trump: oblivious moron or psychotically narcissistic oblivious moron?

Look, it's easy enough to see what you are doing: That would be the effort to make sense of things in order to reduce uncertainty. That's generally not a bad thing. However, in your desperation you are neither very discerning as to your sources, and you don't question the validity of any "knowledge" you acquire once you've found it fits with what you are "thinking". Sorry to be so blunt.

I told you back then that we'll probably disagree about 90% of the time, and that you'll have plenty of opportunities to reverse your earlier judgment. Turns out, that didn't take long. I am, however, the very same poster, still insisting that we stick with what we know, be aware where the boundaries of our possible knowledge lie, and not jump to unwarranted conclusions to fill the vast, often unbridgeable gaps, no matter how uncomfortable or disturbing these gaps may be.

That would be, for instance, your repeated insistence on the "deep state's Russia-phobia", as if the "deep state" (provided such thing exists) were a homogeneous entity with a common mental disease. Or your repeated insistence on "Brennan's hostility to Trump", so as to "explain" why the IC would work against the Trumpy. That doesn't make any sense, not least because a misrepresented IC community would soon start to leak to point out Brennan's "distortions", and his "work" in pursuit of this hostility. That's all very easy to see.

Yeah, I am calling you "A Nutter", because it's phonetically close to your nick, and it is supposed to give you a hint where you are running off on a wild tangent, not scrutinizing what you think you "know", and losing grip. All that does have a purpose, and still I am not arguing about some wild-eyed idiot's illiterate blog-post, and neither about your repeated and false insistence on the IC's confidence in their findings. That's boring, not helpful to understand things, and a waste of time.

So, let's have a debate, or you throw yourself into the warm embrace of these two nutters:

The Following 2 Users Say Thank You to anatta For This Post:

Dropbear1 (Today), Milagro (Today)​

Your call, mate.

i do not care what you think about the deep state. You don't seem to understand the institutional Russiaphonia of the Intelligence agencies that colors their assessments.
No they aren't homogenious -where did I say such? I've said over and over their institutional bias cause their emphasis on what to leak, and colors their assessments

I you are not familiar with Brennan's hostility to Trump,I am also not going to spend my time finding articles to support that.
I might consider doing so,but your constant haranguing of "nutter" and such, coupled with you inability to see how the private technical analysis was very questionable and NOT corroborated by the FBI or federal investigative agency shows me you are much more interested in pushing your narrative then actual debate or looking at the holes in the IC Assessments.

That's fine. believe what you are told. It's your right to do so and you are clearly in the majority.
I am not going to swallow it whole, their are too many discrepancies,too much institutional hate of Russia
to simply accept an assessment prima facie
Most of this is classified so "sticking to what we know" isn't a rock to hold onto either. we know very little.
There is more then enough doubt there to question the conclusion of "Russian state actors"
though Russian hackers are very easy to believe. I'm sure you see the difference
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i do not care what you think about the deep state. You don't seem to understand the institutional Russiaphonia of the Intelligence agencies that colors their assessments.
No they aren't homogenious -where did I say such? I've said over and over their institutional bias cause their emphasis on what to leak, and colors their assessments

I you are not familiar with Brennan's hostility to Trump,I am also not going to spend my time finding articles to support that.
I might consider doing so,but your constant haranguing of "nutter" and such, coupled with you inability to see how the private technical analysis was very questionable and NOT corroborated by the FBI or federal investigative agency shows me you are much more interested in pushing your narrative then actual debate or looking at the holes in the IC Assessments.

That's fine. believe what you are told. It's your right to do so and you are clearly in the majority.
I am not going to swallow it whole, their are too many discrepancies,too much institutional hate of Russia
to simply accept an assessment prima facie
Most of this is classified so "sticking to what we know" isn't a rock to hod onto either. we know very little except what I've written, I think their is more then enough doubt there to support the conclusion of "Russian state actors" though Russian hackers are very easy to believe. I'm sure you see the difference
This guy is a waste of time, just another arrogant pillock.

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This guy is a waste of time, just another arrogant pillock.
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it's water under the bridge in terms of US/NATO/Russian relations.
The damage is done,and Russiaphobia is now comfortably ensconced within the political class as well as the IC.

don't screw w/the deep state coupled with leakage and fake the lesson.

Hopefully Trump and Putin can put this aside ( it looks like they will and focus on real events)
and make some progress in reducing the wasteful escalation insanity of Cold War 2.0..but i doubt it
And now for something almost as good as a win to President Trump.

