trump: oblivious moron or psychotically narcissistic oblivious moron?

I left last night about 8:30 PM or so and there was a constant stream, from BV, the Icepole himself, till early morning.

So you're wrong.

It's no secret that BV (and Ricky) make you moist. Fortunately, it's safe to life your tail in cyberspace. Got any sniffs?
Good grief Bill, these morons aren't very bright. They've just shortened Milagro to Millie. My new name for BV is Blubbering Vagina[emoji767]

Once again, cowardly Millie thinks of the most repulsive insult he can and comes up with female genitalia. We are dealing with some heavy mommy issues here, folks.
Really weird that trump is in Paris. You don't usually associate Paris with good golf courses. Gotta be really desperate to get out of town to go to a place where only 14% approve of him - Obama enjoyed an average 85% approval.

Make America Grate Again.
vaginas are bad to some people

yeah hating mommy is big in con land

It's always the Mother. That's one thing that is truly non-partisan. Oh, sure, there are vicious, controlling Fathers, but the kids hold Mommy responsible for not stopping him.
In other news from the gang that couldn't shoot straight, Jared has revised his security application three times now, adding hundreds of names of foreign contacts. There is much talk that the son-in-law trump put in charge of everything is going to lose his security clearance. One WH spokesman was asked if he has lost his clearance and they replied "No comment."
Spin on trump conduct continues to evolve. While relying mostly on the argument that trump and spawn are too stupid to understand they were doing bad things, the argument that there is no crime against colluding with America's #1 adversary is not technically illegal. Hillary-did-it-worse also remains popular.
Judiciary Democrats want Sessions to hand over documents in settlement of Prevezon case – and ask if generous settlement is related to Preet's firing
Democrats in the House Judiciary Committe want *Attorney General Jeff Sessions to turn over documents related to the Prevezon case*
The Democratic lawmakers are suspicous of the Trump administration's decision to settle with the Russian company, Prevezon, a real estate investment firm*
Natalia Veselnitskaya, the lawyer who met with Donald Trump Jr, represented the owner of the company*
Democrats are also curious if U.S. attorney Preet Bharara was fired over the fact that he went after Prevezon*
'Why was a Russian money-laundering case involving more than $230 million dismissed without explanation?' Rep. John Conyers, D-Mich., wants to know*

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Once again, the news media puts on trumpy Nazi Sebastian v. Gorka (the "v." is a badge of recognition among Hungarian Nazis) with a fake Ph.D. to spread look-at-Hillary lies, treating the slimeball as if he were a human being.
You just know Millie as a child annoyed the hell out of his neighbors by constantly writing dirty words in chalk on the sidewalk.
It is also interesting that in changing his name from Millie to Cora, Millie retained the self-loathing misogyny/mommy-issues aspect of his Norman Bates schizophrenia/psychosis.
Meanwhile, in news of actual importance to the people ...

Nevada has declared a state of emergency because of a pot shortage. Edible pot, popular with tourists wanting to avoid laws against public smoking, has virtually disappeared from shelves. The problem is not a matter of a lack of marijuana itself, but a bureaucratic mess that blocks the transportation of pot from production facilities to the shops where it is sold. For some reason, it can only be transported by companies licensed to transport booze, but none of them have licenses to transport pot.
Regressives have released their latest secret health care plan. They are hoping to reduce outrage by rushing a vote by next Tuesday, before people have much of a chance to see what it's all about and blast Regressive members. Early appraisal says it still cuts Medicaid expansion, offers too little to impact the opioid crisis, and creates a two-tier health care system - one for the poor and one for everyone else. Insurers are opposed to the latter because it creates an untenable pool where the healthy will buy the cheap, useless plan (maybe) while the sick will go for the better plan that will not have enough healthy people to make it viable. In other words, this change is simply a cosmetic fix to make trumpcare more palatable to Congresscritters hoping for enough cover to sucker their rubes.

In the end it appears this tuning of the scam is unlikely to be enough to lead to passage. Looks like trump is just going to have to be "very angry."