trump: oblivious moron or psychotically narcissistic oblivious moron?

Okay, time to rest up for tonight's show. For those of you unaware, I'll be here all night tonight. Not much of that time will be spent sober, however. Deplorables can look at it as an opportunity to exploit a handicap. They would be wrong to do so, but they can hope.
Hey man why do you bother with this cunt anyway?

Sent from my iPhone 25S with cherries on top

Perhaps it's because the 'cunt' in question is the thread starter? But don't worry about it, he's several paygrades above you.
Maybe little bird, Glug, can whisper in your ear to fill you in on Ricky?
Don't forget to ask Glug about me, too.

I'm updating your ignore list, in anticipation:

Ignore list: Mangy Mongoose, McAwful, Owl something or other, Daesh, Aubergine (Black Vegetable), XO, EVERYONE.

Sorry for the big words. There is no problem with the sentence, other than it went a bit longer than the "See Spot run" level of syntax with which you are comfortable.
it's gibberish like most of your Tavvishtalk

And, you have no expertise with which to substantiate the significance of that talking point. They got the data, and you've got nothing to support your conspiracy theory that such was somehow inadequate or corrupted. Your implication is that US Intelligence is so much a part of the deep-state conspiracy against your gawd-brat that they were willing to accept and promote inadequate or even fake data in order to "get" him.
it's the PROCESS of not having a first hand investigation, that calls the investigation itself into question.
Further there are salient refutations of the actual analysis

Now, THAT is gibberish. Shocking that corroboration of the British dossier did not make the propaganda sites that inform you of everything you "know."

Donald Trump-Russia dossier: US media reports corroborate some of Christopher Steele allegations
corroborated by the media (not the IC), according to your link, and I only see 1 such attribution of a minor point.
you are relying on this that the golden showers dossier is authentic???

Actually, we are talking about your easy dismissal of what American institutions say while swallowing uncritically and then regurgitating the most absurd of Putin talking points, including your previous attempts to blame America for Putin's military aggression. Germany does not want sanctions on energy stuff that would hurt its economy. Claiming they oppose sanctions not yet defined is more proof that you are quick to rely on clumsy dishonesty to support your lickspittle defense of Putin. Your objection to observations on your phony patriotism is understandable.
This is ridiculous on your part -injecting a ghost straw man of "sanctions not yet defined"
those are the sanctions at hand. Germany had to be cajoled into going along with the first round.
Germany doesn't even want so called "defensive weapons" sent to the Ukraine, where Putin's armor is superior
and where it can use Uk's national forces GPS as a guidance to home in on their equipment with their missiles.
Perhaps it's because the 'cunt' in question is the thread starter? But don't worry about it, he's several paygrades above you.
Maybe little bird, Glug, can whisper in your ear to fill you in on Ricky?
Don't forget to ask Glug about me, too.

I'm updating your ignore list, in anticipation:

Ignore list: Mangy Mongoose, McAwful, Owl something or other, Daesh, Aubergine (Black Vegetable), XO, EVERYONE.

No mate, just cunts, you're on the provisional list.

Sent from my iPhone 25S with cherries on top
You have zero grounds to wax on about patriotism you fascist Trump cocksucker.
Shut the fuck up.

There's the crazed Viking we all know and loathe.. so what's it today? "Fascist" is the new word.
Trumpcocksucker is of course the SOP go to for Rune
you'd do well to ignore this buttplug. He cannot hold his own in any discussion except for "cocksucker" and the like
According to Tillerson, they agreed it was important to move on from what Putin did. According to the Russians, trump accepted Putin's explanation and offered his opinion that much of Russia's involvement has been exaggerated. After that, trump pulled up Putin's zipper and rose from his knees.

Certainly not if one works in the Kremlin. They blocked our resolution on NK and sold the trump rube another cease fire they've repeatedly used to prop up their pet Assad. trump has already signaled he's OK with Russian military imperialism in Europe. Spare me your bot squawks on how what Putin has done is America's fault, patriot.

When do you think Russia will invade us?

Do you think there'll be a warning lol?
BTW, the evil Senate sanctions bill passed 98-2. Deep state assholes.
Proponents of the sanctions insist that they must stay in place until Russian President Vladimir Putin relinquishes his claim to Crimea and stops meddling in Ukraine, the demands for the latter laid out in the Minsk Agreement signed in Belarus in September 2014, and updated in February 2015.

They worry that Trump’s eagerness for a deal may allow Putin to get the sanctions lifted in exchange for some other concession, possibly a new arms-control treaty

OMG.. we can't allow some silly Arms Control Treaty to interfere with ineffective sanctions!

Or allow Exxon to lease to Putin their high -tech drilling in the Arctic!
Better we let him use inferior tech,even at the expense of an Arctic spill :palm:

To avoid that fate, Russia desperately needs to bring back Western companies with the expertise to drill in unconventional areas. “If Russia could do this all by itself, without Western help, they already would’ve done it,” says Edward Chow, a longtime industry veteran who is now an energy policy expert at the Center for Strategic and International Studies. “But they can’t.”
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what you don't understand is the FBI did not look (investigate) first hand the DNC servers. Only Crowdstrike.
they did not first hand investigate the maleware used on the Podesta hacks either. the pfshing was attributed to Fancybear by the Bitly links made public by the supposed "Russian state actors".

