trump: oblivious moron or psychotically narcissistic oblivious moron?

Well, Moonie, I never posted a link to that interview.

And I never mentioned the name Roberta here.

So you are in violation, aren't you?

Wanna tempt me further?

No, you didn't post the link to the WaPo. Your buddy and Trumpster (probably a Cruzer then), Otis, posted it and sought your permission retroactively. Since his post was not erased, and he continued to post, I'm sure I'm not the only one who recognized that you had granted permission. The article in the WaPo gave your full name, so there was no need for any forumite to have previous knowledge.
Let's face it: you saw an opportunity to get your name in the news, and you grabbed it, without thinking about possible consequences.
Lift your left hoof if you have any reason to doubt that she's a Trump supporter.
Well, Moonie, I never posted a link to that interview.

And I never mentioned the name Roberta here.

So you are in violation, aren't you?

Wanna tempt me further?
You splashed every possible detail so we'd be sure to see your name in print. You can take the hillbilly out of the hills but you can't take the hills out of the hillbilly.
You splashed every possible detail so we'd be sure to see your name in print. You can take the hillbilly out of the hills but you can't take the hills out of the hillbilly.

Let's replay, for a moment, the Great Fire of Washington, D.C.
Searching out any attention she can attract, Roberta announced that she and her husband had suffered a kitchen fire, stating the date and time of such.
Another poster, browsing 'Local News' came upon the reporting of such a fire, in which the home owner gave her name. I think (correct me if I am wrong) it was the reporter who gave the street address.
If I decided to brag (which I never do - never? - hardly ever), and I announced on the forum that I had passed the online Jeopardy test, and posted a screenshot that showed my test results, name and address, could I then run to the mods to complain that some other forum member had read my post, and had commented about it? 'Data mining' I think it's called.
Irresponsible, unethical snitches.
Trump voters. But I repeat myself.
They are using oxygen that mosquitoes put to better use.
Fuck 'em.
No, you didn't post the link to the WaPo. Your buddy and Trumpster (probably a Cruzer then), Otis, posted it and sought your permission retroactively. Since his post was not erased, and he continued to post, I'm sure I'm not the only one who recognized that you had granted permission. The article in the WaPo gave your full name, so there was no need for any forumite to have previous knowledge.
Let's face it: you saw an opportunity to get your name in the news, and you grabbed it, without thinking about possible consequences.
Lift your left hoof if you have any reason to doubt that she's a Trump supporter.

Let's replay, for a moment, the Great Fire of Washington, D.C.
Searching out any attention she can attract, Roberta announced that she and her husband had suffered a kitchen fire, stating the date and time of such.
Another poster, browsing 'Local News' came upon the reporting of such a fire, in which the home owner gave her name. I think (correct me if I am wrong) it was the reporter who gave the street address.
If I decided to brag (which I never do - never? - hardly ever), and I announced on the forum that I had passed the online Jeopardy test, and posted a screenshot that showed my test results, name and address, could I then run to the mods to complain that some other forum member had read my post, and had commented about it? 'Data mining' I think it's called.
Irresponsible, unethical snitches.
Trump voters. But I repeat myself.
They are using oxygen that mosquitoes put to better use.
Fuck 'em.

That's a lot of words - wasted on a vacuity that stinks.

then why have you followed these people here

go back to USMB

Excellent post!
Here's the catch: when she posts at USMB, most people just yawn.
Here, she thinks she has a whole NEW audience of non-yawners.
The topics that I and Moonie have been discussing are not to her liking, but 'bad publicity is better than no publicity'.
Of course, she has come to depend on mods who run at her beck and call, but it looks like that won't happen here.
To even discuss moderator action at USMB results in banning.
She's not alone.
You'll figure out her allies.
Excellent post!
Here's the catch: when she posts at USMB, most people just yawn.
Here, she thinks she has a whole NEW audience of non-yawners.
The topics that I and Moonie have been discussing are not to her liking, but 'bad publicity is better than no publicity'.
Of course, she has come to depend on mods who run at her beck and call, but it looks like that won't happen here.
To even discuss moderator action at USMB results in banning.
She's not alone.
You'll figure out her allies.
Well I've already figured out that you're another sanctimonious arsehole.

