trump: oblivious moron or psychotically narcissistic oblivious moron?

Proponents of the sanctions
You are awfully concerned about sanctions you keep insisting are ineffective.

insist that they must stay in place until Russian President Vladimir Putin relinquishes his claim to Crimea and stops meddling in Ukraine, the demands for the latter laid out in the Minsk Agreement signed in Belarus in September 2014, and updated in February 2015.

Have you considered spending 10 or 15 minutes doing a little research on what you are told to parrot before you squawk it? The Minsk Protocol? The one that no longer exists because Putin's thugs immediately said they would not abide by it, that they would continue to use force to obtain their conquest for Putin? That died because the DPR violated its terms constantly from the beginning?

They worry that Trump’s eagerness for a deal may allow Putin to get the sanctions lifted in exchange for some other concession, possibly a new arms-control treaty
I never read The Art of the Deal. Did trump teach you the strategy of giving an aggressive fascist dictator what he wants and maybe he'll be nice later? That would go a long way toward explaining why the only time trump made any money was by laundering money for Putin cronies. I bet he could get Putin to promise not to cum in his mouth, too. OTOH, trump might find that to be a deal breaker.

OMG.. we can't allow some silly Arms Control Treaty to interfere with ineffective sanctions!

There ya go! The sanctions that are an onerous and unfair punishment and an impediment to world peace are also ineffective. Well, at least you answered the question about whether you think before catapulting the bullshit you are given.

Or allow Exxon to lease to Putin their high -tech drilling in the Arctic!
Better we let him use inferior tech,even at the expense of an Arctic spill :palm:

Because if there is one thing trump fluffers and Putin bots are known for it is their deep and sincere concern for arctic environments. You better up your game, kid. The way you are going now, Putin is likely to replace you with an app.
He's a retired history teacher with a big mouth and barely a pot to piss in. Oh and his wife pissed off after he hit her one too many times.

Sent from my iPhone 25S with cherries on top

Swish who bought a third-world wife for a beard squeaking gossip from a lying ChlamydiaBear suck up from the protection of a hide-from bunker.
Based on your vast knowledge of Trump's biz and how banks operate? Banks have a multitude of ways to protect their money, even against bankruptcies. Do any of you 'tards ever deal with facts? Ever?

SPRAYIT ventures from the shadows where he spends his time proving what a bitch he is by "groan"ing every liberal post he sees to squeak an unsupported "Nuh uh!" wrapped in a clichéd and feeble insult.
Back after I open a bottle of fruit cocktail wine. I'm down to my last two bottles of it. As a reward for finishing one tonight, I think I'll pour the other one down the drain.
Oh, as long as SPRAYIT is here with his broomstick up his ass, I saw something interesting in a video game I was playing today. (SPRAYIT keeps insisting I should be embarrassed about playing video games. Twit who reposts the same moldy pictures over and over thinks it's undignified. He keeps trying to get others to agree with him, but he keeps ending up doing solo high-fives. He also likes to repost over and over my observations on mangina beards and the males who wear them. Same hope; same result).

Anyway, I'm fighting some deep state conspiracy in this game, trying to prevent some world domination by one of several groups without knowing which or how many are the bad guys. Got lectured by some AI entity. It was defending government spying by saying humans want to be observed. It is one of the reasons they invented Gawd. Now, the state has taken over the duty of fulfilling the human desire to observed and then judged.

I don't suppose that is miles deep, but I never thought about that before, and I thought it was interesting.
Based on your vast knowledge of Trump's biz and how banks operate? Banks have a multitude of ways to protect their money, even against bankruptcies. Do any of you 'tards ever deal with facts? Ever?

Look you fucking moron, Trump owes a Russian bank $580 million .
No bank in the US will lend to someone who has 6 bankruptcies. What the fuck do you think a bankruptcy is anyway?
You are awfully concerned about sanctions you keep insisting are ineffective.
ineffectivein changing behavior -very effective in wounding Putin's economy.
Is that enough for you or do you actually want to improve relations..
Improved relations means less money on war spending -more money for domestic needs.
I don't want a reduction in Cold War 2 spending just because it's the sane thing to do.
i want to spend less money for tanks in Poland (etc.) so we can spend more here. *shocking*

Have you considered spending 10 or 15 minutes doing a little research on what you are told to parrot before you squawk it? The Minsk Protocol? The one that no longer exists because Putin's thugs immediately said they would not abide by it, that they would continue to use force to obtain their conquest for Putin? That died because the DPR violated its terms constantly from the beginning?
Budapest Memorandum also meant no meddling in the Uk by us.

