trump: oblivious moron or psychotically narcissistic oblivious moron?

He invaded DCJ for awhile, brought the usual cabal with him. It's interesting they can't seem to find a home.
I have no problem with him..He's a Democrat.They are what they are.

I think perhaps I've run across them before somewhere as well.......maybe DebatePolitics......
Trump is our Chauncey Gardiner with one difference, he gives his followers red meat and they wallow in it. The spoiled rich boy is out of his element when presidential duties knock. Best solution is let him golf and give speeches to his trumpettes for the next four years. Republicans in congress will of course play him with praise while they kowtow to dark money. Life in modern corporate America, it was a fine experiment while it lasted.

"Because the American federal government uses mercenaries in warfare and American state governments pay corporations to run prisons, the use of violence in the United States is already highly privatized. What is novel is a president who wishes to maintain, while in office, a personal security force which during his campaign used force against dissenters. As a candidate, the president ordered a private security detail to clear opponents from rallies, but also encouraged the audience itself to remove people who expressed different opinions. A protester would first be greeted with boos, then with frenetic cries of "USA," and then be forced to leave the rally. At one campaign rally the candidate said, "There's a remnant left over. Maybe get the remnant out. Get the remnant out." The crowd, taking its cue, then tried to root out other people who might be dissenters, all the while crying "USA." The candidate interjected:

"Isn't this more fun than a regular boring rally? To me, it's fun." This kind of mob violence was meant to transform the political atmosphere, and it did." p 43 'On Tyranny: *Twenty Lessons from the Twentieth Century' by Timothy Snyder

"The supreme mystery of despotism, its prop and stay, is to keep men in a state of deception, and with the specious title of religion to cloak the fear by which they must be held in check, so that they will fight for their servitude as if for salvation." Baruch Spinoza

"The American Republic stands threatened by the first overtly anti-democratic leader of a large party in its modern history—an authoritarian with no grasp of history, no impulse control, and no apparent barriers on his will to power. The right thing to do, for everyone who believes in liberal democracy, is to gather around and work to defeat him on Election Day. Instead, we seem to be either engaged in parochial feuding or caught by habits of tribal hatred so ingrained that they have become impossible to escape even at moments of maximum danger. Bernie Sanders wouldn’t mind bringing down the Democratic Party to prevent it from surrendering to corporate forces — and yet he may be increasing the possibility of rule -by- billionaire."
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Howdy. I'm new here. There is a possibility I am the vanguard of a liberal invasion. I am scouting for neo-paleo-conservative prey. Possible also that lonely and abused Deplorables will follow, later.

I don't think trump is a very good president.

To begin with....lets address the stupid "oxymoron" used by the troll. Neo (Latin for NEW).....Conservative (OLD SCHOOL). So lets get this are trolling/baiting for NEW OLD AFFILIATIONS? LMAO

Nuff said.....the responses you will get will in all likely hood come from the STATE EDUCATED dumb downed demwits, as anyone with any intelligence will dedicate the time this thread deserves. But "socks" are always welcome....there is nothing on tv during the summer re-run season.
I don't have a problem with them lol.

They're good for entertainment purposes.

Fair enough, they just remind me of parasitoid wasps that lays eggs in a live caterpillar which then proceed to feed off the host.


Sent from my iPhone 25 GT Turbo
Who's sensitive? Annatta already said that these characters are like cyber gypsies who are turfed off one forum after another.

Sent from my iPhone 25 GT Turbo

Gypsies tend to be on the move....we've only done so a half dozen times in 18 years...

Are you feeling UnSafe, Snowflake?

pace yourself.
To begin with....lets address the stupid "oxymoron" used by the troll. Neo (Latin for NEW).....Conservative (OLD SCHOOL). So lets get this are trolling/baiting for NEW OLD AFFILIATIONS? LMAO

Nuff said.....the responses you will get will in all likely hood come from the STATE EDUCATED dumb downed demwits, as anyone with any intelligence will dedicate the time this thread deserves. But "socks" are always welcome....there is nothing on tv during the summer re-run season.

