trump: oblivious moron or psychotically narcissistic oblivious moron?

Well, trump has chosen to forgive Putin for helping him win the presidency. Mighty white of him. He brought it up, but they agreed the matter is "intractable," so they are going to move on. After trump closed Putin's zipper, they agreed to do another cease fire in Syria that Putin has previously used to prop up his puppet. Make Assad great again!
i do not care what you think about the deep state. You don't seem to understand the institutional Russiaphonia of the Intelligence agencies that colors their assessments.
No they aren't homogenious -where did I say such? I've said over and over their institutional bias cause their emphasis on what to leak, and colors their assessments

I you are not familiar with Brennan's hostility to Trump,I am also not going to spend my time finding articles to support that.
I might consider doing so,but your constant haranguing of "nutter" and such, coupled with you inability to see how the private technical analysis was very questionable and NOT corroborated by the FBI or federal investigative agency shows me you are much more interested in pushing your narrative then actual debate or looking at the holes in the IC Assessments.

That's fine. believe what you are told. It's your right to do so and you are clearly in the majority.
I am not going to swallow it whole, their are too many discrepancies,too much institutional hate of Russia
to simply accept an assessment prima facie
Most of this is classified so "sticking to what we know" isn't a rock to hold onto either. we know very little.
There is more then enough doubt there to question the conclusion of "Russian state actors"
though Russian hackers are very easy to believe. I'm sure you see the difference

Look at you!

You're accusing the IC of Russia-phobia. That's not regarding Russia as an opponent and strategic competitor, but "phobia". Look the term up, for I don't think you know what it means. Neither did you in any way qualify the charge, as in, "some parts are Russia-phobic". So yeah, you did allege they are homogeneous in their Russia-phobia, there's not even a doubt about that.

You also accuse Brennan of "hostility" towards Trump. I have not seen any evidence for this. Now, is Brennan in favor of Trump? I don't think anyone would make that argument. Moreover, you think Brennan distorted intelligence findings to support his agenda. You have no way of knowing that.

Taken together, the IC's "Russia-phobia" and Brennan's hostility towards Trump would align splendidly, so that Brennan would have no need to distort anything. He'd get whatever he wanted to use against Trump and his stated aim of improving U.S.-Russian relations anyway, right? So, not even internally your lumbering through the thicket adds up, and that's on top of the fact that you have no solid corroborative evidence for hostility in either case. It's patently preposterous to claim such knowledge.

Then you are, again, jumping to unwarranted conclusions, which had been explained to you earlier: If in fact someone found holes in some cyber-security corporations' assessments, that provides no clue as to the IC's assessments, as the two most certainly are entirely different, as CIA, NSA, and FBI have methods of data gathering and developing sources these private corporations patently don't have. So, that's another wild tangent, A Nutter.

And finally you're musing about what I believe, when I haven't even begun to talk about that. For now, this is all about what we can possibly know - basically what several sides are telling us - and ways to fit that all together.

All in all, you are just flailing, hoping to find solid ground in what turns out to be idle, baseless speculation about motivations, "phobias", and beliefs about which you know nothing at all.
Watching MSNBC. Their favorite visual is their correspondent walking around with his "special" helmet, breathlessly trying to hype violence. I'm guessing the other networks are doing something similar.
I look in on Faux Gnus, but they just keep trying to sell me gold as a hedge against the impending Apocalypse. Oh wait, yup they are reporting on those nasty, nasty protestors.
reporting from ground zero is hype


I think the protests are news and worthy of reportage and visuals. However, our "news" media makes its editorial choices on what story get what coverage based pretty much entirely on how it will affect ratings. Violent protests get ratings. This is why trump is denying camera access to much of anything. He is hoping this will cut down on the reporting of the insult-to-intelligence bullshit that comes out of press conferences.
Putin asked trump for proof of Russian meddling in our election. trump said he would leave that to our intelligence community ... the one he has been disrespecting.

trump: oblivious moron or psychotically narcissistic oblivious moron?
Every time I see a seated trump on TV now, I can't help but remember the SNL comment about how he always looks like he's sitting on a toilet. I think then about how he's getting his goofy tie wet.
Every time I see a seated trump on TV now, I can't help but remember the SNL comment about how he always looks like he's sitting on a toilet. I think then about how he's getting his goofy tie wet.
He should have played alpha male and made Putin stand for the photo op.
Look at you!

