trump: oblivious moron or psychotically narcissistic oblivious moron?

I have this picture in my head that 40 billion tons of water would be a half-mile cube. Anyone want to correct me?
The gang that couldn't shoot straight:

[h=1]Trump says no sanctions talk with Putin, contradicting Tillerson's account[/h] By Elliot Smilowitz - 07/09/17 08:53 AM EDT

President Trump on Sunday said he did not discuss new U.S. sanctions against Moscow with Russian President Vladimir Putin, contradicting Secretary of State Rex Tillerson.
“Sanctions were not discussed at my meeting with President Putin. Nothing will be done until the Ukrainian & Syrian problems are solved!” Trump tweeted Sunday morning.
The gang that couldn't shoot straight:

[h=1]Trump says no sanctions talk with Putin, contradicting Tillerson's account[/h] By Elliot Smilowitz - 07/09/17 08:53 AM EDT

President Trump on Sunday said he did not discuss new U.S. sanctions against Moscow with Russian President Vladimir Putin, contradicting Secretary of State Rex Tillerson.
“Sanctions were not discussed at my meeting with President Putin. Nothing will be done until the Ukrainian & Syrian problems are solved!” Trump tweeted Sunday morning.

Putin is their " overlord"... He tells them each different things to say...
Just ask Darthy...
He knows all about "overlords"...
[h=3]ck[/h] cgo talked about adoption. A really important subject for new presidential candidates, calling for the presence of THREE top campaign personnel.
And we are expected to believe this?

[h=3]MJXS[/h] springfield, va is far more significant than previous contacts. Kushner "remembered" it long AFTER he filled out an SF-86 (contact with foreign nationals) form? That is howlingly false and anyone who has ever filled out that form will confirm it. It is filled with dire warnings of prosecution and prison for any falsehoods or omissions.

[h=3]Carla[/h] NY your Dad just wins the nomination and Donnie Jr decided to prioritize attending a meeting called by an “acquaintance” and he doesn’t know who it’s with till he gets there regarding Russian ADOPTION issues and just happens to invite Jared and Manafort who also have nothing better to do? Sounds completely legit.

[h=3]Ellen Freilich[/h] New York City't that sweet! Here was the Trump campaign, just two weeks after clinching the Republican nomination for the presidency, and the FIRST thing on their mind was the plight of orphans in Russia! Their cup just overflowed with the milk of human kindness for anonymous Russian orphans even though they seem pretty fine with leaving millions of Americans without health insurance and medical care. Donald J. Trump Jr. arranged the meeting? Trump's campaign manager attended? These are not rogue operators. Our president looks either like a traitor or like the dumbest guy alive.

[h=3]child of babe[/h] st pete, fl of adoption issues,it is time to begin the adoption of Articles of Impeachment for Donald Trump. Another too coincidental meeting between Trump representatives and relatives and the Kremlin's representatives. Anyone who believes this meeting was as described by Don Jr. is a candidate for admission to Trump University.

[h=3]Adam W.[/h] NYC are very quickly approaching a point where it seems reasonable to ask if Trump met with any Americans before becoming president.

[h=3]Gary Bernier[/h] Holiday, FL Comey won't follow Trump's instructions to lay of his boy Flynn's involvement with the Russians so he gets fired. Preet Bharara convicts Russian arms and drug dealers, gets black-listed by Putin, then fired by Trump (after being asked to stay on.) The Trump campaign changes only one plank in the GOP platform - to make it more favorable to Putin. Trump can't bring himself to admit our intelligence agencies are right that Russia hacked the election.
Trump is either the most useful idiot Putin ever recruited or he's an active player. All the undisclosed Russian meetings, the praise of Putin, the accommodations, the firings of people investigating Russian involvement and crimes, and the lies about Russian relationships - it's all way too much to be coincidence.

It sure sounds like Trump is being blackmailed by the Russians over some "thing".
How does anyone move great distances in a short time?

Are you susceptible to every idiotic reactionary trope extant, A?

Why would they need too? This newfangled thing called teleconferencing is here. You can see in real time who you are talking to and everything!
you don't fly private jets around the world to do it- if carbon emission is your big issue.

Jets are just part of it.

These people live extravagantly. What's his names [the actor] yacht is a multi-diesel powered monstrosity that spews more carbon into the atmosphere in one 800 mile trip to wherever, than you or I would put together, in years. They don't have one modest two story home, but several very large ones. You and I would probably have to bundle out paychecks just cover the monthly power bill---in just one of them. And they don't just jet to their climate worship services---they jet all the time, privately.

They are hypocrites of the first order.
What's with you Tacky Ricky lemmings and the long sentences?

You need to compensate for lack of length in another area lol?
Sesquipedalian is throwing long words into a sentence that are not needed. Usually employed by pompous arrogant people in a deliberate attempt to bamboozle and bullshit their opponents.

Sent from my iPhone 25S with cherries on top
Holy shit!

Not shit. Saltwater. Shit (even holy shit) does not weigh as much per cubic foot as salt or freshwater. It is roughly half the weight per cubic foot, therefore 40 billion short tons of shit would be 17 cubic miles.
Sesquipedalian is throwing long words into a sentence that are not needed. Usually employed by pompous arrogant people in a deliberate attempt to bamboozle and bullshit their opponents.

Sent from my iPhone 25S with cherries on top

They're only long words to you cowardly, crybaby simpletons. Come out of your closets and you might learn something.
Not shit. Saltwater. Shit (even holy shit) does not weigh as much per cubic foot as salt or freshwater. It is roughly half the weight per cubic foot, therefore 40 billion short tons of shit would be 17 cubic miles.

Can you give me an idea of the volume of a ton of CO2? Just to complete the picture in my mind's eye? I suspect altitude (or pressure) will really complicate things for me.
Says he who hardly ventures from the lemming Safe Space thread lol.

I've looked around and find you rightards doing your little circle jerks everywhere. If you believe I'm missing some erudite and worthwhile conversation, feel free to point it out. But from what I can see a simple conversation even with you is impossible. You go right for the shittiest end of the stick immediately, and can't follow even your own thoughts, let alone someone else's.