trump: oblivious moron or psychotically narcissistic oblivious moron?

In the meantime, I was feeling particularly self-righteous earlier today. I have mostly completed the process of divesting myself of my assets held by the evil Wells Fargo bank. Chase offered me $300 to switch. I did.

I had some nagging thought about switching to a bank whose history goes back to the Robber Baron J.P. Morgan, but how could they be worse than Wells Fargo? So, today I googled them. Turns out J.P Morgan was the high point of their historical morality. They have a long history of dealing with Nazis, including fighting desperately not to return Nazi assets they acquired to their rightful owners. Among other sins, they are also financing the Dakota pipeline. My daughter is active in protesting against that.

I mean, how was I supposed to know that a huge bank could have been less than pure?

Oh well, now that I've dealt with changing direct deposits and changing bill payments, I suppose I could take their $300 and run at the first opportunity.

Morgan was the only robber baron whose personal character was beyond question with his contemporaries. They viewed him as honest, and, while not trusting one another, would allow him to serve as the go-between/middle-man in their dealings because of those perceptions. Not bad when you can still be filthy rich, and yet, have the entire class of fellow robber barons view you as a man of impeccable character. Morgan single-handedly bailed-out the federal government during the Panic of 1908.

Anyway, I've been with Chase since they absorbed WaMu's assets. I was sad to see a local company fail, being the provincial mindset that I am, but, I haven't felt the need to leave yet.
Nice. The previous couple of weeks, I had to go stalking through other threads earlier than this to find some fun. We are building something here.

For you locals, that "something" is a place where people get to know each other, where vicious fighting does not diminish a hope that one can find worthy opposition. I mean, who, other than Deplorables, has a need to have their prejudices spoonfed back to them? We seek a place where people can talk about anything others might find interesting, unconcerned about whether we are goose-stepping "on topic." We like a place where the mods don't think they are cyber-gawds, and prefer to leave people alone, as best they can while still protecting their property. We do not like snitches and hate mods who work to help one side or the other - that last is why we are here. At the other place, a Deplorable no liberal can stand was suspended for 15 minutes for repeated violations. Liberals stood up and objected to the interference. Soon after, one of our founding liberals was banned for something he did not do. Mods figured that out, and offered to reduce his sentence if he plead guilty. He wouldn't do it. He was not the first to be smacked by an activist rightward mod who went after liberals. The rightards reciprocated liberals protesting a slap on the wrist for one of theirs by celebrating the banning of a key member of one of ours.

Slowly, this thread is growing and the other is declining. The locals here, including the Putin bot Anatta and my buddy Omar are contributing to that, as well. I wish we could get some more reasonably smart righties or even Putin bots to play here. And, I would dearly love to see that Limbaugh groupie leave his burrow. So, you righties, seek help. For them and anyone else, come on in - the water's fine.
Morgan was the only robber baron whose personal character was beyond question with his contemporaries. They viewed him as honest, and, while not trusting one another, would allow him to serve as the go-between/middle-man in their dealings because of those perceptions. Not bad when you can still be filthy rich, and yet, have the entire class of fellow robber barons view you as a man of impeccable character. Morgan single-handedly bailed-out the federal government during the Panic of 1908.

Anyway, I've been with Chase since they absorbed WaMu's assets. I was sad to see a local company fail, being the provincial mindset that I am, but, I haven't felt the need to leave yet.

Now, there's something creepy about you. You're like Yowsa wacko, but with girls you intend to skin in your basement.

You have this Wayback Machine understanding of History. For example, I am unaware of a Panic of 1908. I believe your Morgan bailout story in the Panic of 1908 is in reference to the pirate "patriot" exploiting a desperate US by lending gold to the nation at very favorable rates to help with the Panic of 1893. That is both a demonstration of how simple-minded laissez-faire capitalism led to the incredible disparity of wealth that caused regular depressions and a demonstration of what kind of reciprocal loyalty rightard rubes can expect from sucking up to those who treat them with contempt. I'm guessing you have a really weird really rightarded website where you graze.
it occurs to me that in trying to be hospitable to local righties, I might have seen dismissive of local lefties. You people have been a blessing. Evince is a little weird, and she made an enemy of one of our core, but I like her. I want to thank Covfefe and Rune and Bill and Micawber and Thing(?) and others I would mention if you posted here more often and so were closer to remembrance in a whiskey mind - I'll get to you eventually. It would have been difficult for us to survive without your help. You are building something good here.

Sailor. That one seems like a really fun smartass.
Now, there's something creepy about you. You're like Yowsa wacko, but with girls you intend to skin in your basement.

