trump: oblivious moron or psychotically narcissistic oblivious moron?

No, you didn't post the link to the WaPo. Your buddy and Trumpster (probably a Cruzer then), Otis, posted it and sought your permission retroactively. Since his post was not erased, and he continued to post, I'm sure I'm not the only one who recognized that you had granted permission. The article in the WaPo gave your full name, so there was no need for any forumite to have previous knowledge.
Let's face it: you saw an opportunity to get your name in the news, and you grabbed it, without thinking about possible consequences.
Lift your left hoof if you have any reason to doubt that she's a Trump supporter.

Diversion from the fact that Moonie data mined me and my sister on Facebook. And published it on USMB.

He did, that's a fact, and he paid for it.
You splashed every possible detail so we'd be sure to see your name in print. You can take the hillbilly out of the hills but you can't take the hills out of the hillbilly.

I never posted the link so that's a lie. Among all the others you've told today and the denial of what you did that was against the rules.

You're a sick person. We all know that. Kaykan is a troublemaker and instigator.
then why have you followed these people here

go back to USMB

I will. But you should be aware of the company you are keeping.

These people are not good individuals. Some of them are mentally ill. Others are just evil.

And some are just plain boring.
Junior is informed that Russian gov't is helping his daddy as part of him agreeing to a meeting with somebody he was told was a part of Putin's government, offering to help daddy's campaign. He never told daddy, but daddy announced a couple of days later that he would soon be making a major announcement on Hillary dirt. He has the meeting with the Russian one floor below where daddy was at the time. It was important enough to him that he invited Jared and daddy's campaign manager, but not important enough to mention to daddy. trump-ettes ask, "Is that all you got? I can deep throat absurdities twice that size! For example, I am just fine with your current defense that you and yours are too damn stupid to know what you were doing."

To be fair, there is some evidence that a trump with the attention span and intellectual curiosity of gnat a has the best case that he doesn't know what's going on around him since St. Raygun set the record for most I-don't-recalls by a president giving testimony. The really bothersome part is how so many of his groupies are okay with that.
Excellent post!
Here's the catch: when she posts at USMB, most people just yawn.
Here, she thinks she has a whole NEW audience of non-yawners.
The topics that I and Moonie have been discussing are not to her liking, but 'bad publicity is better than no publicity'.
Of course, she has come to depend on mods who run at her beck and call, but it looks like that won't happen here.
To even discuss moderator action at USMB results in banning.
She's not alone.
You'll figure out her allies.

What do you talk about other than gossip about other posters?
I will. But you should be aware of the company you are keeping.

These people are not good individuals. Some of them are mentally ill. Others are just evil.

And some are just plain boring.

You'll be back looking for lies to spread, asses to kiss, and opportunities to snitch. Good thing, because we would hate to have to go without the rapier wit displayed here:

Talking about yourself?
Bertha's defense for her lies is an amusing one. People point out that she boasted of being interviewed as a trump fluffer, she says she never provided a link to the article and calls the other person a liar for claiming she did.

Provided with proof that she is an habitually lying, hypocritical snitch, Bertha insists that she has never once shoplifted on Mars, and it is shameful how people tell lies that she has. The denial itself is pretty good evidence that Bertha has been wandering Martian shopping malls.
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Bertha's defense for her lies is an amusing one. People point out that she boasted of being interviewed as a trump fluffer, she says she never provided a link to the article and calls the other person a liar for claiming she did.

Provided with proof that she is an habitually lying, hypocritical snitch, Bertha insists that she has never once shoplifted on Mars, and it is shameful how people tell lies that she has. The denial itself is pretty good evidence that Bertha has been wandering Martian shopping malls.

Why did they move your thread to the slumming part of the forum?

No political content to speak of?
I did not post the WaPo article and I most certainly NEVER posted a link to my husband's Facebook page. You are lying. Lying.

The point is that on the other board -- and here too -- data mining is forbidden. And Moonie data mined me and published the information there.

You are an instigator. You add nothing substantively to any discussion. Your purpose is to stir up discontent.
You're a liar 1st class. Bob put up a video of himself doing pull ups at some military-civilian "event" in a hotel meeting room in DC. I know you're near midget height (because you've said so several dozen times while touting your fashion snob shopping) and that woman I "data mined" clearly wasn't you. I picked her photo because she's big. The whole thing was a big joke on you, idiot.
You're a liar 1st class. Bob put up a video of himself doing pull ups at some military-civilian "event" in a hotel meeting room in DC. I know you're near midget height (because you've said so several dozen times while touting your fashion snob shopping) and that woman I "data mined" clearly wasn't you. I picked her photo because she's big. The whole thing was a big joke on you, idiot.

