trump: oblivious moron or psychotically narcissistic oblivious moron?

non-gibberish is all that is required. I'm talking thru you 2 -we all do-why else waste my time with you?
Certainly not for your sake.

there was no superpower winner. we just grinded it out with European Reassurance Initiative money

on the contrary it's Cold War redux (2).
Take a stalemated position and add more pieces (weaponization / personnel) to black and white's board -
what do you have? a bigger more costly stalemate.

your Minsk protocol, and it's the underlying agreement on Ukraine as a border state

we did it. us and them
Just giving it the old Clinton try..when all else is working; fuck it up with interventionism

good lord..all I asked you if realpolitik was the correct way for the US/NATO/Russia to play together!
It is. I'll tell you what I want you tell me your needs,and we'll manage the relationship for everyone's best interest

reminds me of the Ukraine.
Civil wars of separatism combined with outside US meddling turn the Euromaiden into an international affair.

the lack of realpolitik? Dealing w/Russia is not appeasement of Putin

because as I showed you need more then a stick (sanctions) to effect behavior.
You need to dangle a carrot if you want Putin to play. If not? it's more stalemated escalation for the same result

Sorry, not interested in wading through another of your long-winded deflections. Let's get to the meat, bot. When you talked of Russia re-organizing after the downfall of the Soviet Union, you talked of "We." Russian "we." Simpering now you meant "us and them" is pathetic.

You got busted bot. Everything else is a sad effort to keep your stipend.
First, people need to understand that corporations are not inherently evil. Most of our comforts that we would never give up come from what corporate economics provide. ...

They do their best work before they're cooperations. When they're individual or partner entrepreneurs.
Where was I? Oh yeah, globalism, I would submit that just as ALEC has found it easier and cheaper to buy state governments than it has to buy federals, I say we should go for globalism. Think how much it would cost to buy global representatives in sufficient quantity. I say the corporations dedicated only to profits would find it more difficult to manipulate a global government than they do manipulating petty national governments.

Tribalism is dumbass trumpism. Super corporations love that stuff. Hell, I bet they are spending some out of petty cash to finance the operations of various "anarchist" groups, as part of their long-standing history of divide and conquer.

I hope my genius does not get me killed.
They do their best work before they're cooperations. When they're individual or partner entrepreneurs.

Nope. Economics of scale, hugeness, is what allows them to develop what we demand and to provide the glitter at prices we can afford. Mom and pop can't do that.
Sorry, not interested in wading through another of your long-winded deflections. Let's get to the meat, bot. When you talked of Russia re-organizing after the downfall of the Soviet Union, you talked of "We." Russian "we." Simpering now you meant "us and them" is pathetic.

You got busted bot. Everything else is a sad effort to keep your stipend.
And you were doing so well!
I so enjoyed tearing your arguments apart - too bad you had to default to "bot"

Did you hear the one about the Macedonian/Russian/White House bots Clinton was blaming for her loss?
true delusional story..

Here's a List of Everyone & Everything Hillary Has Blamed for Her Loss
If you look at Facebook, the vast majority of the news items posted were fake," she asserted. "They were connected to, as we now know, the 1,000 Russian agents who were involved in delivering those messages ... Some people were sucked in."

Her opponent Donald Trump's fake Twitter followers didn't help either, she continued.

"We know they’re bots," she stated, possibly “sitting in Moscow, or Macedonia, or the White House."
And you were doing so well!
I so enjoyed tearing your arguments apart well- too bad you had to default to "bot"

Did you hear the one about the Macedonian/Russian/White House bots Clinton was blaming for her loss?

Here's a List of Everyone & Everything Hillary Has Blamed for Her Loss
If you look at Facebook, the vast majority of the news items posted were fake," she asserted. "They were connected to, as we now know, the 1,000 Russian agents who were involved in delivering those messages ... Some people were sucked in."

Her opponent Donald Trump's fake Twitter followers didn't help either, she continued.

"We know they’re bots," she stated, possibly “sitting in Moscow, or Macedonia, or the White House."