You have this Wayback Machine understanding of History. For example, I am unaware of a Panic of 1908. I believe your Morgan bailout story in the Panic of 1908 is in reference to the pirate "patriot" exploiting a desperate US by lending gold to the nation at very favorable rates to help with the Panic of 1893. That is both a demonstration of how simple-minded laissez-faire capitalism led to the incredible disparity of wealth that caused regular depressions and a demonstration of what kind of reciprocal loyalty rightard rubes can expect from sucking up to those who treat them with contempt. I'm guessing you have a really weird really rightarded website where you graze.

Well, I am a very stylish man, with impeccable taste, so don't judge the materials that I use for my clothes.

Anyway, I thought the financial collapse was in 1908, but, it was the Panic of 1907, instead. I was obviously not referring to the much better-known Panic of 1893. I haven't gotten around to finishing the book, but, my reference to JP Morgan was gleaned from my reading of A History of the American People, by Paul Johnson. Obviously, I majored in history, so, I try to demonstrate competency in my craft. It's the only subject I've ever been any good at, so, don't get the wrong impression of me. Darla, mistaking me for a guy called Brent, once threw the "bodies in the basement" line at me, so, this seems to be turning into a recurring meme once every decade for me... :(
Well, I am a very stylish man, with impeccable taste, so don't judge the materials that I use for my clothes.

You're not gonna convince me that wearing the skins of those in your basement can ever be fashionable.

Anyway, I thought the financial collapse was in 1908, but, it was the Panic of 1907, instead. I was obviously not referring to the much better-known Panic of 1893. I haven't gotten around to finishing the book, but, my reference to JP Morgan was gleaned from my reading of A History of the American People, by Paul Johnson. Obviously, I majored in history, so, I try to demonstrate competency in my craft. It's the only subject I've ever been any good at, so, don't get the wrong impression of me. Darla, mistaking me for a guy called Brent, once threw the "bodies in the basement" line at me, so, this seems to be turning into a recurring meme once every decade for me... :(

Sorry, but I have a degree in History education, that began as a goal of getting a BS in history so I could be an archivist. I have a hundred or so credit hours in History, and I can tell you are bluffing your ass off. You are reading this book because those who tell you what you think told you it was a good place to have your prejudices spoonfed back to you. It's central premise is the notion that there were no Robber Barons, only wealthy patriotic benefactors.

From the NYT's book review:
''A History of the American People'' will probably prove less than entirely satisfactory even for its natural constituents, churchgoers with a tendency toward conservatism, who judge the book on Johnson's standards. It is not, for one thing, a source to which students can turn ''with confidence.'' There are too many mistakes, not of interpretation (although Johnson's explanation of the First Amendment would give James Madison apoplexy) but of fact. How did he get the idea that all the colonies had adopted written constitutions long before 1776, or that Madison proposed the Bill of Rights in the form that was finally enacted? Some errors border on the comic: important events did occur on June 7, July 2 and July 4, 1776, but not the ones Johnson says happened. The half-truths are more troubling. Nineteenth-century businesses were subject to more regulations than Johnson acknowledges -- imposed, however, not by the Federal Government but by the states, often through what are for us unfamiliar devices like corporate charters. And for all his celebration of available land, Johnson seems curiously untroubled by the gobbling up of plots by large holders, whether in 17th-century Maryland -- where by his own figures 80 percent of the freemen became tenants or wage laborers because all the accessible vacant lands were already owned by others, not, as he suggests, because they somehow preferred those roles -- or in the 19th-century West. So what if half the land given out in North Dakota under the Homestead Act, which was designed to help the ambitious individuals Johnson likes, went to big companies that found ways to manipulate the system? That ''was a small price to pay,'' he says, ''for the immense benefits of having a free market in land -- something which had never before occurred at any time, anywhere in the world.''

As for others seeing you as a creepy collector of hostage sources for your wardrobe? You should be concerned with whether your neighbors have noticed.
IckyTaffy mocking Threedee's history education and knowledge.


I guarantee he knows a ton more than you retard. You might have more credits than him, but he knows his stuff, especially military history. You're microscopic bug compared to him when it comes to history.
IckyTaffy mocking Threedee's history education and knowledge.


I guarantee he knows a ton more than you retard. You might have more credits than him, but he knows his stuff, especially military history. You're microscopic bug compared to him when it comes to history.

And, if an endorsement from a squeaky tweener flailing impotently doesn't settle the matter, then what is the use of being an idiot?

Okay, let me see if I'm ready for the G20 protests against Globalism.