Mann’s now proven contempt of court means Ball is entitled to have the court serve upon Mann the fullest punishment. Contempt sanctions could reasonably include the judge ruling that Dr. Ball’s statement that Mann “belongs in the state pen, not Penn. State’ is a precise and true statement of fact. This is because under Canada’s unique ‘Truth Defense’, Mann is now proven to have wilfully hidden his data, so the court may rule he hid it because it is fake. As such, the court must then dismiss Mann’s entire libel suit with costs awarded to Ball and his team.

The spectacular rise and fall of climate alarmism’s former golden boy is a courtroom battle with even more ramifications than the infamous Scopes Monkey Trial of 1925. To much fanfare at the time, Mann had sued Ball for daring to publish the damning comment that Mann “belongs in the state pen, not Penn. State.” Dr Ball brilliantly backed up his exposure of the elaborate international money-making global warming scam in his astonishing book, ‘The Deliberate Corruption of Climate Science‘.

That said, 'making sense of things' is what we do. As an idea that makes sense of things, 'the Deep State' is not unassailable---but it easily, has more merit than the Russian collusion theory.
Is the IC asserting Russia interfered in the US Presidential election the 'Russian collusion theory'?
Is the IC asserting Russia interfered in the US Presidential election the 'Russian collusion theory'?

The Russian collusion theory implicates Trump in the *alleged* Russian interference.

Too many common Joes have been tricked into conflating the two by the media. Unfortunately, they get to vote.
The Russian collusion theory implicates Trump in the *alleged* Russian interference.

Too many common Joes have been tricked into conflating the two by the media. Unfortunately, they get to vote.

Yet I don't see such collusion mentioned in the posts you discussed. Why did you introduce it, trying to trick common Joes into conflating the two cases?
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Tthat's a funny, Greg. No other banks will lend to him.

That's stupid, IO. Given the opportunity virtually any bank would do biz with Trump. Bank money is very expensive for real estate developers and comes with very short strings. As always you lead with your vast ignorance and your equally vapid comrades salute it anyway. Pathetic.
Look, it's easy enough to see what you are doing: That would be the effort to make sense of things in order to reduce uncertainty. That's generally not a bad thing. However, in your desperation you are neither very discerning as to your sources, and you don't question the validity of any "knowledge" you acquire once you've found it fits with what you are "thinking". Sorry to be so blunt.

I told you back then that we'll probably disagree about 90% of the time, and that you'll have plenty of opportunities to reverse your earlier judgment. Turns out, that didn't take long. I am, however, the very same poster, still insisting that we stick with what we know, be aware where the boundaries of our possible knowledge lie, and not jump to unwarranted conclusions to fill the vast, often unbridgeable gaps, no matter how uncomfortable or disturbing these gaps may be.

That would be, for instance, your repeated insistence on the "deep state's Russia-phobia", as if the "deep state" (provided such thing exists) were a homogeneous entity with a common mental disease. Or your repeated insistence on "Brennan's hostility to Trump", so as to "explain" why the IC would work against the Trumpy. That doesn't make any sense, not least because a misrepresented IC community would soon start to leak to point out Brennan's "distortions", and his "work" in pursuit of this hostility. That's all very easy to see.

Yeah, I am calling you "A Nutter", because it's phonetically close to your nick, and it is supposed to give you a hint where you are running off on a wild tangent, not scrutinizing what you think you "know", and losing grip. All that does have a purpose, and still I am not arguing about some wild-eyed idiot's illiterate blog-post, and neither about your repeated and false insistence on the IC's confidence in their findings. That's boring, not helpful to understand things, and a waste of time.

So, let's have a debate, or you throw yourself into the warm embrace of these two nutters:

The Following 2 Users Say Thank You to anatta For This Post:

Dropbear1 (Today), Milagro (Today)​

Your call, mate.

Your patience is commendable. I hope it works out for you.
Your patients are all dead!

Sent from my iPhone 25S with cherries on top

Is this your best attempt at being funny?
Or are you just demonstrating your best sports are deflecting, ankle-biting, and equivocating, Mr. Deductive Reasoning?

I see you still have Tavy on iggy, yet live on this thread and suck up to his pinheaded detractors. Not surprising after whimpering how you'd like to see some intelligent lefties show up and have worthwhile debate, only to participate in the herding of crybaby rightard victim wannabes who can't put together coherent thoughts, let alone follow a logical thread.
That's stupid, IO. Given the opportunity virtually any bank would do biz with Trump. Bank money is very expensive for real estate developers and comes with very short strings. As always you lead with your vast ignorance and your equally vapid comrades salute it anyway. Pathetic.

