trump: oblivious moron or psychotically narcissistic oblivious moron?

Do you trust Putin? On anything? Do you have any idea what he has done?

They don't have to be an "enemy," but they can't be an ally as they are currently run.
I feel the same way, maybe Russia under different leadership in the future, but Putin has a history that we can not trust him.
Perhaps it's because the 'cunt' in question is the thread starter? But don't worry about it, he's several paygrades above you.
Maybe little bird, Glug, can whisper in your ear to fill you in on Ricky?
Don't forget to ask Glug about me, too.

I'm updating your ignore list, in anticipation:

Ignore list: Mangy Mongoose, McAwful, Owl something or other, Daesh, Aubergine (Black Vegetable), XO, EVERYONE.

He's a retired history teacher with a big mouth and barely a pot to piss in. Oh and his wife pissed off after he hit her one too many times.

Sent from my iPhone 25S with cherries on top
it's gibberish like most of your Tavvishtalk

it's the PROCESS of not having a first hand investigation, that calls the investigation itself into question.
Further there are salient refutations of the actual analysis

corroborated by the media (not the IC), according to your link, and I only see 1 such attribution of a minor point.
you are relying on this that the golden showers dossier is authentic???

This is ridiculous on your part -injecting a ghost straw man of "sanctions not yet defined"
those are the sanctions at hand. Germany had to be cajoled into going along with the first round.
Germany doesn't even want so called "defensive weapons" sent to the Ukraine, where Putin's armor is superior
and where it can use Uk's national forces GPS as a guidance to home in on their equipment with their missiles.
I don't know why you bother to be honest.

Sent from my iPhone 25S with cherries on top
"what you don't understand is the FBI did not look (investigate) first hand the DNC servers."​
"you are oblivious that the private security firms are the only first hand investigators."​

... I do know that (and you still vastly overestimate your knowledge), and commented on it earlier. Who told you that CrowdStrike didn't share their findings, including their data basis, with the FBI, handing over all the malware and every last trace these left?
they shared their findings,but how do we know their assessment is correct?
I gave you detailed reasons why their process was suspect,and I gave you the reasoning behing why Fancybear was blamed, and I gave you the question of why the GRU would be so sloppy.
Would it not be more likely a hacker using the same malware, and leaving behind Cyrillic markings
would come for a Russian hacker, but not a Russia state actor?

Ah, and that fabulous "gold shower" dossier that fascinates you so much:
I didn't bring it up,and I'm not fascinated with it
Do you believe Comey shouldn't have informed the Trumpy about its existence? PO Oh, and BTW, since you seemingly are again on your "They are all nefarious actors in that treasonous IC community" - they "briefed anyway, then news of the dossier leaked out" - of course this dossier was privately contracted, and reportedly went through quite a few hands, so it was just a matter of time until it leaked, and the briefing in all likelihood had nothing to do with it.
i was not talking about the GShowers dossier being leaked,i was talking about the multiple targeted leaks ( which did not go through many hands) -some of which were blatant fake news ( per Comey) and all done to damage Trump. which goes back to my point that the Deep State leaks at will to uphold it's agenda
Then you are chiming in on the hyperventilation about "unmasking", a completely normal procedure (you may bet the Trumpy maladministration is doing it every week), because your handlers told you you should hyperventilate about it. There's no there there, except amongst Trump fluffers in Rightardia, where it is a major, major, major, major scandal. Laughable.
must you be so obnoxious? "handlers/rightards? cannot you speak like an adult in debate?

it is the frequency of the unmasking that is at question, as well as the Obama adm's new rules on lowering the bar between intel agencies..basically raw intelligence was "seeded" , then reports were generated by bringing up inquiries on the reports to gin up assessments, that were leaked to -some unmasked and some clearly attributed to Trump officials and campaign officials
As Inauguration Day approached, Obama White House officials grew convinced that the intelligence was damning and that they needed to ensure that as many people as possible inside government could see it, even if people without security clearances could not. Some officials began asking specific questions at intelligence briefings, knowing the answers would be archived and could be easily unearthed by investigators — including the Senate Intelligence Committee, which in early January announced an inquiry into Russian efforts to influence the election.

At intelligence agencies, there was a push to process as much raw intelligence as possible into analyses, and to keep the reports at a relatively low classification level to ensure as wide a readership as possible across the government — and, in some cases, among European allies. This allowed the upload of as much intelligence as possible to Intellipedia, a secret wiki used by American analysts to share information.