I get it. Corporations are inherently evil, as opposed to rule by pampered brats who know what is best for "the people." And G-20 summits are like Disneyland for dedicated anarchists. At that, I have some admiration for anarchists. I didn't pick a "Wobbly" moniker just to give witless rightard prisses easy inspiration. I have much more respect for anarchists than the libertarians who would like to be anarchists but are too chicken ... and too ignorant to defend anything else.
In my view, globalism is the ultimate expression of liberalism. "Workers of the world, ..." doncha know. Nationalism had its purpose, but now it is the ultimate con game. The corporations the G-20 protestors are fighting love the idea of peasants believing nationalism is a refuge from their depredations. Exxon, DeutscheBank, JP Morgan Chase, Apple, and Toyota will wave whatever flag the rubes want to see.

We are a global community. Our survival depends now on global solutions. That is not to say that the international corporations are lighting the proper path to global solutions. Of course, they are not.
You need to understand that I am not so much talking to you as I am talking at you. If I were really trying to communicate with you, I would use smaller words and shorter sentences.
non-gibberish is all that is required. I'm talking thru you 2 -we all do-why else waste my time with you?
Certainly not for your sake.

A Deplorable and a Putin bot walk into a bar. They ask the bartender if he knows how to mix an Hysterical Apocalypse. The bartender replies, "No, but if you show me both pages of the Rightard Manual on Forensics, I'll fake it."
there was no superpower winner. we just grind it out with European Reassurance Initiative money

From a feeb who's been insisting that a failure to appease Putin means Armageddon. Hate having to look up that word every time. Two "d's," for chrissakes?
on the contrary it's Cold War redux (2).
Take a stalemated position and add more pieces (weaponization / personnel) to black and white's board -
what do you have? a bigger more costly stalemate.

And, citing it out of nowhere as an "also" to defend your Minsk Protocol is dishonest.
your Minsk protocol, B. Memorandum it's the underlying agreement on Ukraine as a border state

"WE," comrade? That's not a Freudian slip; it's a Freudian ball gown!
we did it. us and them
Oh, by all means, if oiliness fails, try hysterical dishonesty.
Just giving it the old Clinton try..when all else is working; fuck it up with interventionism

Moving past your dishonest use of false equivalencies, yeah I am familiar with Realpolitik. It was diplomacy based on the notion that the US and the Soviets could divide the world into areas where their imperialism would not be challenged by the other. It was a cynical and immoral expediency and no justification for simply rewarding Putin aggression. You seem to forget that not long ago you were claiming to be concerned for the poor Ukrainians you are now willing to give away. I would also point out that Realpolitik dominated the 19th century, when the major powers agreed to suppress nationalism and not to interfere in areas where other powers were suppressing those they had conquered. It is typical of the simple-minded, short-sighted solutions your "elk" find so attractive.
good lord..all I asked you if realpolitik was the correct way for the US/NATO/Russia to play together!
It is. for ex.
I'll tell you what I want- you tell me your needs; and we'll manage the relationship for everyone's best interests

Congress of Berlin. Imperialist powers drew national boundaries for their own convenience, splitting tribes and ethnic groups apart and putting traditional enemies into the same countries. That not only also contributed to the start of WWI, it fueled civil wars in these areas that continue today.
reminds me of the Ukraine.
Civil wars of separatism combined with outside US meddling turn the Euromaiden into an international affair.

What part of my position that appeasing an aggressive dictator in exchange for a promise to behave is a dumb idea is confusing you?
the lack of realpolitik? Dealing w/Russia is not appeasement of Putin

Not to dismiss the depth of analysis that concludes people defending themselves are ALSO fueling a war, along with the aggressors, but how about the Russians withdraw from a war of aggression? I bet that could lead to peace.
because as I showed you need more then a stick (sanctions) to effect behavior.
You need to dangle a carrot if you want Putin to play. If not? it's more stalemated escalation for the same result
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One million patients a week cannot get a GP appointment, statistics show

The pressures left 11.3 per cent of patients unable to get an appointment at all - a 27 per cent rise since 2012. This amounts to around 47 million occasions on which patients attempted but failed to secure help from their GP, forcing them to give up, try again later or turn to Accident & Emergency departments.

Rising numbers of patients struggled to even get through on the phone, with 27.8 per cent of those polled citing difficulties, compared with 18.5 per cent in 2012.

Patients’ groups last night said the situation was “frightening,” putting the vulnerable at grave risk of ending up in hospital for want of basic care.

Freebies for all!
First, people need to understand that corporations are not inherently evil. Most of our comforts that we would never give up come from what corporate economics provide. The problem with corporations is not their existence but their ability to use their wealth to buy local, NATIONAL governments.

So, protests against corporate globalism kinda have a point, but they are worse than useless. They serve the agenda of those they think they are fighting.