trump: oblivious moron or psychotically narcissistic oblivious moron?

Then again, you also thought history teacher was just the ticket.

So, that's a "no" on my advice that you take your time when constructing a no-pride I-know-you-are?

Was this supposed to be a shot at those who chose to support themselves with an honorable career, as opposed to those of you who found a host, tick? If so, you might want to rethink bringing up how you support your desire to wear women's clothes, buddy.
So, that's a "no" on my advice that you take your time when constructing a no-pride I-know-you-are?

Was this supposed to be a shot at those who chose to support themselves with an honorable career, as opposed to those of you who found a host, tick? If so, you might want to rethink bringing up how you support your desire to wear women's clothes, buddy.

You didn't stop to consider you're asking people to take the advice of an ex-history teacher.
The girly giggle really drives home your point ... well, except that it was trump who was surprised at how complicated health care is.

Trump is right, just like he is about a lot of things. Obama and congressional democrats screwed the pooch with Obamacare, precisely because healthcare is complicated. The thing with complex systems [such as healthcare] is you try and avoid making wholesale changes to them.

I guess that explains why the Regressives are trying to do it in secret.

Really, I don't know much about fixing cars, but I wouldn't try to do that because it is obviously stupid. How about this one ... it would be like a simpleton trying to construct an analogy to defend an incompetent boob in an area where he knows very little. Better?

Because if the engine on your Corvette is blown, you should start by changing the tires? Health care was a mess and has been a mess for a long time, because greedy special interests are able to scare the bejeezus out of slack-jawed yokels with the word "SOSHALIZM!" Obama got millions more people covered; Deplorables did all they could to make sure predictable problems weren't fixed, so they could tell the same yokels how right they were. Social Security had something like thirty fixes, if I remember correctly, in the few years after it was passed. Of course, that was back when there was a patriotic Republican Party that dealt with not getting its way by putting the nation and its people first, instead of setting everything on fire as a party of a partei-uber-alles strategy.

If you are such a gullible groupie you ignore the way trump appointed and continued to defend a compromised Flynn to the position of National Fucking Security Advisor. The way so many of trump's handlers were in bed with so many Russians and tried to cover it up. Unless you consider the way trump will insult our closest ally but won't dare hint at criticism of the Putin who owns his bitch ass. Perhaps there is nothing to the fact that about the only business success trump has really had has been selling property at extravagant prices to Russians in need of money laundering. Now, none of these things constitute proof that trump is a treasonous lying weasel, but only a fluffer with a throat deeply full of trump's tiny dick would state publically that looking at all of that is a "farce."

Thank you. I can't do this job of advertising Deplorable feeble-mindedness on my own.

So, I see you got sucked-in to the collusion theory with both feet lol. It's also apparent you like to hear yourself type. It's a fun conspiracy theory, but like all conspiracy theories, they wither with time and lack of evidence.

The Obamacare/SS comparison sucks, frankly. Social Security was manufactured from scratch, so obviously, it would require tweaking.

But prior to Obamacare, we had this wonderful invention called a healthcare delivery system. No it wasn't perfect, but it served millions of people very well and millions of people were satisfied with it.
I don't want to hurt your feelings so early in our relationship. Can you tell us more about your 'bikini pics'? I've never seen a naked woman. They are women, aren't they?

Only one.

For $29.95 a month you can get bikini pics and discover my education level.
So, does repeating that simpering koan several times per day do anything at all to buck up your screaming insecurities? The constant self-fellatio doesn't seem to have done you any good.

we will give you time to get your sea legs, but sooner or later we're going to expect you to produce......
But prior to Obamacare, we had this wonderful invention called a healthcare delivery system. No it wasn't perfect, but it served millions of people very well and millions of people were satisfied with it.

We don't have a healthcare delivery system. We have several systems. In Medicare we have single payer like Canada. Incidentally, it is very popular among those who have it. With the VA we have straight-up socialized medicine. And, we have a laissez-faire system where healthcare is treated as a luxury to be handled by a simplistic understanding of supply and demand. In the end, we had the most expensive health care in the world, and it was providing a third-world standard of care.

The claim that millions of people were satisfied with a profit-driven system where care was routinely denied for things like pre-existing conditions, in which costs were rising much faster than they have under Obamacare, may be technically true, but it is either damnably dishonest or stunningly ignorant to pretend they were not vastly outnumbered by many millions more who were/are very dissatisfied. Regressives are learning that now, as the Regressive canine bitches are now dealing ineptly with having caught the healthcare car they were chasing.