In the weeks before the assessment was released in January, the intelligence community combed through databases for an array of communications and other information — some of which was months old by then — and began producing reports that showed there were contacts during the campaign between Trump associates and Russian officials.

Finally, we're speaking about an investigation, and you are seriously asking, "where does 'data gathering and developing sources' come into play"? Tell me you misspoke, please.
i asked you specifically where it came into play regarding the private security analysis,not an investigation in general.
You are argumentative without purpose,hypocritically ingenuous, and resort to insults to my intelligence
whatever you think of my ideas there is no call for this...we're done.

(anatta)>*This is all thankfully becoming more irrelevant as Trump and Putin agreed to disagree on Russian meddling
and the "Russian collusion" meme has not been heard from since the beginning of the Congressional investigations.

Thankfully Trump and Putin are the adults in the room -not Congress for sure- and agree to tackle the thorny points in the US/Russian relationship. It was a very good start.*< (anatta)
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they shared their findings,but how do we know their assessment is correct?
I gave you detailed reasons why their process was suspect,and I gave you the reasoning behing why Fancybear was blamed, and I gave you the question of why the GRU would be so sloppy.
Would it not be more likely a hacker using the same malware, and leaving behind Cyrillic markings
would come for a Russian hacker, but not a Russia state actor?

I didn't bring it up,and I'm not fascinated with it
i was not talking about the GShowers dossier being leaked,i was talking about the multiple targeted leaks ( which did not go through many hands) -some of which were blatant fake news ( per Comey) and all done to damage Trump. which goes back to my point that the Deep State leaks at will to uphold it's agenda
must you be so obnoxious? "handlers/rightards? cannot you speak like an adult in debate>
it is the frequency of the unmasking that is at question, as well as the Obama adm's new rules on lowering the bar between intel agencies..basically raw intelligence was "seeded" , then reports were generated by bringing up inquiries on the reports to gin up assessments, that were leaked to -some unmasked and some cleary atrribable to Trump officials and campaign officials

As Inauguration Day approached, Obama White House officials grew convinced that the intelligence was damning and that they needed to ensure that as many people as possible inside government could see it, even if people without security clearances could not. Some officials began asking specific questions at intelligence briefings, knowing the answers would be archived and could be easily unearthed by investigators — including the Senate Intelligence Committee, which in early January announced an inquiry into Russian efforts to influence the election.

At intelligence agencies, there was a push to process as much raw intelligence as possible into analyses, and to keep the reports at a relatively low classification level to ensure as wide a readership as possible across the government — and, in some cases, among European allies. This allowed the upload of as much intelligence as possible to Intellipedia, a secret wiki used by American analysts to share information.

i asked you specifically where it came into play regarding the private security analysis.
You are argumentative without purpose,hypocritically ingenuous, and resort to insults to my intelligence
whatever you think of my ideas..we're done.

This is all thankfully becoming more irrelevant as Trump and Putin agreed to disagree on Russian meddling
and the "Russian collusion" meme has not been heard from since the beginning of the Congressional investigations.

Thankfully Trump and Putin are the adults in the room -not Congress for sure- and agree to tackle the thorny points in the US/Russian relationship. It was a very good start.

They are all obnoxious, directed towards me I understand as I don't take any shit but you are truly a saint to put up with their shit.
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they shared their findings,but how do we know their assessment is correct?
I gave you detailed reasons why their process was suspect,and I gave you the reasoning behing why Fancybear was blamed, and I gave you the question of why the GRU would be so sloppy.
Would it not be more likely a hacker using the same malware, and leaving behind Cyrillic markings
would come for a Russian hacker, but not a Russia state actor?

I didn't bring it up,and I'm not fascinated with it

They are all obnoxious, to me I understand as I don't take any shit but you are truly a saint.

Are there saints in Buddhism lol?

I don't know.
Ah, and that fabulous "gold shower" dossier that fascinates you so much:

I didn't bring it up,and I'm not fascinated with it

i was not talking about the GShowers dossier being leaked,i was talking about the multiple targeted leaks ( which did not go through many hands) -some of which were blatant fake news ( per Comey) and all done to damage Trump.

Ah, now you're back to lying again:

Brennan took a lot of shots at Trump, but his briefing on the Golden Showers was beyond unusual.
They knew it was a fake dossier and briefed anyway, then news of the dossier leaked out..

must you be so obnoxious? "handlers/rightards? cannot you speak like an adult in debate?