No American banks will lend Trump money you fucking retard.

That's what happens when you go bankrupt 6 times.

What a fucking idiot.
Is this your best attempt at being funny?
Or are you just demonstrating your best sports are deflecting, ankle-biting, and equivocating, Mr. Deductive Reasoning?

I see you still have Tavy on iggy, yet live on this thread and suck up to his pinheaded detractors. Not surprising after whimpering how you'd like to see some intelligent lefties show up and have worthwhile debate, only to participate in the herding of crybaby rightard victim wannabes who can't put together coherent thoughts, let alone follow a logical thread.
Yeah tough shit, don't like it then fuck off.

Sent from my iPhone 25S with cherries on top
[FONT=&quot]Because rural, Christian, white Americans will not listen to educated arguments, supported by facts that go against their fundamentalist belief systems from “outsiders,” any change must come from within. Internal change in these systems does happen, but it happens infrequently and it always lags far behind reality. This is why they fear change so much. They aren’t used to it. Of course, it really doesn’t matter whether they like it or not, it, like the evolution and climate change even though they don’t believe it, it is going to happen whether they believe in it or not.[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]Another major problem with closed-off, fundamentalist belief systems is they are very susceptible to propaganda. All belief systems are to some extent, but fundamentalist systems even more so because there are no checks and balances. If bad information gets in, it doesn’t get out and because there are no internal mechanisms to guard against it, it usually ends up very damaging to the whole. A closed-off belief system is like your spinal fluid—it is great as long as nothing infectious gets into it. If bacteria gets into your spinal fluid, it causes unbelievable damage because there are no white blood cells in it whose job is to fend off invaders and protect the system. This is why things like meningitis are so horrible. Without the protective services of white blood cells in the spinal column, meningitis spreads like wildfire once it’s in and does significant damage in a very short period of time. Once inside the closed-off spinal system, bacteria are free to destroy whatever they want.[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]The very same is true with closed-off belief systems. Without built-in protective functions like critical analysis, self-reflection, openness to counter-evidence, willingness to re-evaluate any and all beliefs, etc., bad information in a closed-off system ends up doing massive damage in short period of time. What has happened to too many fundamentalist belief systems is damaging information has been allowed in from people who have been granted “expert status.” If someone is allowed into a closed-off system and their information is deemed acceptable, anything they say will readily be accepted and become gospel.[/FONT]
Yeah tough shit, don't like it then fuck off.

Sent from my iPhone 25S with cherries on top

Bossy little crybaby airhead aren't you? Don't worry, Glug and Sayshit will be along to smack me with some "groans" and "thank" your boo boo.
[FONT=&quot]Because rural, Christian, white Americans will not listen to educated arguments, supported by facts that go against their fundamentalist belief systems from “outsiders,” any change must come from within. Internal change in these systems does happen, but it happens infrequently and it always lags far behind reality. This is why they fear change so much. They aren’t used to it. Of course, it really doesn’t matter whether they like it or not, it, like the evolution and climate change even though they don’t believe it, it is going to happen whether they believe in it or not.[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]Another major problem with closed-off, fundamentalist belief systems is they are very susceptible to propaganda. All belief systems are to some extent, but fundamentalist systems even more so because there are no checks and balances. If bad information gets in, it doesn’t get out and because there are no internal mechanisms to guard against it, it usually ends up very damaging to the whole. A closed-off belief system is like your spinal fluid—it is great as long as nothing infectious gets into it. If bacteria gets into your spinal fluid, it causes unbelievable damage because there are no white blood cells in it whose job is to fend off invaders and protect the system. This is why things like meningitis are so horrible. Without the protective services of white blood cells in the spinal column, meningitis spreads like wildfire once it’s in and does significant damage in a very short period of time. Once inside the closed-off spinal system, bacteria are free to destroy whatever they want.[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]The very same is true with closed-off belief systems. Without built-in protective functions like critical analysis, self-reflection, openness to counter-evidence, willingness to re-evaluate any and all beliefs, etc., bad information in a closed-off system ends up doing massive damage in short period of time. What has happened to too many fundamentalist belief systems is damaging information has been allowed in from people who have been granted “expert status.” If someone is allowed into a closed-off system and their information is deemed acceptable, anything they say will readily be accepted and become gospel.[/FONT]
Raw Story ffs, looks like we have another Zippy!!

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