trump: oblivious moron or psychotically narcissistic oblivious moron?

BTW, I'm thinking I have a replacement for "trump fluffers." Whatta ya think of "trump-ettes"? Get it, trumpets, trump-ettes? Okay, maybe I'll keep working on it.
Oh, I looked in on the other place. I saw Millie was boasting immediately that he has a chemical wife who has travelled all over the world digging trenches for some cable company, so he is a fairly dangerous man.

Something like that, anyway.
Saw as part of Tillerson using sentences to spin trump's impotence because trump can't that he claimed trump and Putin had "positive chemistry." Moving past the notion that a floundering dictator-wannabe is a good match on eHarmony for a Russian dictator, I have to wonder if trump really looked deep enough into Putin's eyes, when he examined his soul and found him "straight forward and trustworthy."
Right. How could being very effective in wounding a nation's economy possibly change its behavior? I can see you decided to ignore completely my advice that you think before you squawk.
? repeating my words in a different order is not's just have been consuming too much fruit cocktail for me to decipher this

I'm perfectly fine with not putting much effort into improving relations with a murderous, imperialistic, fascist dictator. I'm just funny that way.
2 superpowers walk into a bar. which one buys the drinks?
they get into an argument. they run up a bar tab they can't pay, so they get into tanks and blow up the neighborhood. which one is the winner?

Bullshit. The next time a Regressive Congress calls for a reduction in military spending will be the first. They need boogey men to keep the herd compliant.
well you certainly know how to gin up the boogeyman
BTW.the full mantra is "KGB murderous thug"- John McCain is schooling this weekend. He's saving you a seat

Yeah, nobody noticed you "also" switched from the Minsk Protocol to the Budapest Memorandum. And, US meddling in the Ukraine involved a million dollars in assistance to an independent media. Russia meddling involved installation and protection for a stunningly corrupt puppet and then military aggression, when the people got rid of his ass. I know, six of one/half a dozen of another, right?
Budapest Memorandum is the basis of a non-nuclear Uk.
It's how we organized post Soviet Union.

The Orange revolution wasn't made in the USA, but the Euromaiden was bought out by USAID.

Judging by that gibberish, I would suggest you not drive anywhere, until you sober up.

While I think appeasing a murderous, fascist dictator in hopes he will behave is a dumb idea. History is on my side.
oh by all means lets intervene- it worked so well in Iraq and Libya.
Have you no realpolitik in your TavvySpeak vocabulary?

How about we don't legitimize a war crime and validate its rewards in exchange for a promise Putin won't do it again. Not even if he crosses his heart.
We could write it down on paper. we could make a map with red lines

If you were any more oily, you'd slide to the floor. Sanctions are crippling and ineffective. They are going to pollute the Arctic. You are really only thinking of what's best for the Ukrainians. And Germany doesn't want them, which is why they didn't go along with what we have. Oh wait, they did. It's almost as if you were resorting to dishonesty again out of desperation.
finally a kernel of truth amidst your frothing.
are you familiar with the war in donbass? why don't we look to a trade off w/Putin in return for recognition of Crimea(a done deal). how about we get him to stop supporting the separatists in exchange?

Kiev Is Fueling the War in Eastern Ukraine, Too
Kiev has pointed the finger at Russia as the culprit for the recent outbreak of fighting, and there is some evidence to support its case. Three days before the fighting erupted, Olexander Motuzyanyk, a spokesman for Ukraine’s Ministry of Defense, warned of a Russian military buildup along the Ukrainian border in Russia’s Rostov region; the next day, Russia alerted the OSCE’s Permanent Council about the increased risk of an escalation of the conflict in Donbass. Still, unlike in previous large-scale confrontations, there’s no evidence that regular Russian troops are involved in the current fighting.

But Kiev’s advances have also contributed to the rekindling of the war.

But Kiev’s advances have also contributed to the rekindling of the war. Since last abandoning its policy of disengagement last fall, Ukraine has been making increasingly frequent incursions into the “gray zone” — the no man’s land between government and separatist forces along the front line that the two sides have fought over since the signing of the first failed peace agreement in September 2014

what is with your ilk that you are all disgusting posters? BTW, we say "elk" instead of "ilk." Funny story. Ask me about it sometime.
feel free to expound
Trust Putin after the way he treated Pussy Riot? NFW. Hmmm. Maybe that's why trump honors Putin.
Pussy Riot is the least of it.

Anna Politkovskaya is a minor hero of mine. She was assassinated under orders from Putin. On Putin's birthday, no less. ("Happy Birthday, Dear Vlad....")

Putin's Russia is not Stalinist. The situation should not be exaggerated. Still, it is absurd to argue that the country is democratic in any real sense.
repeating my words in a different order is not's just have been consuming too much fruit cocktail for me to decipher this

You need to understand that I am not so much talking to you as I am talking at you. If I were really trying to communicate with you, I would use smaller words and shorter sentences.

2 superpower walk into a bar. which one buys the drinks?
they both pay for both their drinks. they run up a bar tab they can't pay, so they get into tanks and blow up the neighborhood .
which one is the winner?

