trump: oblivious moron or psychotically narcissistic oblivious moron?

I have not read every Deplorable drooling, so it's possible I missed one. Anybody else here seen any of these righty simps even try to rise to the defense of trump's buffoonery? I saw one do that commonly expressed, never supported assertion that Hillary somehow would have been worse. Gotta admire that kind of enthusiasm, though.

We have decided that you are a pretty arrogant nasty cunt and we have our quota of those used up already, so kindly fuck off there's a good chap.

Sent from my iPhone 25 GT Turbo
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that was also a time when we could set rates that high because capital had nowhere else to go since the rest of the world destroyed itself. We cant tax that high anymore as they will just offshore.

We also spent many millions to rebuild our ability of our trade partners to participate in the world economy, because we understood trade was not a zero-sum game. There are any number of ways to deal with offshore tax evaders who exploit US protection and infrastructure but avoid any responsibility for maintaining either. The Regressive solution of bending over for the rich and begging massa for more is probably the least effective.

In any event, a top tax rate of half of what it was while debt grows rapidly and rightards squeal that record low rates are oppressive is suicidal in its short-sighted selfishness.
trumps tax plan is actually the best ive seen. I love standardized deductions.

There is no trump tax plan, sucker. It is more secret than the health care plan Regressives are trying to hide from public examination. At least that disaster exists in some form, according to the Regressive leaders who bitched so noisily about the ACA being jammed down their deep throats.
that was also a time when we could set rates that high because capital had nowhere else to go since the rest of the world destroyed itself. We cant tax that high anymore as they will just offshore.
That's rather amusing. As though the USAF had nothing to do with it.
We have decided that you are a pretty arrogant nasty cunt and we have our quota of those already, so kindly fuck off there's a good chap.

Sent from my iPhone 25 GT Turbo

Not interested in the opinion of you and your ass-dwelling gerbil, "We," and I don't take orders from foot-stamping feebs.
Another Deplorable nostalgic for the good old days, when being white and male guaranteed a living, and you didn't have to put up with a woman or minority boss just because they were smarter and better qualified than you.

Fortunately, your ignorance protects your fantasy bubble also from the knowledge your "good old days" happened under a top effective tax rate of something like 65%. That paid the bills for massive government spending on people and infrastructure that followed protection for unions, combining to give us an era of the greatest growth of the middle class ever. Then, neo-paleo-conservatives sold the trickle-on scam that appealed to short-sighted suckers with promises of a free lunch, if only the gov't stopped spending on various scapegoat others. The middle class has been in decline ever since.

Standing Ovation!

Don't even waste your keystroke on these bums.

They are perfectly giddy with being ignorant.
I have not read every Deplorable drooling, so it's possible I missed one. Anybody else here seen any of these righty simps even try to rise to the defense of trump's buffoonery? I saw one do that commonly expressed, never supported assertion that Hillary somehow would have been worse. Gotta admire that kind of enthusiasm, though.

Yes, annatta. He sucks dumps ass more than Melania.
We also spent many millions to rebuild our ability of our trade partners to participate in the world economy, because we understood trade was not a zero-sum game. There are any number of ways to deal with offshore tax evaders who exploit US protection and infrastructure but avoid any responsibility for maintaining either. The Regressive solution of bending over for the rich and begging massa for more is probably the least effective.

In any event, a top tax rate of half of what it was while debt grows rapidly and rightards squeal that record low rates are oppressive is suicidal in its short-sighted selfishness.

You see the causality though. We spent our money to help them rebuild therefore we can no longer tax at top rates because companies have the choice to go to them now.

Inversions are a real thing and have are happening to apple and other companies liberals like to brag about.

Now in order to get the investments we have to compete with the rest of the world in tax. Gone are the days when we can ask for a 39.1% tax rate and expect businessess to come in.

also increasing standardized deductions like what trump is proposing is the most pro-low income way to do taxes.
Which contradicts your earlier assertion that capital had nowhere else to go.

what? how? If we didnt rebuild their roads cities and other stuff people would not have invested there because there would be no profit in it.

With fewer investment choices we can tax more because people have less chances to leave. If everything is open then any slight increases and you get inversions.
Another Deplorable nostalgic for the good old days, when being white and male guaranteed a living, and you didn't have to put up with a woman or minority boss just because they were smarter and better qualified than you.

was that back when the demmycrats were blocking the civil rights act and starting the KKK?.......