trump: oblivious moron or psychotically narcissistic oblivious moron?

Which contradicts your earlier assertion that capital had nowhere else to go.
what? how? If we didnt rebuild their roads cities and other stuff people would not have invested there because there would be no profit in it.

With fewer investment choices we can tax more because people have less chances to leave. If everything is open then any slight increases and you get inversions.
Europe provided a market for US capital goods at a time of high US tax rates. There was somewhere else to go.
But prior to Obamacare, we had this wonderful invention called a healthcare delivery system. No it wasn't perfect, but it served millions of people very well and millions of people were satisfied with it.

Of course the fact that millions of people had no way to pay to access the system serves them right for wanting free stuff.
BTW, fellow refugees, I just realized that the software for this forum, vBulletin, is the software used by the place we were at before the last place. That is, until December 2014.