trump: oblivious moron or psychotically narcissistic oblivious moron?

Can you give me an idea of the volume of a ton of CO2? Just to complete the picture in my mind's eye? I suspect altitude (or pressure) will really complicate things for me.

At sea level and at 77 Deg F and 14.7 psi ( 1 atmosphere) on ton of pure CO2 occupies 730 cubic feet.
Jets are just part of it.

These people live extravagantly. What's his names [the actor] yacht is a multi-diesel powered monstrosity that spews more carbon into the atmosphere in one 800 mile trip to wherever, than you or I would put together, in years. They don't have one modest two story home, but several very large ones. You and I would probably have to bundle out paychecks just cover the monthly power bill---in just one of them. And they don't just jet to their climate worship services---they jet all the time, privately.

They are hypocrites of the first order.

excellent point. consider al Gores' home



E-mail compares George W. Bush's eco-friendly ranch with Al Gore's energy-expending mansion.

A 20-room mansion (not including 8 bathrooms) heated by natural gas. Add on a pool (and a pool house) and a separate guest house all heated by gas.
In ONE MONTH ALONE this mansion consumes more energy than the average American household in an ENTIRE YEAR. The average bill for electricity andnatural gas runs over $2,400.00 per month. In natural gas alone (which last time we checked was a fossil fuel), this property consumes more than 20 times the national average for an American home. This house is not in a northern or Midwestern “snow belt,” either. It’s in the South.
you don't fly private jets around the world to do it- if carbon emission is your big issue.

If you believe that carbon emissions are the problem - systemic change is needed. Not symbolic individual action.

That's like saying that someone who is for a border wall should be down there patrolling.
If you believe that carbon emissions are the problem - systemic change is needed. Not symbolic individual action.

That's like saying that someone who is for a border wall should be down there patrolling.
I do not need to be lectured about it by Al Gore, De Caprio or the other hypocritical yahoos.
In fact their preaching on the issue tends to drive me away from their POV.
I do not need to be lectured about it by Al Gore, De Caprio or the other hypocritical yahoos.
In fact their preaching on the issue tends to drive me away from their POV.

Well, that's the nature of your side. You don't think things out logically - you tend to have more emotional reactions to things, and vote more to "stick it" to people like the media & lefties than based on any rational assessment of the issues.
Why would they need too? This newfangled thing called teleconferencing is here. You can see in real time who you are talking to and everything!

I guess you do not realize this, but relationships and trust are built at face to face meetings, and at policy workgroup meetings. There is no other way to do brainstorming and policy than in face to face in real time.

I mean, I don't know if you simply have no experience or contact with the professional world, but that is just a fact.

Teleconferencing and webinars have their place, but I assume you are smart enough to realize they don't replace all human interactions.
If you believe that carbon emissions are the problem - systemic change is needed. Not symbolic individual action.

That's like saying that someone who is for a border wall should be down there patrolling.

But that's the problem with liberals and their crusades.

Al Gore would institute policies that would hurt the common Joes but Al is rich enough he would either barely notice it or he would make a minor adjustment in his cash flow. In no conceivable instance would Al give up his private jet or his mansion.

With immigration, rich liberals would advocate policies that wouldn't affect them personally [gated neighborhoods, their kids go to schools that don't allow the brown skinned riff raff in] but it would affect the common Joes whose neighborhoods become infested with foreign gang bangers and etc.

In both instances, the issues are an abstraction to the rich progressives---it's up to the little guy to deal with the reality of their policy solutions.
But that's the problem with liberals and their crusades.

Al Gore would institute policies that would hurt the common Joes but Al is rich enough he would either barely notice it or he would make a minor adjustment in his cash flow. In no conceivable instance would Al give up his private jet or his mansion.

With immigration, rich liberals would advocate policies that wouldn't affect them personally [gated neighborhoods, their kids go to schools that don't allow the brown skinned riff raff in] but it would affect the common Joes whose neighborhoods become infested with foreign gang bangers and etc.

In both instances, the issues are an abstraction to the rich progressives---it's up to the little guy to deal with the reality of their policy solutions.

And it isn't the same w/ rich Republicans and healthcare?


Who cares how it affects Al Gore. It's either an issue that should be addressed, or it isn't. Like I said in my response to anatta, you guys are far to emotional when you consider the issues.
Well, that's the nature of your side. You don't think things out logically - you tend to have more emotional reactions to things, and vote more to "stick it" to people like the media & lefties than based on any rational assessment of the issues.
hilarious. I am swayable like anyone else with a logical mind.
In fact I tend to agree on AGW warming being a cause -along with sun cycles etc.

I am more concerned though w/acidification -which destroys the earths lungs -why isn't this a priority?

what i do not agree on is stuff like the Paris Accord as a means to solve it,
not when we are subsidizing India and China's emissions..

I also think not using LNG -
which is much more carbon friendly then coal is "the enemy of the good is the perfect" hysteria
Umm. Anatta is not wrong to point out that there is a conflict between what climate researchers are telling us about climate change, and their tendency to fly around the world to conferences etc.

And some of them (but not many, yet) have sworn off flying. Others try to use Skype etc to participate via internet whenever possible.

Nor is it limited to the researchers. In Bill McKibben's last book, he admitted that he was starting to feel guilty about doing so much traveling, given the GHG emissions involved. He justified it in terms of his climate activism, and he is not wrong about that, either--there is obviously a difference between flying several thousand miles just to lie on a beach, and flying that distance to attend a conference, give a speech, coordinate activist activities (all three of which I think McKibben is doing on a typical trip).

