bashing or squawking about Obama "leading from behind." I do understand your use of an irrelevant deflection, however clumsy it was.

The Fuck the EU was along call. here is the transcript .it's on YouTube as well
Ukraine crisis: Transcript of leaked Nuland-Pyatt call

This is the third time you have tried to Coulter a citation to support your dishonest assertion. From this link: "The alleged conversation ..." "Alleged," twit.

given youlinks, and article now about Putin's motive.
here is yet 1more
The Treaty of Friendship and Co-operation – by which Russia rents its naval base at Sevastopol from the Ukrainian government – is so far-reaching in the rights it gives the Russians to exercise their military powers that it is seen by many in Ukraine to undermine the country's independence. In 2008 the Ukrainians said they would not renew the lease when it expired in 2017. But they buckled under the pressure of a gas-price hike and, in 2010, extended the Russian navy's lease until 2042.

You have parroted opinions by those who tell you what you think. Owl'd pointed out that your "research" on the matter consists of nothing more than parroting propaganda. You have Coultered citations to pretend a suspect tape from a vague and biased source is truth. You claimed the Ukrainian leader had threatened to close the Russian base by pointing to him threatening to block one ship. Now, you treat me as Deplorably stupid by claiming a negotiation tactic that never amounted to anything, that allowed continued use of the port somehow validates your Putin master using the threat of military force to annex the property of a sovereign nation, even boasting the extortion was pulled off "without firing a shot."

The only good thing to come out of all of you being Putin's lickspittle is the way it inspired other Deplorables to put the phoniness of their "patriotism" in neon.
Blaming NATO for what Putin did to it? Rightarded. Silly people and their desires for self-determination as opposed to lying back and enjoying Russian hegemony.

Yeah, half the country would actually enjoy Russian hegemony. Tell you what, your telling them about it won't convince them that's bad, just as you won't convince them the prospect of lying back and enjoying American hegemony is good.

Oh, and do spare us the nonsense about the U.S. freedom fighters, okay? That actually is rightarded, and usually happens just on Saturday morning, when your chauvinistic rants are on. They aren't any more convincing on Tuesdays.

Yeah, I am blaming NATO for what Russia did to both Georgia and Ukraine, for it was a highly predictable reaction to NATO advancing right up to Russia's borders, at least attempting to do so. Look at your own back yard, for pity's sake, and the hundreds of thousands you've killed there if any of those governments tilted left.
what do you not understand about the term "strategic importance?" It's basically the only real access to the ME/Mediterranean.. The other ports are of vast more distance..ths is not a matter of "convenience" it's a matter of getting to the ME/Mediterranean in a quick time frame.

Subic wasn't the only way we could service our Asian fleet. we've done OK without it.
If Russia lost Sevastopol it would have no timely access to the ME/Med..again it's of utmost strategic importance

Subic Bay was all about getting to a region in "quick time." And, a desire for "quick time" is not a recognized casus belli for invading a sovereign nation, regardless of the quantity of crap piled by a Putin bot.
In Ronnies day there was this thing called the Soviet Union. Not to be confused with present day Russia. When Putin tries to put a missile base on Cuba, then I'll get my McCarthy on and take part in the Russian hysteria.

Putin threatening Crimea or some other former soviet bloc state?

Not so much.

No, I get it. Your principles are entirely based on whether you believe you are personally threatened by one of the boogey men provided to keep you submissive - a Mexican stealing your dishwashing job, for example. Fascist dictator invading a sovereign nation? Defending that because your blustering leader is his bitch? Goes right along with the kind of patriotism you show in being okay with Putin interfering in our election, because it was done to help a mouthy brat who validates your need to be a victim.
Millie squeaks more cowardice from the protection of her hide-from bunker at someone she is claiming to ignore, in hopes she can get others to join her don't-talk-to-him, MeanGirl clique. Doing it to suck up to a Putin bot parroting propaganda is a nice demonstration of Deplorable patriotism, though. Happy Fourth of July, Comrade.

Oh, the warm water ports I mentioned were countering Anatta's claim the Crimea was Russia's ONLY warm water port. What he should have said is that the Crimea offered a most convenient port, a matter he dismissed in terms of the way the US reacted to losing Subic Bay.

thanks for clearing that up
'A number of different sources' isn't evidence. At least not evidence that would stand up in court. And you and you're party would put us in potential conflict with a nuclear super power over it.

Go play in the sandbox.

The investigation is of long standing and ongoing. Until the conclusions are reached we aren't worried about a standard of evidence (though your sudden insistence on it is......uh......timely, if comically inconsistent). We know Trump sources funds from Russia.....we don't know much else about it - but we should...

and if Tuck-Tuck told you that we are at risk of a nuclear holocaust for asking - he's lying...