trump: oblivious moron or psychotically narcissistic oblivious moron?

How's the elevator business going? I hear it has a lot of ups and down. And you always end up getting the shaft.

Were you thinking a pretty young black woman as an avatar would soften your dumbed down Trann Coulter imitation?

Once again you taxed your tiny mind beyond its abilities. The elevator guy is somebody else. I know, it's hard to keep track of two different people on a page of postings. Have you considered taking one of your two brain cells off sexual deviancy duty?
Certainly not to goose-stepping, lickspittle trump-fluffing groupies, anyway. Hey, is it "very soon" yet? Time to end the "recordings" bluff? Now that the election is over for six months, you figure trump will release his tax returns like he promised? How about that repeal-and-replace that was going to be so much better? I realize it is difficult to pass something you've declared a priority for years with just control of all three branches of government, but ... Who knew health care could be so complicated? Anything new on the Muslim travel ban to stop refugees who've never killed any Americans here? Oh wait, there were some Cubans way back who killed Americans, but they were good criminals. I suppose he is trying to keep his promise to provide you easily frightened sissies with a scapegoat in every pot. Did you get enough vicarious machismo from sucking trump's $60 million fireworks display in Syria? Good thing he warned the Russians who warned the Syrians, or somebody coulda got hurt. Oh, did you see where trump provided some evidence to back up his accusation Obama bugged his phone? Neither did anyone else. At least he has restrained the North Korean version of himself to the point he returns Americans in time for them to die here. And, how about the way trump has dealt with your whine about Obama dissing our allies? Nothing like insulting Mexico, Australia, Canada, Germany, and even taking shots at the mayor of London following a terrorist attack to increase America's stature in the world. Oh well, we still have Russia and the Saudis. Speaking of which, how about the way trump lied about the size of the weapons deal we did with them? Good thing we don't deal with human rights abusers like Cuba, just the heart of Wahhabism, even facilitating them and trump getting suckered by some Russian fake news re Qatar.

And, that's just off the top of my head. It doesn't even include the Russian collusion investigation or the likelihood trump is gonna get bagged over money laundering, among the other things that contribute to us having a president more people believe should be impeached than approve of his incompetence to this point.

You may now squeak some repetitively insipid declaration of what a mighty mouth you are in combatting the weak liberals in cyber-space. Dirty job, but nobody else is gonna go it.

Apparently, liberals didn't realize how complicated healthcare is lol.

Trump is right, just like he is about a lot of things. Obama and congressional democrats screwed the pooch with Obamacare, precisely because healthcare is complicated. The thing with complex systems [such as healthcare] is you try and avoid making wholesale changes to them. For precisely the same reason you don't pull the heads of a state of the art Corvette motor because the rear blinkers don't work.

It was a problem that shouted out for incremental change but democrats wanted the overhaul and now it's a mess.

The Russian collusion Tin Hat Parade is the biggest political farce of the last half century. Trump's wire tap claim has about the same amount of evidence as the collusion theory. But the collusion theory has been investigated for months. I don't know if Trump's claim has been investigated at all.

Just hitting the most glaring high spots on your post.
If anybody was wondering, it gets hot in Arizona in the summertime. I'm thinking of getting a camel so I can make it to my mailbox and back.
Were you thinking a pretty young black woman as an avatar would soften your dumbed down Trann Coulter imitation?

Once again you taxed your tiny mind beyond its abilities. The elevator guy is somebody else. I know, it's hard to keep track of two different people on a page of postings. Have you considered taking one of your two brain cells off sexual deviancy duty?
Didn't mean to push your buttons, union elevator guy.
Thanks for the welcome.

Long time fan of Ricky Tavy and even had the chance to meet, have lunch and a few beers with the man.
That's great, hope you plan to stay and add some flavor to the board, you don't appear to be faint of heart, you'll do well here. I like all your friends, too. New blood is always welcome.
Apparently, liberals didn't realize how complicated healthcare is lol.

The girly giggle really drives home your point ... well, except that it was trump who was surprised at how complicated health care is.

Trump is right, just like he is about a lot of things. Obama and congressional democrats screwed the pooch with Obamacare, precisely because healthcare is complicated. The thing with complex systems [such as healthcare] is you try and avoid making wholesale changes to them.[/QUOTE]

I guess that explains why the Regressives are trying to do it in secret.

For precisely the same reason you don't pull the heads of a state of the art Corvette motor because the rear blinkers don't work.

Really, I don't know much about fixing cars, but I wouldn't try to do that because it is obviously stupid. How about this one ... it would be like a simpleton trying to construct an analogy to defend an incompetent boob in an area where he knows very little. Better?

It was a problem that shouted out for incremental change but democrats wanted the overhaul and now it's a mess.

Because if the engine on your Corvette is blown, you should start by changing the tires? Health care was a mess and has been a mess for a long time, because greedy special interests are able to scare the bejeezus out of slack-jawed yokels with the word "SOSHALIZM!" Obama got millions more people covered; Deplorables did all they could to make sure predictable problems weren't fixed, so they could tell the same yokels how right they were. Social Security had something like thirty fixes, if I remember correctly, in the few years after it was passed. Of course, that was back when there was a patriotic Republican Party that dealt with not getting its way by putting the nation and its people first, instead of setting everything on fire as a party of a partei-uber-alles strategy.

The Russian collusion Tin Hat Parade is the biggest political farce of the last half century. Trump's wire tap claim has about the same amount of evidence as the collusion theory. But the collusion theory has been investigated for months. I don't know if Trump's claim has been investigated at all.

If you are such a gullible groupie you ignore the way trump appointed and continued to defend a compromised Flynn to the position of National Fucking Security Advisor. The way so many of trump's handlers were in bed with so many Russians and tried to cover it up. Unless you consider the way trump will insult our closest ally but won't dare hint at criticism of the Putin who owns his bitch ass. Perhaps there is nothing to the fact that about the only business success trump has really had has been selling property at extravagant prices to Russians in need of money laundering. Now, none of these things constitute proof that trump is a treasonous lying weasel, but only a fluffer with a throat deeply full of trump's tiny dick would state publically that looking at all of that is a "farce."

Just hitting the most glaring high spots on your post.

Thank you. I can't do this job of advertising Deplorable feeble-mindedness on my own.
Actually, I suppose I shoulda been nicer. Darth was the first Deplorable here who has even tried substance. Shoulda let him live.
you came with a lot of fanfare, but in reality you aren't up to par with the lib'rul trolls we already have........have you really got nothing to offer us?......

So, does repeating that simpering koan several times per day do anything at all to buck up your screaming insecurities? The constant self-fellatio doesn't seem to have done you any good.