trump: oblivious moron or psychotically narcissistic oblivious moron?

In defense of the local hall monitors, it seems that ridiculing them is not, in itself, cause for ostracism.

Might be a twit hoped for gawdly protection. Does not appear there is sanctity in that hope. In gratitude for the hospitality we have received, I am prepared not just to recognize their right to defend their property, but to acknowledge that with the exception of a misunderstanding, mods here have been the definition of gracious.
Owl'd, no shrinking violet, advises that now that I have clarified my intentions, there is little to be gained by pursuing the matter further. Being a newbie, I suppose it is best that I do not further provoke a righty mod who may have felt a need to defend a reasonable standard.

Good advice given the circumstances....I can tell you that when the Yahoos seek revenge, they aren't bounded by any reasonable conventions..I've learned that Otis dragooned Mucky into some effort to convince the flacal that I was BLACKMAILING the Deplorable Beaner.
I'm willing to bet that people across the political spectrum have been banned under Rule 12b.

I'm wiling to bet that these fora a littered with exceptions to the rule......and that most such exceptions are issued to Drudge Dross.

Going by "conviction rates" ignores the readiness with which Drudge Dross drops dimes, and the reluctance with which their opponents do.
So some mod is starting with the games?


there are no games. we are very strict on rule 12b and we don't even allow anything that could be construed as an insinuation. you'll learn quickly.

the fact he got a warning at all is like mana from heaven and should be appreciated.

besides the above rule and our personal information rule, everything else on this site is virtually fair game.
Coming out of yesterday's BIG MEETING IRT the hacking of the 2016 election...

"Twump got elected...Putin got Twump."

Twump is a WEAKLING on the WORLD STAGE and is now PUTIN'S BITCH.

Way to go, RUBES...You voted for this WORM.
In defense of the local hall monitors, it seems that ridiculing them is not, in itself, cause for ostracism.

Might be a twit hoped for gawdly protection. Does not appear there is sanctity in that hope. In gratitude for the hospitality we have received, I am prepared not just to recognize their right to defend their property, but to acknowledge that with the exception of a misunderstanding, mods here have been the definition of gracious.

listen I am sorry that whereever you have come from you had to deal with dickhead mods. While it is true I am a dickhead, but when it comes to modding, all of us here like to stay out of pulling rank as much as possible. Our overall philosophy is the best mod is that which mods the least. We don't try to interject our modselves into spots unless actually needed. Just understand we take rule12b very seriously and we don't mess around with that.
Coming out of yesterday's BIG MEETING IRT the hacking of the 2016 election...

"Twump got elected...Putin got Twump."

Twump is a WEAKLING on the WORLD STAGE and is now PUTIN'S BITCH.

Way to go, RUBES...You voted for this WORM.
more imported intellectuals
listen I am sorry that whereever you have come from you had to deal with dickhead mods. While it is true I am a dickhead, but when it comes to modding, all of us here like to stay out of pulling rank as much as possible. Our overall philosophy is the best mod is that which mods the least. We don't try to interject our modselves into spots unless actually needed. Just understand we take rule12b very seriously and we don't mess around with that.

Belied by the fact that the ostensibly offended party asked for clarification, while you went immediately to petty cyber-gawd. I say you did it because you couldn't hang as a participant, and that it is typical that a rightard mod was quick to go for "rules" for revenge. You don't see that out of liberal mods. I admit it was easy to take what I said as a slimy pedophila attack. Nonetheless, I took pains to explain that is not what I meant. In spite of that, you insisted on making it a formal transgression. I do not accept your excuse you did it for a higher cause.
Since you have no evidence whatsoever for the charge, why raise it?

Gotta side with Owl'd on this one. We may be gun shy, but one bit of Daesh going a bit knee-jerk?

Even then, it does not appear he will invoke gawdliness to ban from Eden those who blaspheme. Appreciate your support, though.
Any of them slip up and describe Russians as a "We" like you did, bot?

you were pwnd. you can hang onto that life line if it makes you feel better.

Belied by the fact that the ostensibly offended party asked for clarification, while you went immediately to petty cyber-gawd
tells me you at least were no victims of mods (lib/cons or otherwise) petty bureaucracy.
You have been informed this is not a heavily modded, or unfairly modded board, yet you feel the need to screech about a clarification with no penalty

Get over yourself. you are not special or unique. this place function fine with or without you.
I have been on more then a few boards that were Nazi-like enforcers of ideological bias, or simple paranoia rule making.

Generally you put into this place what you want to, and take what you want from it.
Serious discussions/formal debate/partisan bleating or your choice without being hassled
Gotta keep in mind we are here mostly because Blackie was egregiously screwed by a mod, and he had earned our respect and our support ... even if it meant going without exchanging snottiness with the likes of Isatroll, SPRAYIT, and ChlamydiaBear.