trump: oblivious moron or psychotically narcissistic oblivious moron?

no it oozes out even in your typed words

a sociopath for sure

Your mother must be so proud

or is she the reason you hate women
Looking more closely at ChlamydiaBear's latest suck up, I see that his "groans" per post rate is 47%. I've looked around a bit, and I haven't seen anybody on this forum who so self-defines as an impotent bitch. Throw that in with his up-sucking, general stupidity, limp wit, and recent posts in which he sexually slimed another poster's daughter, and I say he is already the lowest of the low in posters here. I apologize to this site for allowing such a diseased parasite to hitch a ride on the rest of us.

I assumed there must be some kind of golfing available in Paris. It just does not seem like that would occur to a feeble minded twit like trump. I know that while he hates worky stuff, he loves the pageantry and photo-ops of the kind of trip he is on now. And, of course he's trying to run away from his corruption and incompetence. I suppose one of his handlers might have told him there is good golfing available there and Paris would seem like a source of vicarious class to a tacky old brat like trump.
And while trump is taking a vacation in Paris away from his busy golfing schedule, his daughter and her husband Jared Kushner, Russian Ambassador to the US, are rubbing shoulders with billionaire media moguls in Sun Valley, Idaho, playground of the elite among elitists, because the trumps are all about draining the swamp and protecting the people from those seeking to use their money and power to influence regulations on stuff like, say, the hated Hollywood media elitists.

[h=1]Trump: Border Wall Needs Holes to See Cartel Hurling Drugs[/h]On Wednesday night, President Trump told reporters aboard Air Force One that he would want holes or “openings” dotting his border wall between the United States and Mexico because heavy bags of drugs thrown over the wall could kill innocent bystanders. “If you can't see through that [border] wall — so it could be a steel wall with openings, but you have to have openings because you have to see what's on the other side of the wall,” the president said, according to the White House travel pool. “I’ll give you an example: As horrible as it sounds, when they throw the large sacks of drugs over, and if you have people on the other side of the wall, you don't see them—they hit you on the head with 60 pounds of stuff? It’s over. As crazy as that sounds, you need transparency through that wall. But we have some incredible designs.”
And while trump is taking a vacation in Paris away from his busy golfing schedule, his daughter and her husband Jared Kushner, Russian Ambassador to the US, are rubbing shoulders with billionaire media moguls in Sun Valley, Idaho, playground of the elite among elitists, because the trumps are all about draining the swamp and protecting the people from those seeking to use their money and power to influence regulations on stuff like, say, the hated Hollywood media elitists.

[h=3]bobg[/h] earth

Diversion is a wonderful thing. It's not downsizing that is impoverishing's not the laser focus on next quarters's not layoffs to enhance the bottom's not the decimation of's not obscene executive's not ALEC.....not the Koch brothers....not the Chamber of Commerce.

Thanks to Rush/FOX/Hannity/Heritage et al Trump voters know the REAL truth. All their woes can be directly traced to:

$5 lattes
graduate degrees
commie professors
yoga classes
dens of iniquity (NYC, DC, San Francisco)

Due to the pernicious effect of the above, coal miners and former factory workers are suffering horribly--that's why they need "one of their own" to stand up for them....e.g. Trump!