You a product of the PRIVATE education system, Hondo?
From a climate 'realist'! Can it get better?

Fucking morons....Postmodern Fetus Fetishist opened with some quip about expanding vocabularies......yesterday it demanded that I provide a definition of
"fetus fetishist", in English.....while Gazza Queen was unable to explain the rationale of "Make America Great Again", though she knew she liked it.
To begin with....lets address the stupid "oxymoron" used by the troll. Neo (Latin for NEW).....Conservative (OLD SCHOOL). So lets get this are trolling/baiting for NEW OLD AFFILIATIONS? LMAO

Nuff said.....the responses you will get will in all likely hood come from the STATE EDUCATED dumb downed demwits, as anyone with any intelligence will dedicate the time this thread deserves. But "socks" are always welcome....there is nothing on tv during the summer re-run season.

I love it when illiterates wax etymological.
Thanks for the welcome, Covfefe. Too bad the whimpering rightards here, all caught up in their celebration of "winning" have no issues to discuss or actual ability to substantiate the dogma they espouse beyond "these new loser dims are stoopid, just like all the others we've destroyed... Nuff said."

If you haven't already heard, this group that may well be invading has been together since the Clinton impeachment. It's a very diverse group, not all liberals, and certainly not fools. As happens in life, we've lost some, but we've picked up some over the years who enjoy the sharing of ideas, questioning the nonsense happening in the world around us, and especially the remarkable investigation and assimilation of information regarding current events in real time, such as only a large, worldwide and well informed group can produce.

We tend to be prolific and fast moving and we've preferred to stick to a single thread, even if multiple conversations take place at once. Often logging hundreds of posts a day. Shit...Hundreds of posts an hour.

We've moved on when our hosts closed, bogged down, or became intolerant for one reason or another. Some of us like Tavy, and others who've chimed-in, enjoy trading insults. Many have extensive knowledge of history, science, economics and much of the processes that make society work and even better, a willingness to share information.

If the whiny, repetitive, and trite insults we've seen so far, are all that are offered by the long-time, right-leaning residents, we'll not be surprised or offended. Invincible ignorance is after all, deliberately conditioned. Besides, at this point we expect little else. What would be surprising is having them engage honestly with fact-based and well reasoned metrics.
Thanks for the welcome, Covfefe. Too bad the whimpering rightards here, all caught up in their celebration of "winning" have no issues to discuss or actual ability to substantiate the dogma they espouse beyond "these new loser dims are stoopid, just like all the others we've destroyed... Nuff said."

If you haven't already heard, this group that may well be invading has been together since the Clinton impeachment. It's a very diverse group, not all liberals, and certainly not fools. As happens in life, we've lost some, but we've picked up some over the years who enjoy the sharing of ideas, questioning the nonsense happening in the world around us, and especially the remarkable investigation and assimilation of information regarding current events in real time, such as only a large, worldwide and well informed group can produce.

We tend to be prolific and fast moving and we've preferred to stick to a single thread, even if multiple conversations take place at once. Often logging hundreds of posts a day. Shit...Hundreds of posts an hour.

We've moved on when our hosts closed, bogged down, or became intolerant for one reason or another. Some of us like Tavy, and others who've chimed-in, enjoy trading insults. Many have extensive knowledge of history, science, economics and much of the processes that make society work and even better, a willingness to share information.

If the whiny, repetitive, and trite insults we've seen so far, are all that are offered by the long-time, right-leaning residents, we'll not be surprised or offended. Invincible ignorance is after all, deliberately conditioned. Besides, at this point we expect little else. What would be surprising is having them engage honestly with fact-based and well reasoned metrics.


The right wing nut jobs on this site will just ban you all from their threads.

They are a bunch of lying, racist, cowards afraid to hear the truth so they ban you.

Kick some ass.