trump: oblivious moron or psychotically narcissistic oblivious moron?

Why do you use cock, sperm, jizz as an insult? You are alive because of them!

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and being a hetro female I find cocks fasinating

I insult you right wing tards with them because you claim sexual preferance is a choice

There is nothing in this world that would make me want pussy

the gay men I know feel the same way

you seem to think its a choice


otherwise you would understand its not a choice

admitt you are BI or gay and pretending to be hetro
and being a hetro female I find cocks fasinating

I insult you right wing tards with them because you claim sexual preferance is a choice

There is nothing in this world that would make me want pussy

the gay men I know feel the same way

you seem to think its a choice


otherwise you would understand its not a choice

admitt you are BI or gay and pretending to be hetro
You're a hypocrite but are far too stupid to see it.

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What I find interesting is that you boast of 30 years of marriage, but the greatest insult you can think up is to associates someone with female genitalia. I'm guessing your affectionate nickname for your mail-order bride is "Beard."

Forgot to mention that.
Seriously? So quite literally, you're calling your own mother a cunt. Is that what you really intended to do, cunt?

cunt is a slander name for my body parts

you shits somehow think female body parts are insulting

all cunts matter

they are wonderful and produce life

if you notice I dont use slander words for female parts

they are more powerful than mere sperm

dont you agree
and being a hetro female I find cocks fasinating

I insult you right wing tards with them because you claim sexual preferance is a choice

There is nothing in this world that would make me want pussy

the gay men I know feel the same way

you seem to think its a choice


otherwise you would understand its not a choice

admitt you are BI or gay and pretending to be hetro

Go get him Evince.
cunt is a slander name for my body parts

you shits somehow think female body parts are insulting

all cunts matter

they are wonderful and produce life

if you notice I dont use slander words for female parts

they are more powerful than mere sperm

dont you agree
No! Cunt is a very old word. You Septics need to grow up, at least Larry David knows the score.

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I was looking at a picture of Darla the other day, Snarla really does cover the bases with her, one scary looking dude.

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you cant treat me like you treated Darla huh assminer

so you wax all poetic for the times when you cuold treat a female poster like crap and get away with it huh bag of dicks