Obnoxious? Sorry, telling the truth might not be the nicest thing to do, and once you cease regurgitating rightarded propaganda nonsense, it will stop. Otherwise, not so much. For instance: Fancy Bear is said to be good. No one ever said he was / they were perfect. Hence the fact there were errors, or some mishap happened, doesn't demonstrate it wasn't Fancy Bear, your fancy fantasies about it notwithstanding. That's silly reasoning, starting from a completely out of this world premise, and in the most failsafe manner arriving at a false, invalid conclusion. You didn't think that up, though, some silly blogger fed you that nonsense, right? As so often, you didn't find the time to scrutinize what you're promulgating, leaving most of the work you yourself should be doing to others, and then complaining when it is done. That's a bit infantile, and pretty bitchy.

I find, you should also look into your whining about "leaks damaging the Trumpy." Lordy. Leaks are as American as apple pie, if not more so, and every President had to deal with them. The whining about them has never been more strident than that by Trumpy and his authoritarian submissive followers, at least as long as I've been looking on. The Trumpy should grow a skin, and so should you.
We can either try to get along with him...or not. I'm not seeing a plus-side with the not. Maybe someone can explain it to me.

We seem to be getting along with the Castros, and they've done a thing or two.

I have never heard a serious person of any political party suggest we don't cooperate or negotiate with Russia where we have mutual interests, so why don't you drop the disingenuous third grade vocabulary about getting along.

The Kremlin tried to interefere in an American election, and if you were a patriot you would want retaliation at worst, or some accountability at best.

But you and Trumptards are not loyal to America are you? You know how I know this? Because in 2012, Mittens Romney said Russia was our greatest threat, our most serious rival and adversary. And virtually every rightwing message boarder nodded their heads solemnly in agreement.

The fact that message board wingnuts did a complete flip flop on this, is because they are the digital equivalents of Drumpf's submissive gimps. With all loyalty and submission given to the Orange Clown even at the expense of their own country's interest.
I have never heard a serious person of any political party suggest we don't cooperate or negotiate with Russia where we have mutual interests, so why don't you drop the disingenuous third grade vocabulary about getting along.

The Kremlin tried to interefere in an American election, and if you were a patriot you would want retaliation at worst, or some accountability at best.

But you and Trumptards are not loyal to America are you? You know how I know this? Because in 2012, Mittens Romney said Russia was our greatest threat, our most serious rival and adversary. And virtually every rightwing message boarder nodded their heads solemnly in agreement.

The fact that message board wingnuts did a complete flip flop on this, is because they are the digital equivalents of Drumpf's submissive gimps. With all loyalty and submission given to the Orange Clown even at the expense of their own country's interest.
What an arsehole you are, you rail against third grade vocabulary and then insist on calling anybody you dislike Trumptards, fucking hypocrite!!

Sent from my iPhone 25S with cherries on top
Are there saints in Buddhism lol? I don't know.
Bodhisattvas are like saints in Christianity.
They were real people once, and you can ask them for help, just like saints.

Exotic India has the technical definition:

In strictly canonical terms a bodhisattva is defined as an individual who discovers the source of the Ultimate Truth better known as nirvana, but postpones his own enlightenment until he has guided all his fellow beings to this same source of fulfillment

The Dalai Lama is also a Bodhisattva, as well as being another incarnation of the Buddha.
Buddhism does not think of reincarnation like Hindu's with a soul (persona) existing into the next life
But a perfected being can choose to reincarnate as the first Buddha did another entity keeping his identity.

The current Dalai lama is said to be leaning against reincarnation...
The Chinese enslavement of Tibet being the reason
I have never heard a serious person of any political party suggest we don't cooperate or negotiate with Russia where we have mutual interests, so why don't you drop the disingenuous third grade vocabulary about getting along.

The Kremlin tried to interefere in an American election, and if you were a patriot you would want retaliation at worst, or some accountability at best.

But you and Trumptards are not loyal to America are you? You know how I know this? Because in 2012, Mittens Romney said Russia was our greatest threat, our most serious rival and adversary. And virtually every rightwing message boarder nodded their heads solemnly in agreement.

The fact that message board wingnuts did a complete flip flop on this, is because they are the digital equivalents of Drumpf's submissive gimps. With all loyalty and submission given to the Orange Clown even at the expense of their own country's interest.

Romeny called Russia 'our greatest geopolitical foe'.

He was mocked for it, by the same people who today obsess over everything Russia lol. Romeny was right---or at least it still debatable between China or Russia.