But, we need to begin walking the walk...literally, when shorter distances are involved.....

If getting somewhere quickly is not necessary, it is often possible to travel more slowly and in a much more environmentally responsible fashion. I think that the options for doing so will gradually expand over time.
Umm. Anatta is not wrong to point out that there is a conflict between what climate researchers are telling us about climate change, and their tendency to fly around the world to conferences etc.

And some of them (but not many, yet) have sworn off flying. Others try to use Skype etc to participate via internet whenever possible.

Nor is it limited to the researchers. In Bill McKibben's last book, he admitted that he was starting to feel guilty about doing so much traveling, given the GHG emissions involved. He justified it in terms of his climate activism, and he is not wrong about that, either--there is obviously a difference between flying several thousand miles just to lie on a beach, and flying that distance to attend a conference, give a speech, coordinate activist activities (all three of which I think McKibben is doing on a typical trip).

But, we need to begin walking the walk...literally, when shorter distances are involved.....

If getting somewhere quickly is not necessary, it is often possible to travel more slowly and in a much more environmentally responsible fashion. I think that the options for doing so will gradually expand over time.

It's pure symbolism when compared to the volume of worldwide emissions. Literally no effect whatsoever either way.

Symbolism isn't important to me. Solutions are. Symbolism appeals more to those who are ruled more by emotion than logical thinking.
And it isn't the same w/ rich Republicans and healthcare?


Who cares how it affects Al Gore. It's either an issue that should be addressed, or it isn't. Like I said in my response to anatta, you guys are far to emotional when you consider the issues.

The problem is Medicade expansion is creating a new entitlement, and will impede our efforts for much needed entitlement reform ..
Republican HC only slows the growth of Medicade expansion less then the Dems.

we do not have this debate.. instead we have shrill charges of "killing people".

we desperately need single pay.
It's pure symbolism when compared to the volume of worldwide emissions. Literally no effect whatsoever either way.

Symbolism isn't important to me. Solutions are. Symbolism appeals more to those who are ruled more by emotion than logical thinking.

Symbols matter. If people see someone who is supposed to be a leader on environmental action, but engages in blatantly hypocritical acts, they will notice, they will wonder why they should take it seriously. And they will not be wrong to wonder.
I guess you do not realize this, but relationships and trust are built at face to face meetings, and at policy workgroup meetings. There is no other way to do brainstorming and policy than in face to face in real time.

I mean, I don't know if you simply have no experience or contact with the professional world, but that is just a fact.

Teleconferencing and webinars have their place, but I assume you are smart enough to realize they don't replace all human interactions.

Hello again.

Yes, face-to-face meetings remain essential for establishing trust. But once established, it can perhaps be maintained via teleconferencing, phone calls, Skypeing, etc.

We need to figure out how to do a lot of things--damn near everything, really--using much less energy and other resources than we have been using till now.

back tonite, I hope
Hello again.

Yes, face-to-face meetings remain essential for establishing trust. But once established, it can perhaps be maintained via teleconferencing, phone calls, Skypeing, etc.

We need to figure out how to do a lot of things--damn near everything, really--using much less energy and other resources than we have been using till now.

back tonite, I hope

No doubt.

In my experience, teleconference and webinars have their use for information exchange and training. Certain things can be handled by phone or skype.

Policy making and decision making need to be made face to face, in workgroups, meetings, ad hoc committees.

I have worked extensively on policy issues with decisions makers, and I cannot imagine having a substantive policy making and decision making agenda via skype. This holds especially true for public entities and governments , which are supposed to be accountable to the public and the free press and to be open and transparent.
It's pure symbolism when compared to the volume of worldwide emissions. Literally no effect whatsoever either way.

Symbolism isn't important to me. Solutions are. Symbolism appeals more to those who are ruled more by emotion than logical thinking.
So the fact that there were literally thousands of private jets flying in and out of Orly airport for that COP21 charade doesn't bother you in the slightest?

Sent from my iPhone 25S with cherries on top
Can you give me an idea of the volume of a ton of CO2? Just to complete the picture in my mind's eye? I suspect altitude (or pressure) will really complicate things for me.

X.O., I gave you some wrong information. That is what I get rushing through something and then leaving. The correct answer to that is:

At sea level and at 77 Deg F and 14.7 psi ( 1 atmosphere) on ton of pure CO2 occupies 19,642 cubic feet. Not 730. Sorry about that.
I guess you do not realize this, but relationships and trust are built at face to face meetings, and at policy workgroup meetings. There is no other way to do brainstorming and policy than in face to face in real time.

I mean, I don't know if you simply have no experience or contact with the professional world, but that is just a fact.

Teleconferencing and webinars have their place, but I assume you are smart enough to realize they don't replace all human interactions.

Laddie, or maybe just boy in your case, I do more worldwide business than you could wrap your arrogant little pea brain mind around. That being said, this conversation is about the use of energy and the effect of mans use of it on climate change.
I certainly would not expect someone like you to understand that if one is going to talk the talk, they should be walking the walk. There is nothing that some fraud like Al Gore or other hysterical fear mongers in the pursuit of personal monetary gain could not say over the phone or through teleconferencing. As a matter of fact, it helps when trying to confer a lot of data to a group of people. Something I am surprised a person of your "expertise" does not know. Then again, I am sure your "Americans against Trump" meetings would have no data or anything of importance to convey. Perhaps bitching and whining in real life sounds better to folks like you in real life than across a media such as teleconferencing.