trump: oblivious moron or psychotically narcissistic oblivious moron?

You're a veritable bottom feeder who feasts on the detritus and shit left by the bigger fish, so enjoy yourself you'll grow fat on their leftovers.

Sent from my iPhone 25 GT Turbo

We called her Weezy on another board. Typical internet whore, putting out ads to meet strange men online. By now she looks like Weezy's grandmother.
Quick intro, just in case anyone cares...

U.S. Navy veteran, 4 active, 4 active reserve. AE2.

Career UNION elevator mechanic, although I spent six horrible years in elevator management before going back to being a happy UNION elevator mechanic again 4.5 years ago.

Beer Drinker.

Like to travel, currently typing from a hotel in Barcelona on my way to Canada.

Married to a Spaniard for 28 years.

DEMOCRAT who thinks people who continue to support Twump after being DUPED with all his nonsensical promises of WALLS, and MUSLIM BANS, and "I had the largest inauguration crowd ever", are RUBES who need to pull their heads out of their asses.

THANKS for the welcome.

I hope we have fun.
oh sorry, I misunderstood.....lets see....I won at euchre the other day.......Spider Solitaire on Facebook......and every argument I've ever had with a lib'rul.......

Your trophy case must be awesome, especially with you refereeing all your contests. How many years did you study yoga before you learned to fellate yourself?
I haven't seen any legitimate accusations that need defending.......

Certainly not to goose-stepping, lickspittle trump-fluffing groupies, anyway. Hey, is it "very soon" yet? Time to end the "recordings" bluff? Now that the election is over for six months, you figure trump will release his tax returns like he promised? How about that repeal-and-replace that was going to be so much better? I realize it is difficult to pass something you've declared a priority for years with just control of all three branches of government, but ... Who knew health care could be so complicated? Anything new on the Muslim travel ban to stop refugees who've never killed any Americans here? Oh wait, there were some Cubans way back who killed Americans, but they were good criminals. I suppose he is trying to keep his promise to provide you easily frightened sissies with a scapegoat in every pot. Did you get enough vicarious machismo from sucking trump's $60 million fireworks display in Syria? Good thing he warned the Russians who warned the Syrians, or somebody coulda got hurt. Oh, did you see where trump provided some evidence to back up his accusation Obama bugged his phone? Neither did anyone else. At least he has restrained the North Korean version of himself to the point he returns Americans in time for them to die here. And, how about the way trump has dealt with your whine about Obama dissing our allies? Nothing like insulting Mexico, Australia, Canada, Germany, and even taking shots at the mayor of London following a terrorist attack to increase America's stature in the world. Oh well, we still have Russia and the Saudis. Speaking of which, how about the way trump lied about the size of the weapons deal we did with them? Good thing we don't deal with human rights abusers like Cuba, just the heart of Wahhabism, even facilitating them and trump getting suckered by some Russian fake news re Qatar.

And, that's just off the top of my head. It doesn't even include the Russian collusion investigation or the likelihood trump is gonna get bagged over money laundering, among the other things that contribute to us having a president more people believe should be impeached than approve of his incompetence to this point.

You may now squeak some repetitively insipid declaration of what a mighty mouth you are in combatting the weak liberals in cyber-space. Dirty job, but nobody else is gonna go it.
Certainly not to goose-stepping, lickspittle trump-fluffing groupies, anyway. Hey, is it "very soon" yet? Time to end the "recordings" bluff? Now that the election is over for six months, you figure trump will release his tax returns like he promised? How about that repeal-and-replace that was going to be so much better? I realize it is difficult to pass something you've declared a priority for years with just control of all three branches of government, but ... Who knew health care could be so complicated? Anything new on the Muslim travel ban to stop refugees who've never killed any Americans here? Oh wait, there were some Cubans way back who killed Americans, but they were good criminals. I suppose he is trying to keep his promise to provide you easily frightened sissies with a scapegoat in every pot. Did you get enough vicarious machismo from sucking trump's $60 million fireworks display in Syria? Good thing he warned the Russians who warned the Syrians, or somebody coulda got hurt. Oh, did you see where trump provided some evidence to back up his accusation Obama bugged his phone? Neither did anyone else. At least he has restrained the North Korean version of himself to the point he returns Americans in time for them to die here. And, how about the way trump has dealt with your whine about Obama dissing our allies? Nothing like insulting Mexico, Australia, Canada, Germany, and even taking shots at the mayor of London following a terrorist attack to increase America's stature in the world. Oh well, we still have Russia and the Saudis. Speaking of which, how about the way trump lied about the size of the weapons deal we did with them? Good thing we don't deal with human rights abusers like Cuba, just the heart of Wahhabism, even facilitating them and trump getting suckered by some Russian fake news re Qatar.

And, that's just off the top of my head. It doesn't even include the Russian collusion investigation or the likelihood trump is gonna get bagged over money laundering, among the other things that contribute to us having a president more people believe should be impeached than approve of his incompetence to this point.

You may now squeak some repetitively insipid declaration of what a mighty mouth you are in combatting the weak liberals in cyber-space. Dirty job, but nobody else is gonna go it.

/ anything worth reading?.....
I encourage you and your party to stay the course on that.

I see you are going with a signature in which the trump you fluff insists that the buck is not allowed within miles of his whiny ass.

First trump tried to blame the Comey firing on people he asked to give him reasons to fire Comey. Unfortunately, his justifiably fragile ego could not deal with the notion that something wasn't his idea, so he threw the flunkies under the bus. Now that his flabby ass is a target again, he backs the bus up over them again. And, you are so proud of such sleaziness that you made it your signature, so everyone could know what a gullible sucker you are. You must go through a lot of kneepads.
I see you are going with a signature in which the trump you fluff insists that the buck is not allowed within miles of his whiny ass.

First trump tried to blame the Comey firing on people he asked to give him reasons to fire Comey. Unfortunately, his justifiably fragile ego could not deal with the notion that something wasn't his idea, so he threw the flunkies under the bus. Now that his flabby ass is a target again, he backs the bus up over them again. And, you are so proud of such sleaziness that you made it your signature, so everyone could know what a gullible sucker you are. You must go through a lot of kneepads.

You just use your man boobs when kneeling. Cheapskate.