trump: oblivious moron or psychotically narcissistic oblivious moron?

I should have used 'EDIT' for this.
Moonie, your post is an example of what BV meant when he cautioned OE not to Iggy you solely because of content. You demonstrate a wonderful use of language.
I think most people miss the innuendo, but I look forward to reading it.
You're doing a great job. Don't get banned!

The Dog on his game is priceless.

I believe you were the one who recommended Appaloosa to me. I have a complaint. Started reading it last night, and according to my kindle I am more than 40% done with it. At this rate I will not get enough of it.

That was someone else.......but if you like that feeling, get Warlock, by Oakley Hall . it's not what you think.....pulitzer finalist.
I will. But you should be aware of the company you are keeping.

These people are not good individuals. Some of them are mentally ill. Others are just evil.

And some are just plain boring.
No good talking to her, she is the JPP nutter. Nobody that knows takes her crap seriously.

Sent from my Lenovo K52e78 using Tapatalk

I believe you were the one who recommended Appaloosa to me. I have a complaint. Started reading it last night, and according to my kindle I am more than 40% done with it. At this rate I will not get enough of it.

Then you can read the others in the series. Do you want the files?

The Movie is not bad either.
Warlock is great, too. Which I have just downloaded. You can have the file for that one as well if you like.
Moonie, your post is an example of what BV meant when he cautioned OE not to Iggy you solely because of content. You demonstrate a wonderful use of language.

Don't you think I know what BV meant? Did I not explain, back then, that Moonietunes's occasional brilliance doesn't detract from this serious illness of his, namely, his thousands of iterations of the same set of accusations, mostly raised against the females of the board, in pursuit of his set of vendettas? Can't you see how dysfunctional a behavior that is?

Come to think of it, it's the same dysfunctionality that has, on the occasion of the vacuity-that-stinks alighting here, has the board hyperventilating and screeching about the same set of sordid, inane lies that has had the board hyperventilating and screeching hundreds of times before. Also, this never-failing attention is what causes the continued infestation of this board with the vacuity that stinks, and everybody knows it:

The old thread is mostly Rhiney and Tyrone and LVat fighting with the likes of SPRAYIT, BreakingWind, ChlamydiaBear, and Little Lord Doodle. Hard for Bertha to get a good lip-lock on any of that. Lying skank is lonely.

As a public service, liberals, back then and now, bring the board down to their level to accommodate those they reject as lying, resentful, intellectually lazy lowlifes. Because, no attention-seeking, "lying skank" shall ever feel lonely by dint of her being an attention-seeking, "lying skank". Think that through and tell me it doesn't boggle the mind.
Oh, no! Oh, God, no! Trump says he will be "very angry". I guess he's holding "very, very angry" in reserve.

What a fucking amateurish goof. Are you Trumpkins embarrassed? If not, why not? Have you completely lost your minds?

Never mind. Rhetorical.
I never posted the link so that's a lie. Among all the others you've told today and the denial of what you did that was against the rules.

You're a sick person. We all know that. Kaykan is a troublemaker and instigator.

Believe it or not, if you leave this board and return to USMB, no one here will talk about you.
No good talking to her, she is the JPP nutter. Nobody that knows takes her crap seriously.

Sent from my Lenovo K52e78 using Tapatalk

Trump Girl and Cosmosita are here because they think you righties have to be told what to think about other posters.

And why wouldn't they?
Just in case you have Moonie on Iggy, here's a segment (reminds one of insects?) of the WaPo article that Spotlight-on, Cameras-on TrumpGirl gave to the MSM, and then screeched about 'data mining'.

By Marc FisherFebruary 22, 2016

Roberta Miller, who lives on Capitol Hill, says that for most of the 38 years she worked for the federal government, 23 of them at the Environmental Protection Agency, “I was in the closet about being a Republican. I only told close friends. At one point, at the EPA, there was a handful of us, and we had our own little private email group.”
Now that she’s retired, though, she’s more open about having chosen Trump, and she says her friends “just accept it as me being me.” At a fashion event the other night, Miller, 64, told a couple of liberal, longtime Obama-supporting friends that she was now a Trump backer, and they surprised her by saying they were for him, too.
Miller’s niece and nephew, who support Bernie Sanders, gave her some grief, but she figures they’re really not that far apart. “Trump and Sanders are both very authentic,” she said. “They don’t pussyfoot around. Good manners are important, but you have to name the problems.”
Miller was a Carly Fiorina supporter but decided that her party had chosen enough unelectable presidential candidates. “I voted for Mitt Romney holding my nose,” she said. “He was way too programmed.”
In a way, Miller believes, Trump may be better matched to D.C. voters than other Republican candidates. “Their totally anti-government rhetoric is over the top, and Trump recognizes there’s an important role for government,” she said. “Obviously, I support government or I wouldn’t have spent my career in it.”

She didn't need help to pull up her ladder.

This article was first linked to on a USMB forum, by a Trumpgirl supporter, who, retroactively, asked for her permission, which, apparently, she gave.
'Any coverage is good coverage'.

MODS: did you notice I used MSM, publicly available reports, and did NOT use any pedophile accusations?

A follow-up to trump girl's post: Hillary won 90.9% and Trump 4.1% of the vote in D.C.