trump: oblivious moron or psychotically narcissistic oblivious moron?

delusional claims of plagiarism based on a use of a pronoun as a 'gotcha' added to an inability to respond
is not your winning hand tonight or ever.

First, I have demolished your ignorant Putin propaganda repeatedly

Second, you have repeatedly squeaked no-pride I-know-you-are's in response to my observations of who you are

Third, you should stop trying to impress me. You should focus on trying to convince your boss you are still a functioning bot after getting caught referring to Russians as "we." I doubt even the Deplorables will buy your absurd whimper that is an insignificant matter of improper pronoun usage.

You are a dead man walking, Anatta. Too bad, I liked playing with you.
If I were to issue one complaint, it would be that CNM doesn't carry his weight. He reclines regally, waiting for a sniper shot at something easy, when not insisting he has skinned BreakingWind elsewhere for racism.

But, I am a demanding diva.

A Weeks Worth of CNN’s Russian Narrative Destroyed in a Minute…

The cretins at CNN fake news do it again. Well done.

Good one. Were this place as placid as previously, I might have looked at a rightard website neither of us had ever heard of for proof the biggest liar in presidential history is a victim.

Bother you at all, yowsa, that googling any political matter means you have to wade through pages of rightard propaganda sites to find a reliable source for anything? Bother you that only Deplorables have such a desperate need to have their prejudices spoon fed back to them that the market supports pages of such endeavors?

On Linda Sarsour and the meaning of ‘jihad’

Noah Rothman ✔ @NoahCRothman
Rothman's Law: The story isn't the story; the conservative reaction to the story is the story.

The reality is that the debate over Islamic semantics has already been resolved—not in American newsrooms or the partisan halls of US politics, but on the killing fields of the Middle East. The people who are cutting each other’s heads off on both sides of the sectarian divide across Syria and Iraq, crucifying civilians, making sex slaves of women and children, and indulging in other inhuman depredations, have justified the murder of their co-religionists and others according to the logic of jihad. By all means, feel free to challenge that particular interpretation of the word, but at least have the decency to acknowledge your intervention comes in the context of nearly half a million dead.

Those idiots at Compost fake news think they're fooling somebody.
Special thanks, again, to an Owl'd with whom I've had recent knife fights. There is somebody from ours who's put in the effort to build something. And XO. Good work, friend.

Those of you who take breaks from throwing feces at ChlamydiaBear and SPRAYIT to look in? Remember who and what you were, when you came last to exploit what you did little to build.

Lawyers for Sarah Palin and New York Times Appear Before Federal Judge

The Times argued in court Friday that posting the editorial containing the accusation of incitement was an honest mistake and that, within 13 hours, the newspaper realized its error and took down the piece.

That's good. NY Slimes fake news claiming it made an "honest" mistake.

There ya go, Yowsa. Standing up for Palin oughta establish your street cred. Can't go wrong hanging with the intellectual wing of Deplorable, especially if you use white-nationalist Breitbart as your citation for the NYTs position in making fun of a clown.
There ya go, Yowsa. Standing up for Palin oughta establish your street cred. Can't go wrong hanging with the intellectual wing of Deplorable, especially if you use white-nationalist Breitbart as your citation for the NYTs position in making fun of a clown.

Notice that the Slimes corrected it but only after receiving a broadside hit from across the spectrum. Before that they were clueless. Come to think about it, Palin's lawyers have their work cut out for them.
Notice that the Slimes corrected it but only after receiving a broadside hit from across the spectrum. Before that they were clueless. Come to think about it, Palin's lawyers have their work cut out for them.

Notice that I don't take spin from silly sites as seriously as you do. Not being rightarded, I have no need to swallow whole insult-to-intelligence fodder fed to fools. You keep telling yourself, though, that the Quitta from Wasilla is gonna bring down the horders of Pulitzers for their "fake news."
Some of my fans are no-doubt disappointed in the lack of nature pics this week. Big holiday fell in the middle of I-ain't-going-out-among-the-hordes-in-search-of-traumatized nature this week. Coulda done local river stuff, but it's too damn hot, unless you wanta get up before down or go play about sundown when it's inconvenient.

Next week. Looks like I'll have to deal with monsoon storms, but I have a good enough tent, and high-elevation storms can be something to see. I will have something to show. Week after, eastern elitist spawn will be swimming upstream home. Week after, I'm looking to connect with probably the most dangerous liberal of all among us.
Note, LVat, three members, one unnamed and 9 guests.

When this place slows, click on "new posts," and I'm betting you will find something 47 times more interesting than doing the same shit on the same rightards.
You're not gonna convince me that wearing the skins of those in your basement can ever be fashionable.

Sorry, but I have a degree in History education, that began as a goal of getting a BS in history so I could be an archivist. I have a hundred or so credit hours in History, and I can tell you are bluffing your ass off. You are reading this book because those who tell you what you think told you it was a good place to have your prejudices spoonfed back to you. It's central premise is the notion that there were no Robber Barons, only wealthy patriotic benefactors.

From the NYT's book review:
''A History of the American People'' will probably prove less than entirely satisfactory even for its natural constituents, churchgoers with a tendency toward conservatism, who judge the book on Johnson's standards. It is not, for one thing, a source to which students can turn ''with confidence.'' There are too many mistakes, not of interpretation (although Johnson's explanation of the First Amendment would give James Madison apoplexy) but of fact. How did he get the idea that all the colonies had adopted written constitutions long before 1776, or that Madison proposed the Bill of Rights in the form that was finally enacted? Some errors border on the comic: important events did occur on June 7, July 2 and July 4, 1776, but not the ones Johnson says happened. The half-truths are more troubling. Nineteenth-century businesses were subject to more regulations than Johnson acknowledges -- imposed, however, not by the Federal Government but by the states, often through what are for us unfamiliar devices like corporate charters. And for all his celebration of available land, Johnson seems curiously untroubled by the gobbling up of plots by large holders, whether in 17th-century Maryland -- where by his own figures 80 percent of the freemen became tenants or wage laborers because all the accessible vacant lands were already owned by others, not, as he suggests, because they somehow preferred those roles -- or in the 19th-century West. So what if half the land given out in North Dakota under the Homestead Act, which was designed to help the ambitious individuals Johnson likes, went to big companies that found ways to manipulate the system? That ''was a small price to pay,'' he says, ''for the immense benefits of having a free market in land -- something which had never before occurred at any time, anywhere in the world.''

As for others seeing you as a creepy collector of hostage sources for your wardrobe? You should be concerned with whether your neighbors have noticed.

Hey, if I wanted to read an apologia of the Robber Barons, I could literally pick-up a book entitled Myth of the Robber Barons. I did read Paul Johnson because I heard he was respected in conservative circles. If I ever get around to finishing the book, he also has histories of the English as well as the Jews.