trump: oblivious moron or psychotically narcissistic oblivious moron?

In a feeble attempt to crawl out of your hole, you wanna go THERE?

I urge you not to.....stick to your current embarrassment......we can move on to whatever you think you know about Fannie Mae when we're done....

So where did you and Bluff Toady learn all this stuff about real estate?
Go where ffs? I am done with you and the rest of the condescending cunts.

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Quite a few posters here have made sensible comments and more than one posts in sequence that demonstrated logic and erudite assessments.

Clearly, you're not one of them.

If you believe I'm in error, point me to proof "lol"

I point you to the OP title lol.

When I post a topic I at least try to stay on the topic. I at least try.
Go where ffs? I am done with you and the rest of the condescending cunts.

Sent from my iPhone 25S with cherries on top
go anywhere, Millie....but are as worthless as you are comically ignorant.....

and why shouldn't someone condescend to an imbecile of your class?

But before you go.....where did you learn about real estate finance?

Trump wants the US to be energy dominant and that helps exactly? Trump was in Poland just today and he was affirming our commitment to Article 5 of the NATO treaty, and encouraging Europe to move away from its dependence on Russian energy.

Sucks to be Putin, huh?

If you think it's so easy to swing a national election why don't you try it. Get back with us when you have any luck.

the republican party has been doing it for decades

cold hard facts in the USAs court records right up to the scotus
[FONT="]Because rural, Christian, white Americans will not listen to educated arguments, supported by facts that go against their fundamentalist belief systems from “outsiders,” any change must come from within. Internal change in these systems does happen, but it happens infrequently and it always lags far behind reality. This is why they fear change so much. They aren’t used to it. Of course, it really doesn’t matter whether they like it or not, it, like the evolution and climate change even though they don’t believe it, it is going to happen whether they believe in it or not.[/FONT][/COLOR]
[COLOR=#505050][FONT="]Another major problem with closed-off, fundamentalist belief systems is they are very susceptible to propaganda. All belief systems are to some extent, but fundamentalist systems even more so because there are no checks and balances. If bad information gets in, it doesn’t get out and because there are no internal mechanisms to guard against it, it usually ends up very damaging to the whole. A closed-off belief system is like your spinal fluid—it is great as long as nothing infectious gets into it. If bacteria gets into your spinal fluid, it causes unbelievable damage because there are no white blood cells in it whose job is to fend off invaders and protect the system. This is why things like meningitis are so horrible. Without the protective services of white blood cells in the spinal column, meningitis spreads like wildfire once it’s in and does significant damage in a very short period of time. Once inside the closed-off spinal system, bacteria are free to destroy whatever they want.[/FONT]

[FONT="]The very same is true with closed-off belief systems. Without built-in protective functions like critical analysis, self-reflection, openness to counter-evidence, willingness to re-evaluate any and all beliefs, etc., bad information in a closed-off system ends up doing massive damage in short period of time. What has happened to too many fundamentalist belief systems is damaging information has been allowed in from people who have been granted “expert status.” If someone is allowed into a closed-off system and their information is deemed acceptable, anything they say will readily be accepted and become gospel.[/FONT]

the right has entered maximum lie factor

Once you begin using lies to protect your beliefs

it requires more lies to protect the lies.

at some point it evoles into a pure lie system

BAD information in means Bad decisions out

they are at maximum lie factor
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Can you provide a quick bio of that manky git?

ignorant and whiny.......where they fuck do they make 'em like that?

He is a limey, claims to have a degree in chemistry
Is clearly a big oil shill,
Globally liberal yet supports Trumptards just to be ornery.
Well known misogynist and rape apologist
Has male order bride from Asia,
Hates feminism and has viciously attacked women for holding feminist views,
All in all a general wanker.
He is a limey, claims to have a degree in chemistry
Is clearly a big oil shill,
Globally liberal yet supports Trumptards just to be ornery.
Well known misogynist and rape apologist
Has male order bride from Asia,
Hates feminism and has viciously attacked women for holding feminist views,
All in all a general wanker.

Don't claim to have a degree in chemistry, it's a fact. I also spent over thirty years in the IT industry and have travelled all the globe.

I am a Limey with Irish parents.

You think anybody that doesn't accept the CAGW alarmism is some kind of shill. But that's because you're not too bright.

I detested Clinton and am willing to give Trump a chance. I always knew and said many times that his first six months would be rocky.

I do not detest feminism, I detest gender feminists like your erstwhile 'suckee fuckee'.

Mail order bride ffs, could you be any more racist and sexist? I have been married to the same woman for thirty years, as you well know, metal basher! Unlike you who fucked off from his wife and took up with an evil slapper.

Maybe I should do a potted history for you, should I ask Anatta to contribute?

Sent from my iPhone 25S with cherries on top
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