trump: oblivious moron or psychotically narcissistic oblivious moron?

Sucker support, if you must, but anatta talked of Russian "we." He was not trapped, and there was no ambiguity to his meaning. Asshole got caught. Look back, and decide for yourselves if this is who you want representing your integrity
I'm not sure what you are saying. I did not bring up Minsk - I brought up BM as the underlying organizer

the we are the signatories -although to be honest I wasn't sure if NATO countries. signed or not..

I fail to see how this was about organizing Russia or some Tavvyish silliness.. why would I say anything about "organizing Russia"??

Seriously this arsehole is like Rune on steroids, just ignore the cunt! I said from the outset that he is a nasty piece of work and time has only solidified that belief. He has his own entourage of sycophants that serve only to attend to his needs. I have him on ignore and will never respond to anything he says or indeed his fellow circle jerkers. You should have a look over at USMB, they all seem like pretty good people so far at least.

Sent from my iPhone 25S with cherries on top
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I don't know, having seen the exchange, your interpretation is conclusive. Yeah, he said "we", referring to an agreement that included the U.S. as a contracting party. To me that sounds legit from a U.S. perspective.

There was no "US as a contracting party" in the re-organization of the collapsed Soviet Union. I don't think that you would have described what happened in Russia in terms of a "we" having done it.

bot got caught. So caught, it never occurred to him to reach for your alibis.
I'm not sure what you are saying. I did not bring up Minsk - I brought up BM as the underlying organizer

[...] why would I say anything about "organizing Russia"??

Why would you, indeed? Look, "we organized" is at the very least ambiguous, as it might imply Russia and the former USSR satellite states. Any ambiguity may legitimately be construed against the author; so if you are being beaten up for your ambiguous language, you got to take it. Had you clearly thought, you'd have said "We were one of the signatory states." As usual, not paying attention to language has her turn around and bite you in the behind.
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Seriously this arsehole is like Rune on steroids, just ignore the cunt!

Sent from my iPhone 25S with cherries on top

Seriously, this Millie sissy looking constantly for support for the way he spits limp insults from a hide-from bunker at those he claims to be ignoring is about as pussy as a rightard can get. And, we know that is saying something.

Even anatta recognizes that and wishes Millie would stop trying to use his skirts as shelter for his hypocritical insults.
Why would you, indeed? Look, "we organized" is at the very least ambiguous, as it might imply Russia and the former USSR satellite states. Any ambiguity may legitimately be construed against the author; so if you are being beaten up for your ambiguous language, you got to take it. Had you clearly thought, you'd have said "We were one of the signatory states." As usual, not paying attention to language has her turning around and bite you in the behind.

Nice kinda alibi, but a bit more research would show the bot brought up Minsk, before he got caught "we" ing and denial of that is just anatta finding a lack of pride freed him to lie blatantly.
you were pwnd. you can hang onto that life line if it makes you feel better.

tells me you at least were no victims of mods (lib/cons or otherwise) petty bureaucracy.
You have been informed this is not a heavily modded, or unfairly modded board, yet you feel the need to screech about a clarification with no penalty

Get over yourself. you are not special or unique. this place function fine with or without you.
I have been on more then a few boards that were Nazi-like enforcers of ideological bias, or simple paranoia rule making.

Generally you put into this place what you want to, and take what you want from it.
Serious discussions/formal debate/partisan bleating or your choice without being hassled

Fuck you, you never pwned anyone or anything in your life
And there was no ambiguity regarding "we," unless you are so gullible you can swallow "we" organizing Russia after the fall of communism meant the US had some hand in that organization, when it had nothing at all to do with it.
Anatta has squeaked every Putin talking point, repeatedly. Taking that into consideration, I find it laughable that when the stooge said "we" organized Russia after the fall of communism, he meant the US and Russia organized what Russia is now. Bitch got caught, even if you hadn't seen his no-pride regurgitation of the silliest of Putin talking points.
Seriously this arsehole is like Rune on steroids, just ignore the cunt! I said from the outset that he is a nasty piece of work and time has only solidified that belief. He has his own entourage of sycophants that serve only to attend to his needs. I have him on ignore and will never respond to anything he says or indeed his fellow circle jerkers. You should have a look over at USMB, they all seem like pretty good people so far at least.

Sent from my iPhone 25S with cherries on top

They line up to suck Yurt's needle dick at USMB.
Seeing that Obama was a hard act to follow, I was rather pleased to see the US elect an arsehole as their president and international representative.

Form follows function.
There was no "US as a contracting party" in the re-organization of the collapsed Soviet Union. I don't think that you would have described what happened in Russia in terms of a "we" having done it.

Come on:

The Budapest Memorandum on Security Assurances refers to three identical political agreements signed at the OSCE conference in Budapest, Hungary on 5 December 1994, providing security assurances by its signatories relating to Belarus's, Kazakhstan's and Ukraine's accession to the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons. The memorandum was originally signed by three nuclear powers, the Russian Federation, the United States of America, and the United Kingdom. China and France gave somewhat weaker individual assurances in separate documents.[1]

The memorandum included security assurances against threats or use of force against the territorial integrity or political independence of Ukraine, Belarus and Kazakhstan.​

In my understanding, that were Ukraine, Belarus and Kazakhstan giving up the nukes on their territory in exchange for assurances for their territorial integrity. And yes, the U.S. was a signatory, and very much instrumental in bringing the memorandum about.
Seeing that Obama was a hard act to follow, I was rather pleased to see the US elect an arsehole as their president and international representative.

Form follows function.

Putin knew what he was doing.
I'm done. Truth is Anatta said "we" organized Russia. He did not put it in terms of some international effort that did not exist anyway. "We organized" after the fall of communism. And, Anatta tried to hide behind the Minsk Protocal he denies mentioning. It blew up in his face, so he pretended he had been talking about a Budapest Agreement he had not mentioned.

Anatta is a lying bot. Proven. Period.
Why would you, indeed? Look, "we organized" is at the very least ambiguous, as it might imply Russia and the former USSR satellite states. Any ambiguity may legitimately be construed against the author; so if you are being beaten up for your ambiguous language, you got to take it. Had you clearly thought, you'd have said "We were one of the signatory states." As usual, not paying attention to language has her turn around and bite you in the behind.
it was in context of me talking about the B.Memorandum.
why on earth can you see me talking about "organizing Russia" or some such Tavvyish inanity?

I'm not writing a contract here -it's messageboard,and if you look at it in context it's impossible to impose any other meanings then a reference to the BM.