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Rancor in West Wing as Trump Can’t Escape Russia Stories


  • Every time President Trump tries to put the furor of Russian meddling behind him, more disclosures thrust it back to the fore.
  • People close to him are anonymously blaming one another.

Trump Says Son Is ‘Innocent’ Amid Reports of Meeting


The president took to Twitter to jump to the defense of his son, embracing the theory that he may even have been “the victim.”

tThe president’s advisers have insisted the campaign had no contact with various Russian insiders — claims later proved false.

Digging Up ‘Oppo’ Dirt on Candidates Is Standard. But Not by Hostile Nations.

Donald Trump Jr. was looking for dirt on rivals, a typical part of modern campaigns. But information is not usually harvested from, say, Russia.

Reactions on Right and Left to Email Revelations

Writers from across the political spectrum discuss the disclosure of Donald Trump Jr.’s meeting with a Russian lawyer.


"love it"

Anyway, back to the important stuff. Not Her had morphed from one of the downtrodden Republicans in the DC bureaucracy to being interviewed as one of the even tinier group of inside the Beltway Trump fanatics. That was the lead up to her breathless announcement that the story, her story, is in the WaPo. I followed up by mocking her by pretending that some plump blond six or eight inches taller than Not Her was her. It was the forum equivalent to a multi-vehicle collision on the 405 that tied up the HOV and 2 inside lanes for six hours. I was having a fun time. The only complaint was from OE who was appalled that I had willfully made a complete shambles of the forum for half a day.

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Waay, waay back. And you had the likes of Moonie and The Professional to keep reminding you. However, only the really creepy actually acted upon it.
While you openly revealed my name, then deny it until your nose is rubbed in it, then ignore it as you complain about others, you mendacious bitch.
While you openly revealed my name, then deny it until your nose is rubbed in it, then ignore it as you complain about others, you mendacious bitch.

That's an affirmative, Not Her in a nutshell. I just spent the last half hour unsuccessfully looking for a text graphic meme that describes both Trump Sr and Jr beginning with the line "I didn't do it" and ending with "you deserved it". Same applies to Not Her.
Is that a threat?

I knew your name because of your bragging on the forum about the fact that you were interviewed by The WaPo as you attempted to become a Trump delegate. You had also bragged about your Facebook page, so, now that I knew your name which was published in the WaPo (and a link to the article posted with your permission, by your friend, Otis) I went to look at it. There, I saw a link named 'My Husband's Facebook Page'. I already knew that your husband was a poster on the forum, (both of you talk about it) so I looked at his page, and in particular, his cute Youtube video of himself.
You complained to the same Mod who fucked up BV and Moonie, and you won that round.

You are maintaining that Facebook and Youtube are personal and private property. Next, you'll be telling us that anything printed in the WaPo is personal and private, too.

Give me a fucking break.

BTW. Stop responding to those emails from the Nigerian Prince.

I did not post the WaPo article and I most certainly NEVER posted a link to my husband's Facebook page. You are lying. Lying.

The point is that on the other board -- and here too -- data mining is forbidden. And Moonie data mined me and published the information there.

You are an instigator. You add nothing substantively to any discussion. Your purpose is to stir up discontent.
We were all there, you were so proud of your Trump Troll interview with the WaPo that you just could not contain yourself. You did yourself in, and disclosing your ID is a violation on this forum. So refresh us and give us the WaPo link, again. Please.

But I didn't post it.

So you are full of shit.

And you are diverting from your own misdeed of data mining me on Facebook. Which you damn well know you did.
Yes, it is true, you outed yourself last year. No one did anything except you. Nothing but nothing will change the facts of the matter. And that was either the second, third or fourth time you've disclosed your ID. Bob Cat also let the cats out of the bag himself.

Who's Bob Cat? There's no poster here by that name.

None on the other board either.