trump: oblivious moron or psychotically narcissistic oblivious moron?

you were pwnd. you can hang onto that life line if it makes you feel better.

tells me you at least were no victims of mods (lib/cons or otherwise) petty bureaucracy.
You have been informed this is not a heavily modded, or unfairly modded board, yet you feel the need to screech about a clarification with no penalty

Get over yourself. you are not special or unique. this place function fine with or without you.
I have been on more then a few boards that were Nazi-like enforcers of ideological bias, or simple paranoia rule making.

Generally you put into this place what you want to, and take what you want from it.
Serious discussions/formal debate/partisan bleating or your choice without being hassled

That's not why you're here. bot.....

You come here to spam your pro-Trump propaganda at the behest of your Kremlin masters........

but hey, anything to get out of Magnitogorsk, right?
you were pwnd. you can hang onto that life line if it makes you feel better.

Don't know what that means, but I can understand you seeking refuge in whatever it is in hopes it will deflect from you getting so emotional you got caught defending "we" Russians, weak bot. Pretending your sad defense of your stipend is a defense of this place is pathetic.
Don't know what that means, but I can understand you seeking refuge in whatever it is in hopes it will deflect from you getting so emotional you got caught defending "we" Russians, weak bot. Pretending your sad defense of your stipend is a defense of this place is pathetic.

That's funny!
Belied by the fact that the ostensibly offended party asked for clarification, while you went immediately to petty cyber-gawd. I say you did it because you couldn't hang as a participant, and that it is typical that a rightard mod was quick to go for "rules" for revenge. You don't see that out of liberal mods. I admit it was easy to take what I said as a slimy pedophila attack. Nonetheless, I took pains to explain that is not what I meant. In spite of that, you insisted on making it a formal transgression. I do not accept your excuse you did it for a higher cause.

I only asked for clarification in hopes of getting him banned. Beyond that, I really didn't care if he had one to explain to me.
there are no games. we are very strict on rule 12b and we don't even allow anything that could be construed as an insinuation. you'll learn quickly.

the fact he got a warning at all is like mana from heaven and should be appreciated.

besides the above rule and our personal information rule, everything else on this site is virtually fair game.

Sounds reasonable.....

Perhaps you might advise some of your self appointed proxies to cool it with the pronouncements...
Look, I get it. Accusing another of being a 'bot" is mostly obligatory. Sure, Anatta had every Putin defense meme at his finger tips, but was that proof of bot-hood? Evidence, certainly, but proof?

Proof. When the Putin bot got to talking about how Russians dealt with the post-commie era, he squawked of how "we" Russians organized after. Given some time to explain, the best he could come up with for an explanation is that he meant how "we" Americans worked with Russians to re-organize Russia and Russians.

Sorry, Deplorables, but Anatta is the Putin flunky you keep insisting does not exist, in spite of him admitting he is. The only question now is whether you are Americans or so committed to a trump feeb you are willing to ignore the way a not very clever anatta has played you, exploiting your anger and fears.
At that, the supposedly offended party understood more was needed to justify interference by a rightard mod. Daesh needed no such cover to go Nazi.
Look, I get it. Accusing another of being a 'bot" is mostly obligatory. Sure, Anatta had every Putin defense meme at his finger tips, but was that proof of bot-hood? Evidence, certainly, but proof?

Proof. When the Putin bot got to talking about how Russians dealt with the post-commie era, he squawked of how "we" Russians organized after. Given some time to explain, the best he could come up with for an explanation is that he meant how "we" Americans worked with Russians to re-organize Russia and Russians.

Sorry, Deplorables, but Anatta is the Putin flunky you keep insisting does not exist, in spite of him admitting he is. The only question now is whether you are Americans or so committed to a trump feeb you are willing to ignore the way a not very clever anatta has played you, exploiting your anger and fears.


Budapest Memorandum refers to three identical political agreements signed at the OSCE conference in Budapest, Hungary on 5 December 1994, providing security assurances by its signatories relating to Belarus's, Kazakhstan's and Ukraine's accession to the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons[/B]. The memorandum was originally signed by three nuclear powers, the Russian Federation, the United States of America,[/B]
Following the annexation of Crimea by the Russian Federation in 2014, the US,[6][7] Canada,[8] the UK,[9] along with other countries,[10] stated that ]Russian involvement was a breach of its obligations to Ukraine under the Budapest Memorandum,

Russia suggested that the US was in violation of the Budapest Memorandum, describing the Euromaidan as a US-instigated coup.
I cruise around this the other, there is a degree of tolerance......and then there is strict intolerance.......I've only seen one side kvetch.

But thanks for keeping me honest.

There are exactly two rules strictly enforced, nothing on kids, and nothing on personal information. I've seen no instance of less than equitable enforcement, and certainly nothing that would call for a brawl.

Always. And do return the favor, willya?

If you were unclear on the intent, why would you HOPE to get him banned?

Is there a bounty?

The bounty for a pitiful self-aggrandizer like DDD is obvious, isn't it? I haven't seen him rise above crawlying snottiness, and hoping for a "liberal" trophy is the next best thing when winning a debate isn't in the offing.
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Budapest Memorandum refers to three identical political agreements signed at the OSCE conference in Budapest, Hungary on 5 December 1994, providing security assurances by its signatories relating to Belarus's, Kazakhstan's and Ukraine's accession to the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons[/B]. The memorandum was originally signed by three nuclear powers, the Russian Federation, the United States of America,[/B]
Following the annexation of Crimea by the Russian Federation in 2014, the US,[6][7] Canada,[8] the UK,[9] along with other countries,[10] stated that ]Russian involvement was a breach of its obligations to Ukraine under the Budapest Memorandum,

Russia suggested that the US was in violation of the Budapest Memorandum, describing the Euromaidan as a US-instigated coup.

Idiot. You brought up the Budapest Memoradum in pretense it was an "also" in defense of your ignorant Minsk Protocol deflection,when that blew up in your parrot face.

Now, you are hoping this clumsy deflection will make rightards forget or ignore that you got caught referring to Russians as "We." Spin and hiss and spit as best you can. YOu got caught. I'm guessing the Deplorables are gonna look at what happened and what you said, and they are going to decide being tied to a Putin propagandist is not in their best interests. You got caught. Dead man squawking.
Not me, Deplorables. Backtrack a bit, and you will see a flustered anatta going Russia "we."

He tried a couple of feeble explanations for getting caught, but now he just going, "look over there!"
Now, you are hoping this clumsy deflection will make rightards forget or ignore that you got caught referring to Russians as "We." Spin and hiss and spit as best you can. YOu got caught.

I don't know, having seen the exchange, your interpretation is conclusive. Yeah, he said "we", referring to an agreement that included the U.S. as a contracting party. To me that sounds legit from a U.S. perspective.
I don't know, having seen the exchange, your interpretation is conclusive. Yeah, he said "we", referring to an agreement that included the U.S. as a contracting party. To me that sounds legit from a U.S. perspective.
I'm not sure what you are saying. I did not bring up Minsk - I brought up BM as the underlying organizer
Quote Originally Posted by anatta View Post
Budapest Memorandum is the basis of a non-nuclear Uk.

Quote Originally Posted by anatta View Post
It's how we organized post Soviet Union.
Quote Originally Posted by anatta
Budapest Memorandum also meant no meddling in the Uk by us.

the we are the signatories -although to be honest I wasn't sure if NATO countries. signed or not..

I fail to see how this was about organizing Russia or some Tavvyish silliness.. why would I say anything about "organizing Russia"??