You're accusing the IC of Russia-phobia. That's not regarding Russia as an opponent and strategic competitor, but "phobia". Look the term up, for I don't think you know what it means. Neither did you in any way qualify the charge, as in, "some parts are Russia-phobic". So yeah, you did allege they are homogeneous in their Russia-phobia, there's not even a doubt about that.

You also accuse Brennan of "hostility" towards Trump. I have not seen any evidence for this. Now, is Brennan in favor of Trump? I don't think anyone would make that argument. Moreover, you think Brennan distorted intelligence findings to support his agenda. You have no way of knowing that.

Taken together, the IC's "Russia-phobia" and Brennan's hostility towards Trump would align splendidly, so that Brennan would have no need to distort anything. He'd get whatever he wanted to use against Trump and his stated aim of improving U.S.-Russian relations anyway, right? So, not even internally your lumbering through the thicket adds up, and that's on top of the fact that you have no solid corroborative evidence for hostility in either case. It's patently preposterous to claim such knowledge.

Then you are, again, jumping to unwarranted conclusions, which had been explained to you earlier: If in fact someone found holes in some cyber-security corporations' assessments, that provides no clue as to the IC's assessments, as the two most certainly are entirely different, as CIA, NSA, and FBI have methods of data gathering and developing sources these private corporations patently don't have. So, that's another wild tangent, A Nutter.

And finally you're musing about what I believe, when I haven't even begun to talk about that. For now, this is all about what we can possibly know - basically what several sides are telling us - and ways to fit that all together.

All in all, you are just flailing, hoping to find solid ground in what turns out to be idle, baseless speculation about motivations, "phobias", and beliefs about which you know nothing at all.
what you don't understand is the FBI did not look (investigate) first hand the DNC servers. Only Crowdstrike.
they did not first hand investigate the maleware used on the Podesta hacks either. the pfshing was attributed to Fancybear by the Bitly links made public by the supposed "Russian state actors".

Russian intelligence (hacking) is one of the best in the world -would they make such a clumsy mistake?
Or did someone pose as Fancybear and make the basic mistake?

Guiccefer denies being a state actor, although he is a "Russian hacker".
This whole idea of a cutout leaking the hacked Emails to Wiki is unsubstantiated cut from whole cloth ,
where it is needed to complete the narrative

The Russia phobia can be seen by Comey's "The Russians are coming after america" hyperbole.
No I cannot see what the IC does internally.
But we do see a lot of unmasking ,and the unmasked names leaked on a timely basis - strung out to capture news cycles.

If you choose this to be coincidental, fine by me. I don't give a damn what you choose.

when I point these out to you , you are saying
CIA, NSA, and FBI have methods of data gathering and developing sources these private corporations patently don't have. So, that's another wild tangent, A Nutter.
you are oblivious that the private security firms are the only first hand investigators.
where does "data gathering and developing sources" come into play here?
Brennan took a lot of shots at Trump, but his briefing on the Golden Showers was beyond unusual.
They knew it was a fake dossier and briefed anyway, then news of the dossier leaked out..
( more complicated then this, but it's ALL complicated and I do not feel like going back and reconstructing everything for you pleasure

at some point one has to think the IC manipulates for their own agenda
Its not just American intel

its several countries intel say it russia

Its you and putin against the whole world

suck that putin cock
they covered a lot of ground. de-escalation in SW syria ( Damascus, etc.) a working group on cyber-security.
At some point they have to agree to disagree on "Russian state actors", where Putin concedes it was Russian hackers, but not his GRU..Trump warned Putin on pending sanctions by the Senate.

It was a frank discussion, and they d not agree on what to do with NK, although both do not want a nuclear NK.
The Ukraine is still a hard sticking point, and Syria is far from over, but one couldn't ask for a better first meeting.
what you don't understand is the FBI did not look (investigate) first hand the DNC servers. Only Crowdstrike.
they did not first hand investigate the maleware used on the Podesta hacks either. the pfshing was attributed to Fancybear by the Bitly links made public by the supposed "Russian state actors".

Russian intelligence (hacking) is one of the best in the world -would they make such a clumsy mistake?
Or did someone pose as Fancybear and make the basic mistake?