Admitting that you data mined! And you're lying about what you posted. Of course, Moonie, you live in denial about yourself. Something isn't quite right with you.
We were trying to hide from habitually lying, hypocritical snitches.

Didn't work.

No, you can't hide from yourself. Because you have snitched in the past, most notably against Otium. Not to mention the legion of others on your side, some of whom have joined you here, who have snitched on righties on every single board except that last one.

Who snitched on Rawley? That really was the last straw. It wasn't a rightie, that I can say with definity. So which of you creeps did it?
But I didn't post it.

So you are full of shit.

And you are diverting from your own misdeed of data mining me on Facebook. Which you damn well know you did.

I didn't say you posted the URL to the WaPo interview, I said you splashed the details on the forum such as the name of the paper (WaPo), the topic (Wingnuts in DC) the subject (YOU), the date, blah blah fucking blah. For Christ's sake, just contain yourself for once!

And since we both agree that the photo wasn't you (the only similarity was the bottle blond hair, it only worked because she was on the fat and tall side so I could make jokes about you getting wildly out of shape) I wasn't breaking any rules. Wow, you're making it like picking on you is making fun of the developmentally challenged. I'm starting to wonder if that's not the actual case.
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I didn't say you posted the URL to the WaPo interview, I said you splashed the details on the forum such as the name of the paper (WaPo), the topic (Wingnuts in DC) the subject (YOU), the date, blah blah fucking blah. For Christ's sake, just contain yourself for once!

I think you are the one who needs containing.

As usual, you've made up a narrative in your mind and want to run it into the ground. Like with Regan and Dorisjeanne.
No, you can't hide from yourself. Because you have snitched in the past, most notably against Otium. Not to mention the legion of others on your side, some of whom have joined you here, who have snitched on righties on every single board except that last one.

Who snitched on Rawley? That really was the last straw. It wasn't a rightie, that I can say with definity. So which of you creeps did it?

Bertha finds a lack of pride to be liberating. It frees her to add I-know-you-are "wit" to her lying and hypocrisy. And, it is interesting that for all your fascist squealing about how people should follow rules, the one exception you are willing to make is a rule against posting racist crap that caused Crawly and Otedium such problems.Guess kissing Old Lady Flush ass brought out your true nature.

Luckily, you found a safe place where you can squeal bigotry with impugnity, confident that you have a pet mod who will protect his herd and ban liberals.
Bertha finds a lack of pride to be liberating. It frees her to add I-know-you-are "wit" to her lying and hypocrisy. And, it is interesting that for all your fascist squealing about how people should follow rules, the one exception you are willing to make is a rule against posting racist crap that caused Crawly and Otedium such problems.Guess kissing Old Lady Flush ass brought out your true nature.

Luckily, you found a safe place where you can squeal bigotry with impugnity, confident that you have a pet mod who will protect his herd and ban liberals.

They posted nothing racist. Neither of them.

However, someone on your side accused them of such. And you are diverting the discussion to avoid admitting that you have snitchers in your own midst.

And that your little stunt in coming here is nothing but a sham.
I never posted the link so that's a lie. Among all the others you've told today and the denial of what you did that was against the rules.

You're a sick person. We all know that. Kaykan is a troublemaker and instigator.

It's a lie to say I said you posted the link. Your buddy Nazi Punk did that. I only asked you to repeat it here, not that you didn't do everything but post the URL.
They posted nothing racist. Neither of them.

Did I mention that you are a prolific liar?

Why do you do this? Everybody there knows what happened, but you lie out of reflex, anyway. Otedium kept posting racist crap and had been warned about it. One time he posted it again, and I pointed out how it was against the rules. He dared me to tell the mods. I found the idea of busting your fellow snitch to be amusing, so I did. Otedium then went nuts trying to get around the short ban and got himself banned for good. Soon after that, Crawly got busted for ignoring the rules against racism. Soon after that, the forum shut down over the squealing from your herd, so you and the other swine started oinking on a thread I started elsewhere. And now you've brought your sliminess here. Unfortunately, you seem lost without your pet rightard mod, and other than Millie, none of the local Deplorables seem impressed by your up sucking and your "Me, me, me," anecdotes. You might as well go smell up your safe place.