trump: oblivious moron or psychotically narcissistic oblivious moron?

Hey, if I wanted to read an apologia of the Robber Barons, I could literally pick-up a book entitled Myth of the Robber Barons. I did read Paul Johnson because I heard he was respected in conservative circles. If I ever get around to finishing the book, he also has histories of the English as well as the Jews.

Hey, dumbass you ARE reading an apologia for Robber Barons. That's how it got to be "respected in conservative circles" and qualified as able to spoon-feed your prejudices back to you. If you ever get around to finishing the book, I'm guessing it will involve an edition that invites crayon use on its illustrations. After that, I would agree that looking at how an inept fool who fakes history explains the Protocols of Zion should be your next project. Reading objective facts and analysis would likely kill you.
Hey, dumbass you ARE reading an apologia for Robber Barons. That's how it got to be "respected in conservative circles" and qualified as able to spoon-feed your prejudices back to you. If you ever get around to finishing the book, I'm guessing it will involve an edition that invites crayon use on its illustrations. After that, I would agree that looking at how an inept fool who fakes history explains the Protocols of Zion should be your next project. Reading objective facts and analysis would likely kill you.

I'll get right on that. There's an old saying that whatever doesn't kill you, simply makes you stranger.
Do a lot of deep throating, do you?

Clever. You took what I said, and did, "Nuh uh, you are." Does explain, I suppose, why there is such a market for selling poor histories to poorly educated feebs in need of having their prejudices spoon-fed back to them.

Oh wait, I forgot. "History" is your thing ... so long as you are not required to defend the stunning ignorance you swallowed.
I would also declare the success of this thread can be measured some by the degree to which tSucky's and LimbaughGroupy and other feeble Deplorables avoid it.
Clever. You took what I said, and did, "Nuh uh, you are." Does explain, I suppose, why there is such a market for selling poor histories to poorly educated feebs in need of having their prejudices spoon-fed back to them.

Oh wait, I forgot. "History" is your thing ... so long as you are not required to defend the stunning ignorance you swallowed.

I really wouldn't go around this board calling people poorly-educated with the academic credentials that you're sporting. Anyway, Freud would say that you have an oral fixation. Good thing that I think the psychodynamic school of psychology is utterly worthless.
I really wouldn't go around this board calling people poorly-educated with the academic credentials that you're sporting. Anyway, Freud would say that you have an oral fixation. Good thing that I think the psychodynamic school of psychology is utterly worthless.

I'm sure that you being a "history major" and all, educated people were very impressed with your pretentious, if non-sequitur references to Freudian oral fixations in hopes that bluff would come across as a good gay shot.

"psychodynamic school of psychology"? Were you not a history major, some might think you were grasping desperately at social science terminology in hopes you could baffle with bullshit. But, go ahead. Prove me wrong, explain your History major understanding of "psychodynamics" in your own words, sad bluffer. Keep in mind that plagiarized phrases are the meat of most search engines.
Ick. Look at me, resorting to exposing a juvenile psycho. Might come in handy, should a local prosecutor want to put threedee away, but I blame those who should be contributing to something but don't for me doing a drunk disabling of a rightard feeb.
I'm sure that you being a "history major" and all, educated people were very impressed with your pretentious, if non-sequitur references to Freudian oral fixations in hopes that bluff would come across as a good gay shot.

"psychodynamic school of psychology"? Were you not a history major, some might think you were grasping desperately at social science terminology in hopes you could baffle with bullshit. But, go ahead. Prove me wrong, explain your History major understanding of "psychodynamics" in your own words, sad bluffer. Keep in mind that plagiarized phrases are the meat of most search engines.

It's called Psyc 101. I had to take it in order to graduate college, along with everyone else. If you don't like my use of terminology, take it up with Dr. Lori Melchiori. Now, after more than 200 pages, if you don't think everyone on this site thinks that you're gay, then you probably aren't very self-aware.
Kee-rist. Appears to be no limits on the ways Deplorables can be persecuted. One thread declaring "Black Lives Matter" means cop lives don't, a variation on the need for victimhood that unites the Deplorable herd. Pick any rightard thread you like. Ultimately, it comes down to the notion that the still dominant ethnic and religious group is persecuted. The entirety of rightardism is based upon selling victimhood to crybabies. Fortunately for them, demand remains strong. Unfortunately for them, incessant victimhood does not sell well outside their group of sniveling crybabies.

Next week, storm fishing. Week after, Apache, eastern elitist child comes home. Week after ... not sure I'm allowed to say, but it involves the confluence of everything liberal that turned you into the trembling trump-ette's in the first place.

Tell the truth, feebs. Do you really see a horizon wherein trump fluffing leads to redemption? I'm betting the best of you are hoping still to limit the humiliation.

When was the last time you saw trump smile over something other than the belief that one of his bits of bitchy snotty had validated his sad efforts to insist he really is the president, despite what the fake news says?
Yeah, we've all struggled with having to pass a 101 class "to graduate college, along with everyone else."

I bet nobody you know will let you within grasping range of their children.

go read rule 12b.

familiarize yourself with it.

persist in this manner and we are going to ban you, and it will be for a very long time.

Don't write and make excuses. We don't support winks and nods or people getting cute on here.
go read rule 12b.

familiarize yourself with it.

persist in this manner and we are going to ban you, and it will be for a very long time.

Don't write and make excuses. We don't support winks and nods or people getting cute on here.

Yeah, I am familiar with rightard mods trying to protect their flock in the name of protecting the children. You are hoping to cover your inability to compete with a pretense that what I said involved pedophilia. It did not. I would point out that even Threedee did not seek such a refuge or see such offense. You tried to ride an offense he did not see to redeem your impotence.