trump: oblivious moron or psychotically narcissistic oblivious moron?

Come on:
The Budapest Memorandum on Security Assurances refers to three identical political agreements signed at the OSCE conference in Budapest, Hungary on 5 December 1994, providing security assurances by its signatories relating to Belarus's, Kazakhstan's and Ukraine's accession to the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons. The memorandum was originally signed by three nuclear powers, the Russian Federation, the United States of America, and the United Kingdom. China and France gave somewhat weaker individual assurances in separate documents.[1]

The memorandum included security assurances against threats or use of force against the territorial integrity or political independence of Ukraine, Belarus and Kazakhstan.​

In my understanding, that were Ukraine, Belarus and Kazakhstan giving up the nukes on their territory in exchange for assurances for their territorial integrity. And yes, the U.S. was a signatory, and very much instrumental in bringing the memorandum about.

Yup, problem is "We" anatta only brought up the Budapest memorandum AFTER the Minsk Protocol he denies mentioning at all blew up in his face and AFTER he talked of "we" organizing Russia after the fall of communism. He did "Budapest" after that, in a dishonest pretense that was what he had been talking about all along.

And, the Budapest memorandum has nothing to do with Russia's internal organization that Anatta referred to as a "we" participant in what Russia did regarding its own sovereignty. Look back more carefully
it was in context of me talking about the B.Memorandum.
why on earth can you see me talking about "organizing Russia" or some such Tavvyish inanity?

I'm not writing a contract here -it's messageboard,and if you look at it in context it's impossible to impose any other meanings then a reference to the BM.

But you did say it.
Commie cunt.
I'm done. Truth is Anatta said "we" organized Russia. He did not put it in terms of some international effort that did not exist anyway. "We organized" after the fall of communism. And, Anatta tried to hide behind the Minsk Protocal he denies mentioning. It blew up in his face, so he pretended he had been talking about a Budapest Agreement he had not mentioned.

Anatta is a lying bot. Proven. Period.
Cissy Circle Jerk liar.
It was right after speaking about the BM.
But you run w/Russian bot, since you need to cling to some victory out of the exchange for all I care
anyone (except Rune and your pals) can see in no way whatsover was I talking about Russia -it was about the organizing of the Uk post Soviet Union.
you are blatent fool

go away

you have been found out here

go change your name again annie

you have no way to overcome your reputation here.

change your name again so we can out you again
Anatta has squeaked every Putin talking point, repeatedly. Taking that into consideration, I find it laughable that when the stooge said "we" organized Russia after the fall of communism, he meant the US and Russia organized what Russia is now. Bitch got caught, even if you hadn't seen his no-pride regurgitation of the silliest of Putin talking points.
the most dumb assed lack of supported fallacy ever posted here..or possibly the internet as a whole .congrats
"we organized Russia meant the US and Russia"
the fact you write such drivel with intent of truthiness shows you are a liar will ill intent.
the most dumb assed lack of supported fallacy ever posted here..or possibly the internet as a whole .congrats
"we organized Russia meant the US and Russia"
the fact you write such drivel with intent of truthiness shows you are a liar will ill intent.

it was in context of me talking about the B.Memorandum.
why on earth can you see me talking about "organizing Russia" or some such Tavvyish inanity?

I'm not writing a contract here -it's messageboard,and if you look at it in context it's impossible to impose any other meanings then a reference to the BM.

Translation ; I am a russian bot but I will never admit it

Head of Major German Paper Denounces ‘Left-Wing Fascism’ at G20 Summit

The head of Germany’s Die Welt newspaper Ulf Poschardt has denounced the violence caused by left-wing extremists calling the rioting, “the new fascist violence of the left”.

Mr. Poschardt, who serves as the editor in chief of Die Welt, slammed the so-called “black-block” left-extremists in a new column likening them to the Blackshirts who committed acts of political violence under Fascist dictator Benito Mussolini in the 1920s.

“Their black costume reveals that their aesthetic is inspired by Mussolini’s black shirts. They act like fascists. They stir up fear and uncertainty. The Black Block has been turning Hamburg into a civil war landscape since Thursday evening,” he wrote.

The fascists are marching in Hamburg.

Anarchists for Brisbane’s G20
May 21, 2014 by ssmmagazine
By Clive Williams.
The Sydney-based anarchist group Black Rose Syndicat has vowed to cause “chaos and mayhem” at the G20 summit in Brisbane in November 2014, while the Australian cell or “affinity group” of the international online anarchist group Anonymous has announced it will sabotage the G20 through its “Operation Mayhem”.