trump: oblivious moron or psychotically narcissistic oblivious moron?

Well, what I'd really like is for you to say when America was previously great before the last election. But if you have to explain the POTUS' slogan to do it I suppose that's okay. TIA

It was great again when The Donald was elected.
Well, what I'd really like is for you to say when America was previously great before the last election. But if you have to explain the POTUS' slogan to do it I suppose that's okay. TIA
It was great again when The Donald was elected.
Okay, you don't understand the meaning of the word 'again'. I had suspected as much, no worries, I'll try to type slowly for you in future.
make america great again is actually pretty simple. There was a time when people had hope for their future. They could work and then afford a house. This even applied to minorities even though democrats wont admit it. In our current environment you have people working 2-3 jobs and still getting mired in more and more debt.

I actually wrote about this during the election.

America will be made great again when we have a future to believe in : )

(i added the bernie line because i was trying to lure bernie voters to daddy trump)
well, there's the WH, the Senate, the House, the SC and most of the state governments......what do you think you've won?.......clue: its not the respect of the people reading your posts......

Figures. I ask what YOU have won, and you give me a list of vicarious victories, validation you can suck from what others have done.

As for the respect of people reading my posts, had you a measurable IQ you might have caught a couple of self-mocking ironies in that impotent whimper. First, you are doing your squeaking on a thread I started that is, the last time I looked, the most active thread on this forum. Second, your feeble ankle gumming of my ankles to this point consists of nothing beyond repeating the limp-wristed insult that I and other liberals lack anything of substance. I would have thought even a twit like you could have caught the irony in that bleating.
make america great again is actually pretty simple. There was a time when people had hope for their future. They could work and then afford a house. This even applied to minorities even though democrats wont admit it. In our current environment you have people working 2-3 jobs and still getting mired in more and more debt.
When was this time?
make america great again is actually pretty simple. There was a time when people had hope for their future. They could work and then afford a house. )

Another Deplorable nostalgic for the good old days, when being white and male guaranteed a living, and you didn't have to put up with a woman or minority boss just because they were smarter and better qualified than you.

Fortunately, your ignorance protects your fantasy bubble also from the knowledge your "good old days" happened under a top effective tax rate of something like 65%. That paid the bills for massive government spending on people and infrastructure that followed protection for unions, combining to give us an era of the greatest growth of the middle class ever. Then, neo-paleo-conservatives sold the trickle-on scam that appealed to short-sighted suckers with promises of a free lunch, if only the gov't stopped spending on various scapegoat others. The middle class has been in decline ever since.
I have not read every Deplorable drooling, so it's possible I missed one. Anybody else here seen any of these righty simps even try to rise to the defense of trump's buffoonery? I saw one do that commonly expressed, never supported assertion that Hillary somehow would have been worse. Gotta admire that kind of enthusiasm, though.
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Another Deplorable nostalgic for the good old days, when being white and male guaranteed a living, and you didn't have to put up with a woman or minority boss just because they were smarter and better qualified than you.

Fortunately, your ignorance protects your fantasy bubble also from the knowledge your "good old days" happened under a top effective tax rate of something like 65%. That paid the bills for massive government spending on people and infrastructure that followed protection for unions, combining to give us an era of the greatest growth of the middle class ever. Then, neo-paleo-conservatives sold the trickle-on scam that appealed to short-sighted suckers with promises of a free lunch, if only the gov't stopped spending on various scapegoat others. The middle class has been in decline ever since.

that was also a time when we could set rates that high because capital had nowhere else to go since the rest of the world destroyed itself. We cant tax that high anymore as they will just offshore.
that was also a time when we could set rates that high because capital had nowhere else to go since the rest of the world destroyed itself. We cant tax that high anymore as they will just offshore.
Trump proposes setting a 10% Corporation Tax rate for overseas profits currently estimated at over two trillion dollars. At the moment Apple, Microsoft, Amazon, Google et al won't repatriate them as they'll be subject to a 35% rate.

Sent from my iPhone 25 GT Turbo
Trump proposes setting a 10% Corporation Tax rate for overseas profits currently estimated at over two trillion dollars. At the moment Apple, Microsoft, Amazon, Google et al won't repatriate them as they'll be subject to a 35% rate.

Sent from my iPhone 25 GT Turbo

trumps tax plan is actually the best ive seen. I love standardized deductions.