Guiccefer denies being a state actor, although he is a "Russian hacker".
This whole idea of a cutout leaking the hacked Emails to Wiki is unsubstantiated cut from whole cloth ,
where it is needed to complete the narrative

The Russia phobia can be seen by Comey's "The Russians are coming after america" hyperbole.
No I cannot see what the IC does internally.
But we do see a lot of unmasking ,and the unmasked names leaked on a timely basis - strung out to capture news cycles.

If you choose this to be coincidental, fine by me. I don't give a damn what you choose.

when I point these out to you , you are saying you are oblivious that the private security firms are the only first hand investigators.
where does "data gathering and developing sources" come into play here?
Brennan took a lot of shots at Trump, but his briefing on the Golden Showers was beyond unusual.
They knew it was a fake dossier and briefed anyway, then news of the dossier leaked out..
( more complicated then this, but it's ALL complicated and I do not feel like going back and reconstructing everything for you pleasure

at some point one has to think the IC manipulates for their own agenda

A long winded repetition of conspiracy theory talking points, including a foot-stamping insistence that Crowdstrike could not have investigated their part of it all, based upon your total lack of expertise on the matter. You talk of a "fake dossier" even though parts of it have now been corroborated. You squeal about "unmasking" as if it were some proven scandal, rather than a clumsy and empty deflection. You Being a Deplorable "patriot," you have no problem dismissing the American intelligence to do a knee-jerk defense of America's foremost adversary. In the end, you rely on the notion that a lack of evidence for your conspiracy theory is proof of the conspiracy.
A long winded repetition of conspiracy theory talking points, including a foot-stamping insistence that Crowdstrike could not have investigated their part of it all, based upon your total lack of expertise on the matter. You talk of a "fake dossier" even though parts of it have now been corroborated. You squeal about "unmasking" as if it were some proven scandal, rather than a clumsy and empty deflection. You Being a Deplorable "patriot," you have no problem dismissing the American intelligence to do a knee-jerk defense of America's foremost adversary. In the end, you rely on the notion that a lack of evidence for your conspiracy theory is proof of the conspiracy.
WTF are you talking about? that's not even english (bolded)
The FBI never investigated the servers..or the pfishing..

The golden shower dossier-look at this-where do you see it was "corroborated?"

Comey's briefings to lawmakers stand in contrast to efforts in recent months by the bureau and US intelligence agencies to try to distance themselves from the dossier..

US law enforcement and intelligence officials have said US investigators did their own work, separate from the dossier, to support their findings that Russia tried to meddle in the 2016 presidential election in favor of Trump.
The dossier alleges that Page met senior Russian officials as an emissary of the Trump campaign, and discussed quid-pro-quo deals relating to sanctions, business opportunities and Russia's interference in the election. Page has denied meeting the officials named in the dossier and says he never cut any political deals with the Kremlin.
oh please knock it off on the patriotism- when we are talking about new (unwanted by Germany) Russian sanctions by the Senate-how is it not 'patriotic' to question that wisdom"

The unmasking was done at a record pace by Rice, she will testify, but behind closed doors.
The problem with all ofthis is much of it is classified, so when the unclassified parts are found lacking -why would you automatically believe the classified assessment?
they covered a lot of ground. de-escalation in SW syria ( Damascus, etc.) a working group on cyber-security.
At some point they have to agree to disagree on "Russian state actors", where Putin concedes it was Russian hackers, but not his GRU..Trump warned Putin on pending sanctions by the Senate.

It was a frank discussion, and they d not agree on what to do with NK, although both do not want a nuclear NK.
The Ukraine is still a hard sticking point, and Syria is far from over, but one couldn't ask for a better first meeting.

According to Tillerson, they agreed it was important to move on from what Putin did. According to the Russians, trump accepted Putin's explanation and offered his opinion that much of Russia's involvement has been exaggerated. After that, trump pulled up Putin's zipper and rose from his knees.

The Ukraine is still a hard sticking point, and Syria is far from over, but one couldn't ask for a better first meeting.

Certainly not if one works in the Kremlin. They blocked our resolution on NK and sold the trump rube another cease fire they've repeatedly used to prop up their pet Assad. trump has already signaled he's OK with Russian military imperialism in Europe. Spare me your bot squawks on how what Putin has done is America's fault, patriot.