But here's the deal: we can't keep Putin from election meddling. Even if Vladie Boy says he will stop it, he'll just hire a third party to meddle in order to cover his tracks in the future. Which raises the question of why he didn't do that in the first place. It's so easy to cover cyber-tracks it's hard to believe he would allow himself to get caught in the first place.

But that's neither here nor there. The point is we should be doing everything in terms of cyber security, and, try to get along as best we can with Putin.
Senate committee: ‘Avalanche’ of leaks – 1 per day! – is undermining national security
Probably the most startling thing we learn from a new report by the Senate Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs is how wildly disproportionate the leaking is under Trump, as opposed to Obama and George W. Bush. (H/t: Adam Kredo, Washington Free Beacon)

In all, the committee report found 125 leaks to the media that met the report’s criteria: i.e., that the leak be directly to the media outlet from “original sourcing” (within the government), and that it represent potential damage to national security.

These leaks occurred over a period of 126 days, starting with the first day of the Trump presidency. Hence the (average) one-leak-per-day headline.

they are most likely to be holdovers from the Obama administration. This isn’t just because, as the report notes, the leaks frequently depict Trump in a very negative light.

it’s because Trump has a lot of Obama holdovers still in key positions, and very few of his own appointees. Don’t take my word for it. This information is straight from the Washington Post – a media outlet exceptionally unlikely to make excuses for Trump.

WaPo writer Jennifer Rubin gives her take on how Trump has brought the failure to man his administration on himself:

If the administration consists of Obama holdovers and Trump’s Twitter account, and we have empirical certainty that Trump’s Twitter account isn’t leaking to WaPo and the New York Times, then it’s pretty clear who’s doing the lion’s share of the leaking.

To argue to the contrary, you’d have to find some way to credibly claim that Trump’s few appointees and hires are more motivated to make damaging leaks to the media than Obama holdovers are.

That’s a pretty hard case to make. The Senate committee report points out – as we have here on multiple occasions – that it is a felony for an oath-bound government official to leak even one of these pieces of information. Yet there are 125 instances of leaks, in the 126 days covered by the committee report. And some of the leaks involved the disclosure of more than one specific piece of national security information.

Here is the conclusion from the committee report’s executive summary:

As The New York Times wrote in a candid self-assessment: “Journalism in the Trump era has featured a staggering number of leaks from sources across the federal government.” No less an authority than President Obama’s CIA director called the deluge of state secrets “appalling.” These leaks do not occur in a vacuum. They can, and do, have real world consequences for national security. To ensure the security of our country’s most sensitive information, federal law enforcement officials ought to thoroughly investigate leaks of potentially sensitive information flowing at an alarming rate.
Romeny called Russia 'our greatest geopolitical foe'.

He was mocked for it, by the same people who today obsess over everything Russia lol. Romeny was right---or at least it still debatable between China or Russia.

But here's the deal: we can't keep Putin from election meddling. Even if Vladie Boy says he will stop it, he'll just hire a third party to meddle in order to cover his tracks in the future. Which raises the question of why he didn't do that in the first place. It's so easy to cover cyber-tracks it's hard to believe he would allow himself to get caught in the first place.

But that's neither here nor there. The point is we should be doing everything in terms of cyber security, and, try to get along as best we can with Putin.

Shut the fuck up you whining infant.
What an arsehole you are, you rail against third grade vocabulary and then insist on calling anybody you dislike Trumptards, fucking hypocrite!!

Sent from my iPhone 25S with cherries on top

He is absolutely correct.
Shit fer brains.
When do you think Russia will invade us?

Do you think there'll be a warning lol?

You thinking Putin will lose his pet trump someday and try to Ukraine us? I doubt it, but we are working on counter-measures. First, we have ebola-carrying Mexicans armed with sharia law. If that fails, we are working on weaponizing inane girly giggles.
No American banks will lend Trump money you fucking retard.

That's what happens when you go bankrupt 6 times.

What a fucking idiot.

Based on your vast knowledge of Trump's biz and how banks operate? Banks have a multitude of ways to protect their money, even against bankruptcies. Do any of you 'tards ever deal with facts? Ever?
You thinking Putin will lose his pet trump someday and try to Ukraine us? I doubt it, but we are working on counter-measures. First, we have ebola-carrying Mexicans armed with sharia law. If that fails, we are working on weaponizing inane girly giggles.

If that happens we counter with Pussy Hats.

Big, pink ones. Do it right, and they get the message.