Mira, ese! Over there! Hillary something!

Squeak and squeal and squawk all you want, bot. You are the one who referred to the Russians as "We." 'Sokay, just tell Putin you got emotional. He seems like an understanding and forgiving kinda guy to me.
Nope. Economics of scale, hugeness, is what allows them to develop what we demand and to provide the glitter at prices we can afford. Mom and pop can't do that.

Ford did it. Gates did it. Jobs and his partner did it. Hewlett and Packard did it. A better mousetrap ...
You need to understand that I am not so much talking to you as I am talking at you. If I were really trying to communicate with you, I would use smaller words and shorter sentences.

A Deplorable and a Putin bot walk into a bar. They ask the bartender if he knows how to mix an Hysterical Apocalypse. The bartender replies, "No, but if you show me both pages of the Rightard Manual on Forensics, I'll fake it."

From a feeb who's been insisting that a failure to appease Putin means Armageddon. Hate having to look up that word every time. Two "d's," for chrissakes?

And, citing it out of nowhere as an "also" to defend your Minsk Protocol is dishonest.

"WE," comrade? That's not a Freudian slip; it's a Freudian ball gown!

Oh, by all means, if oiliness fails, try hysterical dishonesty.

Moving past your dishonest use of false equivalencies, yeah I am familiar with Realpolitik. It was diplomacy based on the notion that the US and the Soviets could divide the world into areas where their imperialism would not be challenged by the other. It was a cynical and immoral expediency and no justification for simply rewarding Putin aggression. You seem to forget that not long ago you were claiming to be concerned for the poor Ukrainians you are now willing to give away. I would also point out that Realpolitik dominated the 19th century, when the major powers agreed to suppress nationalism and not to interfere in areas where other powers were suppressing those they had conquered. It is typical of the simple-minded, short-sighted solutions your "elk" find so attractive.

Congress of Berlin. Imperialist powers drew national boundaries for their own convenience, splitting tribes and ethnic groups apart and putting traditional enemies into the same countries. That not only also contributed to the start of WWI, it fueled civil wars in these areas that continue today.

What part of my position that appeasing an aggressive dictator in exchange for a promise to behave is a dumb idea is confusing you?

Not to dismiss the depth of analysis that concludes people defending themselves are ALSO fueling a war, along with the aggressors, but how about the Russians withdraw from a war of aggression? I bet that could lead to peace.
Ford did it. Gates did it. Jobs and his partner did it. Hewlett and Packard did it. A better mousetrap ...

That is part of it. Corporations, even big ones, are not inherently evil.

The key is whether you govern them, or whether you let them sucker rubes into believing they should govern. You did your bit, though. You stopped drinking those Bud promoters of turning America brown.
Squeak and squeal and squawk all you want, bot. You are the one who referred to the Russians as "We." 'Sokay, just tell Putin you got emotional. He seems like an understanding and forgiving kinda guy to me.

you have devolved to my use of a pronoun as definitive proof of..what was it? bots?
I leave you to your nightly gibberish. Your deflective inability to offer any other counter is noted
you have devolved to my use of a pronoun as definitive proof of..what was it? bots?
I leave you to your gibberish. Your deflective inability to offer any other counter is noted

Don't skulk away squealing weak I-know-you-are's you plagiarized from me based on which of my observations wounded you most. You got caught referring to Russians as "we." Hiss and spit and deflect and hope the Deplorables are too stupid to see what you did. I'd say you have a fifty/fifty chance in that regard. Besides, you have a boss much more difficult to convince you didn't fuck up.
Don't skulk away squealing weak I-know-you-are's you plagiarized from me based on which of my observations wounded you most. You got caught referring to Russians as "we." Hiss and spit and deflect and hope the Deplorables are too stupid to see what you did. I'd say you have a fifty/fifty chance in that regard. Besides, you have a boss much more difficult to convince you didn't fuck up.
delusional claims of plagiarism based on a use of a pronoun as a 'gotcha' added to an inability to respond
is not your winning hand tonight or ever.