I never read The Art of the Deal. Did trump teach you the strategy of giving an aggressive fascist dictator what he wants and maybe he'll be nice later? That would go a long way toward explaining why the only time trump made any money was by laundering money for Putin cronies. I bet he could get Putin to promise not to cum in his mouth, too. OTOH, trump might find that to be a deal breaker.
what is with your ilk that you are all by and large disgusting posters?

We are here. there is no "reset" -no magic way to undo the situation and reset the past.
we want to go there. What's the best way to get there??

Is an Arms Control agreement worth dealing with Putin on the Uk.? I think so.

How about we recognize Crimea as a done deal,in return for Putin out of Donbass -
is that worth considering? or must there be "no deals w/dictators"
do you cut off you nose to spite your face?

There ya go! The sanctions that are an onerous and unfair punishment and an impediment to world peace are also ineffective. Well, at least you answered the question about whether you think before catapulting the bullshit you are given.
they are a blunt instrument. they failed as a behavior modifier.
Must we cling to them when Germany really doesn't want them to begin with -
or can we find a more effective way to improve the lot of the Uk?

Because if there is one thing trump fluffers and Putin bots are known for it is their deep and sincere concern for arctic environments. You better up your game, kid. The way you are going now, Putin is likely to replace you with an app.
yes that's it. of found me out.
I change my own engine oil, and toss it down the storm drain..i get high on dirty hydrocarbons,, idiot.
ineffectivein changing behavior -very effective in wounding Putin's economy.

Right. How could being very effective in wounding a nation's economy possibly change its behavior? I can see you decided to ignore completely my advice that you think before you squawk.

Is that ebnough for you ordoyou actually want to improve relations

I'm perfectly fine with not putting much effort into improving relations with a murderous, imperialistic, fascist dictator. I'm just funny that way.

..Improved relations means less money on war spending -more money for domestic needs.
I don't want a reduction in Cold War 2 spending just because it's the sane thing to do. i wnt tospendless money for tanks in Poland (etc.)

Bullshit. The next time a Regressive Congress calls for a reduction in military spending will be the first. They need boogey men to keep the herd compliant.

Budapest Memorandum alsomant no meddling in the Uk by us.

Yeah, nobody noticed you "also" switched from the Minsk Protocol to the Budapest Memorandum. And, US meddling in the Ukraine involved a million dollars in assistance to an independent media. Russia meddling involved installation and protection for a stunningly corrupt puppet and then military aggression, when the people got rid of his ass. I know, six of one/half a dozen of another, right?

what is with your ilk that you are all disgusting posters?

What is it with trump fluffers that make you such hypocritical crybabies?

We are here. there is no "reset" -no magic way to undo the situation and reset the past.
we want to go there.What's the best way to get there??

Judging by that gibberish, I would suggest you not drive anywhere, until you sober up.

Is an Arms Control agreement worth dealing with Putin on the Uk.? I think so.

While I think appeasing a murderous, fascist dictator in hopes he will behave is a dumb idea. History is on my side.

How about we recognize Crimea as a done deal,in return for Putin out of Donbas -
is that worth considering? or must there be "no deals w/dictators"
do you cut off you nose to spite your face?

How about we don't legitimize a war crime and validate its rewards in exchange for a promise Putin won't do it again. Not even if he crosses his heart.

they are a blunt instrument. they failed as a behavior modifier.
Must we cling to them when Germany erally doesn't want them to begin with -
or can we find a more progressive way to improve the lot of the Uk?

If you were any more oily, you'd slide to the floor. Sanctions are crippling and ineffective. They are going to pollute the Arctic. You are really only thinking of what's best for the Ukrainians. And Germany doesn't want them, which is why they didn't go along with what we have. Oh wait, they did. It's almost as if you were resorting to dishonesty again out of desperation.


what is with your ilk that you are all disgusting posters? BTW, we say "elk" instead of "ilk." Funny story. Ask me about it sometime.