A Deplorable and a Putin bot walk into a bar. They ask the bartender if he knows how to mix an Hysterical Apocalypse. The bartender replies, "No, but if you show me both pages of the Rightard Manual on Forensics, I'll fake it."

well you certainly know how to gin up the boogeyman

From a feeb who's been insisting that a failure to appease Putin means Armageddon. Hate having to look up that word every time. Two "d's," for chrissakes?

the full mantra is "KGB murderous thug"- John McCain is schooling this weekend. He's saving you a seat

Budapest Memorandum is the basis of a non-nuclear Uk.

And, citing it out of nowhere as an "also" to defend your Minsk Protocol is dishonest.

It's how we organized post Soviet Union.

"WE," comrade? That's not a Freudian slip; it's a Freudian ball gown!

oh by all means lets intervene-

Oh, by all means, if oiliness fails, try hysterical dishonesty.

it worked so well in Iraq and Libya.
Have you no realpolitik in your TavvySpeak vocabulary?

Moving past your dishonest use of false equivalencies, yeah I am familiar with Realpolitik. It was diplomacy based on the notion that the US and the Soviets could divide the world into areas where their imperialism would not be challenged by the other. It was a cynical and immoral expediency and no justification for simply rewarding Putin aggression. You seem to forget that not long ago you were claiming to be concerned for the poor Ukrainians you are now willing to give away. I would also point out that Realpolitik dominated the 19th century, when the major powers agreed to suppress nationalism and not to interfere in areas where other powers were suppressing those they had conquered. It is typical of the simple-minded, short-sighted solutions your "elk" find so attractive.

could write it down on paper. we could make a map with redlines

Congress of Berlin. Imperialist powers drew national boundaries for their own convenience, splitting tribes and ethnic groups apart and putting traditional enemies into the same countries. That not only also contributed to the start of WWI, it fueled civil wars in these areas that continue today.

are you familiar with the war in donbass? why don't we look to a trade off w/Putin in return for recognition of Crimea(a done deal). how about we get him to stop supporting the separatists in exchange?

What part of my position that appeasing an aggressive dictator in exchange for a promise to behave is a dumb idea is confusing you?

Not to dismiss the depth of analysis that concludes people defending themselves are ALSO fueling a war, along with the aggressors, but how about the Russians withdraw from a war of aggression? I bet that could lead to peace.
I would like to point out to those who decided not to wade carefully through my last long bit of brilliance, that anatta got carried away and talked of what Russia did in terms of what "WE" did. "WE" organized after the downfall of the Soviet union.

Oh, if you can hang until I switch to whiskey, I want to talk about the G-20 protestors and their objection to "globalism" vs. my objection to a nationalism I find to be increasingly anachronistic.
In the meantime, I was feeling particularly self-righteous earlier today. I have mostly completed the process of divesting myself of my assets held by the evil Wells Fargo bank. Chase offered me $300 to switch. I did.

I had some nagging thought about switching to a bank whose history goes back to the Robber Baron J.P. Morgan, but how could they be worse than Wells Fargo? So, today I googled them. Turns out J.P Morgan was the high point of their historical morality. They have a long history of dealing with Nazis, including fighting desperately not to return Nazi assets they acquired to their rightful owners. Among other sins, they are also financing the Dakota pipeline. My daughter is active in protesting against that.

I mean, how was I supposed to know that a huge bank could have been less than pure?

Oh well, now that I've dealt with changing direct deposits and changing bill payments, I suppose I could take their $300 and run at the first opportunity.
In the meantime, I was feeling particularly self-righteous earlier today. I have mostly completed the process of divesting myself of my assets held by the evil Wells Fargo bank. Chase offered me $300 to switch. I did.

I had some nagging thought about switching to a bank whose history goes back to the Robber Baron J.P. Morgan, but how could they be worse than Wells Fargo? So, today I googled them. Turns out J.P Morgan was the high point of their historical morality. They have a long history of dealing with Nazis, including fighting desperately not to return Nazi assets they acquired to their rightful owners. Among other sins, they are also financing the Dakota pipeline. My daughter is active in protesting against that.

I mean, how was I supposed to know that a huge bank could have been less than pure?

And unlike Greg etc, I do mean that, I laughed when I read that.

Oh well, now that I've dealt with changing direct deposits and changing bill payments, I suppose I could take their $300 and run at the first opportunity.
Find a credit union, would be my advice.

It will not be as convenient. You may need to go out of your way to get to an ATM.

But, you will not feel that your savings are in the hands of bastards who would cheat you out of house and home, if they could.

There is some comfort in that.

And unlike Greg etc, I do mean that, I laughed when I read that.

Find a credit union, would be my advice.

It will not be as convenient. You may need to go out of your way to get to an ATM.

But, you will not feel that your savings are in the hands of bastards who would cheat you out of house and home, if they could.

There is some comfort in that.

Yeah, I'm figuring a credit union next. I haven't found the bigger banks offer much more ATM convenience, anyway. They prefer the fees they get from being inconvenient.