trump: oblivious moron or psychotically narcissistic oblivious moron?

Admitting that you data mined! And you're lying about what you posted. Of course, Moonie, you live in denial about yourself. Something isn't quite right with you.

I posted a photo of an overweight bottle blond with the intention of razzing you for being phat. If it actually were you, a bottle blond evil wraith, I would not have been able to make phat jokes. How could I have made phat jokes if some other bottle blond didn't eat your pudding?
I think you are the one who needs containing.

As usual, you've made up a narrative in your mind and want to run it into the ground. Like with Regan and Dorisjeanne.

Judy is a 4x Bush voter. Dolt is a complete fucking phraud. Well, not totally, she is a genuine racist illiterate.
I did not post the WaPo article and I most certainly NEVER posted a link to my husband's Facebook page. You are lying. Lying.

The point is that on the other board -- and here too -- data mining is forbidden. And Moonie data mined me and published the information there.

You are an instigator. You add nothing substantively to any discussion. Your purpose is to stir up discontent.

This is the third time I have said that Otis posted the link to the WaPo article, and then asked your permission AFTERWARDS. Why didn't you run to the mods and demand he be banned?

I'm not an instigator, I'm a truth teller.
And you hate it.
They posted nothing racist. Neither of them.

However, someone on your side accused them of such. And you are diverting the discussion to avoid admitting that you have snitchers in your own midst.

And that your little stunt in coming here is nothing but a sham.

You mean the genocidal Nazi Punk isn't a racist? I suppose you "axed" him and he told you he's just calling a spade a kneegrow?
Maybe someone can find the WaPo article about Bertha's delegate quest, and post it here?
Just asking?
Has anyone tried the Waybackmachine?
Just asking.
I gave you a 'Thanks', but it isn't enough.
That is a beautifully crafted post, Moonie.

I should have used 'EDIT' for this.
Moonie, your post is an example of what BV meant when he cautioned OE not to Iggy you solely because of content. You demonstrate a wonderful use of language.
I think most people miss the innuendo, but I look forward to reading it.
You're doing a great job. Don't get banned!
I should have used 'EDIT' for this.
Moonie, your post is an example of what BV meant when he cautioned OE not to Iggy you solely because of content. You demonstrate a wonderful use of language.
I think most people miss the innuendo, but I look forward to reading it.
You're doing a great job. Don't get banned!

Que sera sera.
Just in case you have Moonie on Iggy, here's a segment (reminds one of insects?) of the WaPo article that Spotlight-on, Cameras-on TrumpGirl gave to the MSM, and then screeched about 'data mining'.

By Marc FisherFebruary 22, 2016

Roberta Miller, who lives on Capitol Hill, says that for most of the 38 years she worked for the federal government, 23 of them at the Environmental Protection Agency, “I was in the closet about being a Republican. I only told close friends. At one point, at the EPA, there was a handful of us, and we had our own little private email group.”
Now that she’s retired, though, she’s more open about having chosen Trump, and she says her friends “just accept it as me being me.” At a fashion event the other night, Miller, 64, told a couple of liberal, longtime Obama-supporting friends that she was now a Trump backer, and they surprised her by saying they were for him, too.
Miller’s niece and nephew, who support Bernie Sanders, gave her some grief, but she figures they’re really not that far apart. “Trump and Sanders are both very authentic,” she said. “They don’t pussyfoot around. Good manners are important, but you have to name the problems.”
Miller was a Carly Fiorina supporter but decided that her party had chosen enough unelectable presidential candidates. “I voted for Mitt Romney holding my nose,” she said. “He was way too programmed.”
In a way, Miller believes, Trump may be better matched to D.C. voters than other Republican candidates. “Their totally anti-government rhetoric is over the top, and Trump recognizes there’s an important role for government,” she said. “Obviously, I support government or I wouldn’t have spent my career in it.”

She didn't need help to pull up her ladder.

This article was first linked to on a USMB forum, by a Trumpgirl supporter, who, retroactively, asked for her permission, which, apparently, she gave.
'Any coverage is good coverage'.

MODS: did you notice I used MSM, publicly available reports, and did NOT use any pedophile accusations?

He knew my name or had derived it from the past, went to my Facebook page, determined who my sister was, went to her page, and posted his view of information she posted on USMB. He was incorrect in his assumption, but he data mined as I had NEVER mentioned my sister's name or even much about her on USMB other than the fact that I had a sister. Her last name is different from mine, BTW, so it wasn't obvious. It was a blatant violation. Would even be one here.

Don't go further, Kaykan.

You have given the entire forum your name, Lying NotRoberta....there is no law against accessing public information.
Waay, waay back. And you had the likes of Moonie and The Professional to keep reminding you. However, only the really creepy actually acted upon it.

Would you post the date of your appearance in the WashPost....

Just the date.....we'll figure out how much time has elapsed since.