Russian intelligence (hacking) is one of the best in the world -would they make such a clumsy mistake?
Or did someone pose as Fancybear and make the basic mistake?

Guiccefer denies being a state actor, although he is a "Russian hacker".
This whole idea of a cutout leaking the hacked Emails to Wiki is unsubstantiated cut from whole cloth ,
where it is needed to complete the narrative

The Russia phobia can be seen by Comey's "The Russians are coming after america" hyperbole.
No I cannot see what the IC does internally.
But we do see a lot of unmasking ,and the unmasked names leaked on a timely basis - strung out to capture news cycles.

If you choose this to be coincidental, fine by me. I don't give a damn what you choose.

when I point these out to you , you are saying

CIA, NSA, and FBI have methods of data gathering and developing sources these private corporations patently don't have. So, that's another wild tangent, A Nutter.​

you are oblivious that the private security firms are the only first hand investigators.

where does "data gathering and developing sources" come into play here?
Brennan took a lot of shots at Trump, but his briefing on the Golden Showers was beyond unusual.
They knew it was a fake dossier and briefed anyway, then news of the dossier leaked out..
( more complicated then this, but it's ALL complicated and I do not feel like going back and reconstructing everything for you pleasure

at some point one has to think the IC manipulates for their own agenda

Heavens. Seriously...

"what you don't understand is the FBI did not look (investigate) first hand the DNC servers."​
"you are oblivious that the private security firms are the only first hand investigators."​

... I do know that (and you still vastly overestimate your knowledge), and commented on it earlier. Who told you that CrowdStrike didn't share their findings, including their data basis, with the FBI, handing over all the malware and every last trace these left?

Ah, and that fabulous "gold shower" dossier that fascinates you so much: Do you believe Comey shouldn't have informed the Trumpy about its existence? Oh, and BTW, since you seemingly are again on your "They are all nefarious actors in that treasonous IC community" - they "briefed anyway, then news of the dossier leaked out" - of course this dossier was privately contracted, and reportedly went through quite a few hands, so it was just a matter of time until it leaked, and the briefing in all likelihood had nothing to do with it.

Then you are chiming in on the hyperventilation about "unmasking", a completely normal procedure (you may bet the Trumpy maladministration is doing it every week), because your handlers told you you should hyperventilate about it. There's no there there, except amongst Trump fluffers in Rightardia, where it is a major, major, major, major scandal. Laughable.

Finally, we're speaking about an investigation, and you are seriously asking, "where does 'data gathering and developing sources' come into play"? Tell me you misspoke, please.
Heavens. Seriously...

"what you don't understand is the FBI did not look (investigate) first hand the DNC servers."​
"you are oblivious that the private security firms are the only first hand investigators."​

... I do know that (and you still vastly overestimate your knowledge), and commented on it earlier. Who told you that CrowdStrike didn't share their findings, including their data basis, with the FBI, handing over all the malware and every last trace these left?

Ah, and that fabulous "gold shower" dossier that fascinates you so much: Do you believe Comey shouldn't have informed the Trumpy about its existence? Oh, and BTW, since you seemingly are again on your "They are all nefarious actors in that treasonous IC community" - they "briefed anyway, then news of the dossier leaked out" - of course this dossier was privately contracted, and reportedly went through quite a few hands, so it was just a matter of time until it leaked, and the briefing in all likelihood had nothing to do with it.

Then you are chiming in on the hyperventilation about "unmasking", a completely normal procedure (you may bet the Trumpy maladministration is doing it every week), because your handlers told you you should hyperventilate about it. There's no there there, except amongst Trump fluffers in Rightardia, where it is a major, major, major, major scandal. Laughable.

Finally, we're speaking about an investigation, and you are seriously asking, "where does 'data gathering and developing sources' come into play"? Tell me you misspoke, please.

Here, educate yourself:
When do you think Russia will invade us?

Do you think there'll be a warning lol?
They don't have to invade us, do you understand what damage they can do otherwise? I know very little about cyber war, but what I do know shows it can be very damaging.
They don't have to invade us, do you understand what damage they can do otherwise? I know very little about cyber war, but what I do know shows it can be very damaging.

The lack of concern they have about the idea of Russia interfering in a U.S. election continues to astound me.

It will be a different story when a Republican loses an election amid that kind of allegation.
They don't have to invade us, do you understand what damage they can do otherwise? I know very little about cyber war, but what I do know shows it can be very damaging.

That's true, but it's hardly limited to Russia.

All the more reason to find some common ground with them---how about we have one less enemy?
That's true, but it's hardly limited to Russia.

All the more reason to find some common ground with them---how about we have one less enemy?

Do you trust Putin? On anything? Do you have any idea what he has done?

They don't have to be an "enemy," but they can't be an ally as they are currently run.
The lack of concern they have about the idea of Russia interfering in a U.S. election continues to astound me.

It will be a different story when a Republican loses an election amid that kind of allegation.

Well, maybe if the DNC would have been more concerned we wouldn't be talking about it.
Do you trust Putin? On anything? Do you have any idea what he has done?

They don't have to be an "enemy," but they can't be an ally as they are currently run.

We can either try to get along with him...or not. I'm not seeing a plus-side with the not. Maybe someone can explain it to me.

We seem to be getting along with the Castros, and they've done a thing or two.